Dear My Diary,
Yes, Today is my husband's birthday. This year he's 28 years old. Last nite, I was waiting till 12.01 midnight to say happy birthday to him. And I realised that JP time is 2 hours faster than Indo time. I mean, he was born in Indo so I must follow Indo time for him to exactly, completely, perfectly, turning his age, correct? I was about to plan to stay awake till 2am when he said that he was actually born at 9am Indo time. Does it mean that I have to stay awake till 11am JP time? So, I decided to use the original boring surprise-but-not-surprise, congratulating him at 12.01am!
Since I've been in house rest for months, I didn't have any proper preparation. He also didn't expect me to do anything. Only one thing that I could do to surprise him last night. It's still up to him to accept my gift or not. At least I want to show him my good intention, my effort, and how I care about his dream. Remember I told you about my husband's dream? Yes, it's fishing in the middle of ocean!
I printed this voucher out on photo paper, put inside an envelop, and gave it to him with my pink cheeks. I was really not confident giving this kind of present to him.

This fishing trip voucher has no expiry date. It's for 2 persons. And it's very convenient to book this trip because the reservation service is available 24/7. Because the booking can be done! *ah maluu* Well, you can say that it's not fair, he's the birthday guy but the present is for both of us. I have written clearly "bring your lovely wife" Hihihihi.. you know, it's not my first time giving birthday present for him, and also for myself. I bought couple watch for his birthday few years ago. There is a saying that the one's having a birthday should share his happiness to the people around him, rite? So, now I'm just trying to implement this.
Plan for tonite? I'm not sure. Honestly I'm a bit disappointed. Why? Because suddenly his boss from London is coming and asking him out for dinner tonite. It's okay, we can have our own dinner anytime but the dinner with his boss can only happen tonite. Think positive.. be an understanding wife.. this is my first test.. don't fail.. I can do it.. because I can walk now! Yes! Yes! Think about a good thing happening lately, I can walk now.. don't be sad.. don't be disappointed.. my birthday is coming soon too.. just wait for my birthday if I want to be pampered.. I'm talking non-sense now.. don't listen.. but I'm feeling better now.
p.s eh, is it possible that he's just bluffing me about having dinner with his boss while actually he's preparing surprise for me? But, I'm not the birthday girl, why should he surprise me?? Well, I'm just trying to think creative, think out of the box.
Mmm.... jadi yang bener ucapin ultah itu gimana?
- Pas jam 12:01 am local time.
- Pas jam 12:01 am waktu di mana yang bersangkutan lahir.
- Pas dengan jam lahir at local time.
- Pas dengan jam lahir di tempat di mana yang bersangkutan lahir.
Wow!! How did he react to the present? was he surprised? romantic :)
Koko, makanya aku juga bingung gimana harusnya ngucapin met ulang taonnya. Kalo my local time masih mending, ga beda jauh ma Indo time. La kalo Canada yg bedanya nyaris 1 hari gimana hayo?? Ambil tengah2nya yah?
Fang2, aku malu banget ngasi surprise kyk gitu karna ga biasa expressionist kayak bule kali ya. Pas ngasi juga hrs ngomong muter2 dulu alesan ngasih ini apa, sebab akibatnya, kenapa, bagaimana, kok isa, ga-ditrima-ya-gpp, dengan kata2 tersendat2 tutupan selimut.
waa.. mengucapkan kata2 ma tutupan selimut??
trus..trus.. reaksi kang ron piyee.......
*mauuu tauuuuuuuu aja yaaaaaa* -_-"
Hahaha tutupan selimut?? weleh weleh...:P
Reaksinya? Senyum memekar di ujung bibirnya saat melihat amplop berwarna coklat muda itu. Diputar-putarnya beberapa saat dengan tatapan penuh ingin tau sampai akhirnya dibukanya dengan perlahan-lahan. Mulut menganga, mata tidak berkedip, kulit pucat pasi. Setelah berhasil meredakan gejolak hatinya, dia menarik napas dalam2, tersenyum penuh arti, dan berkata.......
dan berkata................................................
ternyata ngomong ma tutupan selimut begitu manisnyaaaaaaa... so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttt..
oooiiiyaaaaa..... mpe lupaaaaaa..
Please say Happy Birthday to your husband ya....
*Not too late yet, am I??? Wel, better late than never, rite?*
Smoga panjang umurrr.. dan sehat selaluuuu..
Smoga makmurrr... disayang istri selaluuuu..
dan berkata.... "I love darling....".
Entar tak praktek-in juga ah... ngomong happy birthday ma tutupan selimut. Hasilnya pasti tokcer.
........dan berkata "Iki opo to?" Itulah kalimat pertama yang keluar dari mulutnya, selanjutnya........ terserah Anda! Hihihihi..
Koko, itu cara gak tokcerr, jgn diikutinn.. bayangin koko dengan badan gede, keberanian tingkat tinggi, semangat berkobar-kobar, cinta membara, ingin mengatakan "I love you darling", tapi sembunyi malu2 di dalam selimut, ngomongnya bisik2 sambil sebentar2 cekikikan, sampe gak ngeh kalo your wife lagi sibuk sesuatu and gak ndengerin. Makanya jangan praktekkan cara ini di rumah, resiko gak didengerinnya tinggi!
hahahahahaha... As usual, blog nya yap2 lebih menarik komen2nya drpd ceritanya. Tp kudu baca jg, biar tau jalan critanya....
.......dan berkata "iki opo to?"???
gitu aja???
kok ga seru amat???
waaaaaaaaaaa.. pembaca kecewaaaa..
jangan2 ada yg disensor neeeh.. terutama bagian ***** ituuu... hahaha...
Bagian ***** itu????
Bisa diperjelas miss safaroni, apa artinya ini? Kita2 tidak ngerti nih baca comment-nya.
namanya jg disensor... jdnya yah cm .. *****.. ajah.. huehuehueee..
Wahh..kok disensor sih cik? Yg baca wae dah sampe melotot. Pembaca kecewa ni..... Ayooo, ada yg niat crita full-nya nga si? Komen e dah byk bgt, tp point nya msh blom ketangkep.
....yg bersangkutan ga ks cerita komplit jg seh... Yah..cerita selanjutnya .................................................................................................................................................................................... *isilah titik2 diatas dgn jawaban menurut kreatifitas n imajinasi masing2 pembaca*
....yg bersangkutan ga ks cerita komplit jg seh... Yah..cerita selanjutnya .................................................................................................................................................................................... *isilah titik2 diatas dgn jawaban menurut kreatifitas n imajinasi masing2 pembaca*
Omo omo.. komennya udah sepanjang ini ternyata.. dengan berdasarkan sedikit bukti2 dan story, you all managed to discuss here there, assume here there, and masing2 conclude something. Suka ya maen detektip2an..
Eniw, kok *****? bintangnya ada 5, jadi ada 5 digits? Apa yah?? 'bobok'? 'tidur'? 'molor'?
Iyah, crita aslinya, abis itu langsung bobok kok karna udah jam 12 lebih and besoknya hrs bgn pagi2. Udah? Tidak ada imajinasi tingkat tinggi lagi??
Oh...btw, kalo pigi mancing ntar pulangnya langsung dimasak dunk ikannya.. *__* Wah...sedapnya...mancing berdua, masak berdua...hbs itu disantap berdua....
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