
Planning a Kinki Trip

Thursday, 17 Jan 08, 7.22am at home

Morning diary,
My foot is getting better. The last time I saw my doctor, which was two days ago, the doctor said that I'll 'officially' be able to walk on 29th Jan. I was so happy when I heard the doctor said "Congratulation, you will be able to start walking slowly on 29th Jan! Of course after you get good result on your X-ray on the 29th". I choose not to hear the last sentence since it makes the situation unsure. You know what, I've been praying to God that I want to be able to walk before 30th Jan! Do you know what day 30th Jan is? Yes, it's Wednesday! That's not what I'm asking. 30th Jan is my husband's birthday!! It will be his first birthday after we got married. I want to prepare something for his big day. Until now, I still don't know what little surprise I should make. I think I need to walk around Shinjuku-Shibuya-Ginza for 5 hours before I can make the decision. Yes, it's me, plin-plan-gal.

Another news, I quit my job! I've resigned. It's been more than one month since the day I broke my foot. Since then, I've been absent from my job. It's okay, it's not a big problem. Being a full time housewife is also a good thing:
- I can concentrate on doing house works
- I can take care of my house members (I mean just a husband, at this moment)
- I can take care of my self (re-opening of Hargenas = Hari Genit National)
- I can focus on improving my cooking skill
- I'll have more quality time with my sisters thru msn
I believe that God is preparing something good for me now. Everything happens for a reason, right?

My husband's parents are coming in March. I'm now preparing another 5-days-trip to another part of Japan called Kinki; Kyoto-Osaka-Nara-Kobe. Most of the hotels in Kyoto have already been fully booked. I can't believe it, it's still more than 2 months to go! Maybe it's because of the sakura season which only blossoms once a year for just 1-2 weeks, and Kyoto is the best place to do hanami! (Mi = see, Hana = flower/nose, Hanami = see flower/nose. In this case, hanami means 'see flower' not 'see nose' nor 'being julink'. It's easy to remember, rite? Nose is as blossom as flower, that's why it sounds the same, I guess). Although it will not be my first time to visit Kyoto/Osaka/Nara, it will be my first time to see sakura, it will also be my first time having family trip with my husband's parents! So, I'm so excited planning this trip now!



Antony Pranata said...

More good things of being a full time housewife:

- I can read more books about pregnancy.
- I can start looking for a good name for baby.
- I can start learning how to take care of baby, from TV, books, magazines, ....
- I can start shopping for baby clothes.

Nah loh.... :))

AbigaiL said...

Hush! kok baby?

Ko, When is your turn? I'm sure Emi has already started reading those kind of books and shopping for baby clothes, ya to?? Wekeke..

Anonymous said...

Pesan dari ibu gendut buat adiknya:
1. Enjoy waktumu sebelum semua waktumu hbs buat ngurus si baby. Jgn lupa, baby nga cuma bobok manis mulu.
2. Pake bj cantik2 sebelum rusak body gitarmu.
3. Byk habiskan waktu untuk berdua selagi blum ada makhluk kecil yg bakal jd pihak ketiga termanis.

AbigaiL said...

Oh oh, special thanks to ibu gendut for the useful advices..

Anonymous said...

kok pd omg ttg baby neh...
bukane judule ttg kinki trip??

kalo jess emg lg waiting 4 lil baby n uda pengalaman ngurus baby celine.. so, nasehat2 n pengalamanya must be very2 useful..


AbigaiL said...

Iya neh Koko, smua postku selalu dihubungin ma baby teyuss.. Ntar ttg baby ada forum tersendiri, sabar.. sabar..