Dear my diary,
Few days ago, I went to see the doctor again to do a follow-up check on my fractured foot. It's already been 3 weeks since the incident, my foot should have been healed. However, after having some x-ray photos and check here check there, I need to rest for another 3 weeks! Although the pain was better, the swollen was still there, the color was also still deliciously-blueish-purple like a 'terong'. Doctor said that my blood's circulation was not good. Every morning I was so scared to see my cold-blue-foot that looked like a dead body. I never see a dead body, but at least I know how it looks like from a horror movie. Doctor said that it might be because I was wearing the supporter too much or too tight or whatever, so it blocked the blood from circulating. So, he suggested another type of supporter that looks more scary than before as if I've just gotten a serious accident.

It's smaller than a cast..
It's lighter than a cast..
It's more convenient to wear than a cast..
It's colder than wearing a cast..
Because I can't wear sock, I can't wear shoe.. toes are facing the winds..
It's okay. I also won't go anywhere. So what if my toes are open?
I'm happy that I don't need to wear a cast!
What am I doing at home? What do you expect me to answer that question? I'm not allowed to walk, so why should I stand? I have no purpose of standing, so I sit down. I have to hang my right foot up every day, every minute, as much as I can, to make my blood circulating well. So, now you can imagine what I'm doing everyday at home, night and day, rite? I always sit with my right foot up on a table or a chair or a fridge or anything higher than my seat!
It's been 4 days since I saw the doctor last time, my foot is getting better. I will be able to walk again SOON!! I'm really looking forward to that day! It's really frustrating for not being able to walk. It's very uneasy to always bother other people to help me.. not only bothering my husband, not only my family when they were here, not only my friends, but I'm also bothering the train station officers whenever I want to ride a train. Why do Japanese have to be so kind-hearted? They didn't mind carrying me (while I was sitting on my wheelchair!). I was crying in my heart. Just because of my clumsiness, I have to bother everyone.. I'm sorry, Mr Officer.. I only stay in Japan for short term but I have to bother you so much. Believe me, this is my first time in my 27 years of history.. you're just a bit unfortunate that it happened in your country.
I used to be a spoiled girl who demanded a convenient life. When I first came to Singapore, I used to complain a lot when there was no car and I had to walk everyday. When I first came to Japan, I also did complain because I had to walk triple portion more than what I used to walk in Singapore. Now, I won't ask for a car (except if the time to buy a car has come), I won't demand so much! I will be happy enough as long as I have my two feet and be able to walk.. so I can go anywhere I like, I can do whatever I want!
Wah... jadi inget waktu aku operasi kaki taun lalu. Padahal cuman seminggu di rumah duduk terus sambil naikin kaki.... rasa-e wis mblenek2 gak karuan. Ini 3 minggu ditambah 3 minggu. Gak kebayang rasa-ne.
Kok sepi sik comment. Pada ke mana yah?
Cuman koko yang paling setia baca blogku hahaha.. cici2 cantik yg di Indo lagi baru aja pulang dari berlibur krismesan jadi baru sibuk buka2 koper and cuci2 baju mungkin.
Iya neh ko, sedihnyaa gak bisa jalan. Badan jadi melebar pula karna duduk trus, hiks..
Ambil segi positipnya aja yap2...
Jadi punya alesan buat nga ngerjain hal2 yg nga enak. Kyk aku kmr...hahaha... Jd alesan badan baru nga enak...
Eh si Jess udah muncul... Tinggal si Cucan... ke mana dia yah? Kabar terakhir masih di Jakarta.
Si QQ juga ilang...
waaa.. yap2 tau aja kl lg sibuk buka2 koper n cuci2.. lg pegi jln2 ge krasa menginjak rumah kok lgs krasa cape bgt n pegel2 smua seluruh tubuh neh.. *jd ngerasa kangeeeeeen bgt sm si embok pijet*
badan capek jd ga konek n ga nyambung an neh.. liat aja ni ngasi komen jg ga nyambung sm topik.. maklum.. aku terus terang lum baca cerita detailnya, cm br baca judul n liat foto lgs baca komen2..
Hahahaha.. ternyata komen2 section slalu penuh bukan karna mau nanggepin postnya tapi karna pgn ngerumpi! We should create online forum then..tapi yg nanggepin cuman kita ber4 tok huheuheuehuehue..
Mamaku pulang dari Jepang juga langsung badan capek begitu menginjak rumah. Aku juga! Begitu menginjak rumah solo sehabis dari luar negri slalu sakit karna capek berbulan2 ditumpuk jadi 1 ternyata.
Koko kangen ma QQ juga.. iya ya, QQ lama gak muncul. Baru coba2 menu masakan baru mungkin.
Eh Anonymous nih sapa? Cucan bukan?
Oh iya ya anonymous ga ada namanya ya, aku begitu baca isi komen kok langsung nyambung kalo itu ci Cucan ya?
oooh iyaaaaaa.. saking ndoyong e.. mpe lupa kasi nama..
anyway, tanpa nama pun kalian tau juga kan kalo itu daku.. ooooh terharuuuuuuuuu.. hiks..
Sapa lg yg komen ga nyambung kalo bukan ci cucan. Makanya kita pada lgs tau. Eh, si qq siapa si?
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