Hellow again my little diary,
Whenever I see mirror, I'm so sad. You know why? Because I have thinning hair problem! Well, up to you if you want to say that I'm a problematic lady; from the top to the bottom, from the hair to the foot! It's true that my hair is thinning seriously. It's been almost 6 months since my last hair cut. People say that regular hair trimming is good to prevent hair loss. Yes, I need a hair cut! I need to save my head from becoming bold ASAP! I couldn't wait for my foot to be healed! So, I decided to cut my hair by myself. Have you ever heard about a barber shop called "Just Cut"? Yes, I used this concept to cut my hair.

Not bad, rite? Or bad? Do I need to go to saloon to fix my hair? Have you heard about the story of a rabbit? Ok, I tell you the story, there's a mother rabbit who wants to give carrots to her two daughters. This mother rabbit wants to give exactly the same portion of carrots to her two daughters. I guess she's also not very good in math. She opens one big bag of carrots, puts the carrots on the floor, and splits them into two. She's not sure if she has divided the carrots fairly, so she takes a weight measurement and puts those two groups of carrots on both sides. When the left side is heavier, she takes a little bit of portion from the left side and eats it. It seems that she takes too much from the left side because the right side is now heavier. Therefore, she takes a little bit of portion from right side and eats it. Now, the left side is heavier so she takes the portion from left side and eats it. It happens like this again and again till only small portion of carrots are left, and the weight is also still not balanced. She gives up and she just gives the whatever portion of carrots to her two daughters. She doesn't care whether she has divided the carrots into two fairly. This is exactly what I did. I split my hair into two, and just cut and cut and cut. Initially I just wanted to cut 2cm, now I guess I've cut more than 6cm. I don't care, hair will grow. Just assume that my hair doesn't grow with the same speed so some hairs are longer than the others. So, it's not the hairdresser's fault if my hair is like this.
Actually my husband asked me to go to a proper saloon to get my hair cut. Well, this is my motto: "I should just try to cut my hair myself first. When it turns out good, I don't need to go to saloon. When it turns out bad, I will go to saloon to fix my hair". In this case, there's 50% chance that I don't need to go to saloon, isn't it? The reasons I don't want to go to saloon:
1. I don't want to be embarrassed coming to saloon with my foot bandaged
2. I don't want to bother the train station officer again since I have to ride a train to go to the saloon
3. I don't want the hairdresser to "Just Cut" my hair since he/she thinks I'm a disable person who doesn't care about modern funky hair style
4. I want to dig my other talent, who knows I can be a hairdresser one day?
5. I'm so bored doing nothing at home. I want to experience something
6. I want to try cutting my own hair at least once, who knows in the future I don't need to go to saloon anymore and save money?
7. I want to cut my husband's hair one day, using my own head is the only chance to prove myself to him that I can do hair cutting!
Can you imagine how much money we can save if my husband and I don't need to go to saloon anymore for the rest of our lives?
- I'll live 50 more years from now
- 4x haircut per year (to prevent hair loss)
- $20 charge per haircut
Calculation: $20 x (50 years x 4) = $4,000
- He'll live 50 more years from now
- 8x haircut per year (to prevent 'gondronginess')
- $20 charge per haircut
Calculation: $20 x (50 years x 8) = $8,000
TOTAL: $4,000 + $8,000 = $12,000
Hmm, it's not a small money. There's no harm if at least I try it once for all, rite?
Not to bad for a beginner. Hehehe...
You should put two pictures, "before" and "after" the hair cut.
Eh... 50 years from now, the cost to cut hair won't be $20. Assuming the inflation is constant at ~5%, 50 years from now, you would spend more than $200 to cut your hair. :)
Wahh memang Koko is the best in math! I forgot to consider the time value of money. Omo, so what the calculation again? I'm like a mother rabbit, not so good in math. Anyway, what I know is, it makes my conclusion stronger that I have to at least try cutting my own hair, rite?
Mother rabbit, motong rambut orang lain lebih gampang daripada motong rambut sendiri. Gimana coba caranya ngliat bagian kepala blakang kita? Baru motong dikit, liat kaca...
Dan lagi, kalo motong rambut org lain, mau salah potong pun jg bodo amat! Hahaha......
Btw, keliatannya ok juga kok potongannya...
Gak perlu ngliat ke belakang, gampang kok cara motongnya:
1. Bagi rambut menjadi 2 bagian sama tebal, kesampingkan ke depan
2. Ambil gunting rata, gunting rambut sependek yg diinginkan
3. Boleh juga diberi layer untuk rambut bagian depan
4. Gunakan gunting sisir untuk membuat style 'jarum' pada ujung rambut
5. Selesai!
Waaaah.. lumayan atuh guntingan rambutnye.. kalo ga dikasi tau hasil guntinganmu dw loh.. emang ada bakat kali yah.. coba digali2 dikeruk2 n diasah2 lagi.. sapa tau isa jd hairdresser terkenal di Jap ky si oshin..
Paling gampang motong rambut cowok. Dulu si cucan pernah kasih tip, tinggal taruh "bathok" (kulit kelapa) di atas kepala terus ambil gunting... potong persis bentuk "bathok" itu. Wis jadi deh...
Mmm... kayak-e aku harus mulai belajar potong rambut sendiri juga nih. A good way for saving money. Hahaha....
Ini kalo abang Rony baca, pasti makin setuju. Coba aja kalo every 2 months, kita save $20 terus di-invest with average return of ~10% / year. Setelah 50 years jadi berapa itu.
Hohoho aku pingin sih ngeruk2 nggali2 ngasah2 bakar terpendam tapi aku butuh latihan dan aku cuma punya kepalaku dw yg bisa buat latihan.
Koko, kalo bathok kelapanya yg mbelah miring, jadinya poni depan miring. Kalo bathok kelapanya yg mbelah besar sebelah, jadinya gondrong. Kalo pake bathok kelapa satunya lagi yg kecil, jadinya kependeken. Intinya bathok kelapa harus didesign yg diinginkan dulu (misalnya mau trap, layer, crungut2, cacah, dll) baru ditempelkan kepala. Itu tips dariku..
Wah koko pikirannya finance banget! Makanya ayo blajar motong sendiri.. Ci Jess aja skg udah bisa motong rambut her husband and her daughter.
Waaaah.. kalo jadinya pada mau saving money jd blajar potong rambut dw.. kacian nasib para tukang gunting rambut.. uda ekonomi makin susah..bisnis sereet.. omo..omo..
Ayo skg kita ganti haluan.. Kmr kan lg giat2nya blajar masak, skg blajar ptg rambut. Ntar bikin blog khusus tips en trik motong?
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