
Can you see? I'm walking now!!

Wednesday, 30 Jan 08, 1.16pm at home

Hellow diary,
Guess what? Doctor said that I could start walking now!! Yippee.. Yesterday I got the x-ray result good. I can start walking on flat surface only. I still can't wear high-heel shoes, I still can't run, I still can't step on stones, I still can't walk on sands. It's okay! I'm so happy that finally I walk using my two legs. It's been so long time since I used my right leg, now my right leg is still weak. I feel like it has no strength at all. I'll need to do some practices. You know what, it's not easy! I have to slowly change my habits:
- I used to jump using one leg.
- I used to start my step with my left leg
- I used to stretch my first step as far as possible before starting my jumps (to save distance)
- I used to walk with my dengkul if I'm too tired jumping around
- I used to sweep the floor by sitting on the chair
- I used to clean bathroom by sitting on the.....bathroom floor
- I used to keep my leg straight (because I was wearing supporter up to my kemfol)
- I used to put my leg on table whenever I sit
- I used to sleep with my feet wrapped up tightly
- I used to stand a bit megol to the left because I put all my weight to my left leg

Yesterday night, my husband took me to see doctor. On the way home, we celebrated my independence day by having dinner at Pepper Lunch. Yohooo! It's been so long time since I dinned in a restaurant. The feeling was so great and relieved!

Now I can start walking slowly. Should I go to saloon to fix my haircut? I'm too excited to compile my 'To Do List' and to put remarks on the priority items.

Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi... I can't stop smiling. Suddenly one line of wrinkle on my face has disappeared. Xixixixixixixixixixi... (smiling with my hand covering my mouth, alias 'senyum tersumbat')

Hi Tokyo, I'm ready to explore you!!



::aLb3rta:: said...

Woooowww.. Congratulationss.. You're walking now.. eh, I mean.. You're walking again now.. after jumping around for the last six weeks.. *it's been six weeks, rite??*
ga usa cepet2 pengen banyak jalan dulu.. pelan2 dulu aja.. ati2 yaa.. *ky celine lg blajar jalan*

aja.. aja...

AbigaiL said...

Iyah neh.. dah biasa jalan pake roda 4 (2 kaki plus 2 tongkat), sekarang cuma roda 2 takutnya nggoleng kalo pas belok.. perlu bawa payung mungkin.

Smangatnya aja membara, teriakannya "Aja Aja" kenceng, tapi jalannya lambat, hueheuheu...

Antony Pranata said...

Ternyata di sini "to be continued"-nya. Hahaha...

- I used to sleep "mlumah" (opo boso Inggris-e" coz cannot sleep in "miring mode".
- I used to cook with one leg on the chair.
- I used to take shower with... (piye yang ini carane???)

AbigaiL said...

I used to take shower with soap, water, and shower cap...

Anonymous said...

...no comment.
Soale kmr udah ndului.