Hi diary,
Again.. another snow in Tokyo on last Sunday. This time, the snow rain never stopped for 24 hours! I can't believe that Tokyo city had become a city in a fridge with ice every where. Before coming to Tokyo, I thought that it's very normal for Tokyo to snow. Actually it's not! So, don't blame me if I was too amazed!! The outside temperature was 0.6C. I did go out on Sunday, to see the Japanese used their transparent umbrellas (specially designed for snowing), to feel how snow fell on my own umbrella, to feel how the strong wind blew the snow upon me, to feel how the melting snow on the street wet my socks, and to let the snow sticked on my jacket and my hair. That was the heaviest snow rain with the strongest wind I've ever experienced in my life! I want to remember this moment and this feeling forever, that's why I put it in writing here. Probably that was my last snow in Tokyo, who knows??
Blognya sih tentang snow... Ayo kita mau ngomongin apa di komen nya?
Kasih quiz aja.... hayo kenapa snow kalo dikasih salt bisa lebih cepet mencair?
Oh ya? Kenapa yah?? Pasti ada sesuatunya yg membuat sesuatu menjadi meningkat sesuatunya sehingga terjadi sesuatu dimana panas terjadi sampai dapat membakar salju. Ide didapat dari: Kalo kita makan garam kebanyakan, mengakibatkan darah tinggi, gampang marah, hati panas, kata2nya pedas, sampai dapat membakar kalbu.
Aku pernah ngasi salt ke kepompong, mereka langsung keluar dari rumahnya trus mati melengkung.
Pertanyaan 1: Kenapa mereka harus kluar dari rumahnya dulu seblom mati? Apakah pintu rumahnya sebegitu sempit sampai peti jenazah gak bisa lewat?
Pertanyaan 2: Kenapa matinya melengkung?
Tuh kan.... bukan aku yang mulai loh.... Aku udah kasih topik tentang snow.... kalo tiba2 jadi kepompong... bukan salah beta.
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