Hi diary,
You saw the prawn? I told you before, that my husband's favorite food is prawn, right? I like chicken, he likes prawn. We're quite opposite in term of our favorite food. The bigger the prawn, the happier he is. Since I've been in house-rest for more than 1 month, my husband is the one who has been doing the groceries shopping. You know, the typical raw food that he never forgets to buy is prawn! And, this time, he bought the biggest prawn he ever bought! It's not lobster, it's a prawn! It's probably the Grand-Great-God-Mother of Ebi. I call it a king prawn because I assume it must be the king of the prawn. I don't know what its real name is. Well, just want to keep these pictures for our forever memory here. ^_^
OMG!!! That is a HUGE prawn!!! Gile mahal gk tuh Fen? masaknya diapain? I love prawn as well...*slurp*...nyamm...
Waaaaaaaaaaaa...... Grand-Great-God-Mother of Ebi... bukane itu udang bago?? Udang emang yummy... apa lagi yg tipe kakek-eyang-embah-buyut-e udang.. mak nyooooooooossssss tenan..
Hueheuhue.. orang bilang BIG is BEAUTIFUL! Kita bilang, BIG is LEZATT!! Itu aku masaknya:
1. Kupas kulit udang (tengahnya aja, sisakan kepala dan buntut supaya tetap cantik).
2. Lumuri dengan kecap asin, minyak wijen, garam, merica.
3. Bakar di dalam oven.
4. Setelah matang, olesi sausnya (bawang bombay, kecap manis, kecap asin, merica trus ditumis, kasih air dikit)
Udang di sini gak mahal Fang. Satu gede gitu mentahnya kira2 harganya cuma US$5. Di sini seafood malah lebih murah daripada daging2 yang laen. Oh indahnya Jepun!
Itu nama indonya Udang Bago? Western Name-nya King Prawn?
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