
Eyes or Brain Examination?

Monday, 3 Dec 07, 9.19am at home

Dear my little diary,
Finally, December has come! I love December, I love Xmas, I love holiday! My Japanese class has only 5 classes to go, I never believed that it will be over so soon. I feel that I havent learnt much, many Japanese verbs I don't know, but at least now I can speak Japanese although they don't understand what I talk about, it's their problem, rite? They are the ones who have listening problem, not me!

Yesterday finally I found glasses as a replacement of my spoilt glasses. I think I've told you about buying new glasses months ago, yeah, I found it at last! I've searched almost all big megane (glasses) stores in Tokyo almost every weekend but I hardly found any good one that suits me. Maybe something wrong with my face? Or something wrong with my nose? Nice glasses that I found usually don't have nose pads, well, maybe nice glasses are only meant for nice looking people with sharp nose. I do have sharp nose! It's just too sharp, maybe..

When my eyes were examined yesterday, I had a hard time reading the characters.

Optician: blurblurblurb... (He said, Please read these characters, I guess)
Me: oh oh.. to su pa (oh oh.. to su pa)
Optician: (shake his head and was about to change the lens to higher degree)
Me: Choto matte.. do su pa (wait.. do su pa)
Optician: Ii desu ne. Warui desuka? (Good, is it not clear?)
Me: Iye, kono rensu ga OK! (No, this lens is OK!)

I was scared if he would change the lens again. It happened like this few times. Well, it's not that I couldn't read the characters but I forgot whether it's 'to' or 'do' with the two dots at the top. Was it Eyes Examination or Japanese Test? I only can hope that the optician gave me the correct lens measurement. It will be ready in 10 days, I'll let you know how it is.

Have to go to work now..
See you, diary



Jess said...

Kalo aku yg ditest di jp, dokternya pasti uda yakin, "..ini definetely katarak bu.....!"

AbigaiL said...


Katanya Mam, ntar Oy disuruh bikin kacamata di sini, let's see if the doctor would say "Ini depineteri kataraku masu..!" (Ini definitely katarak mas..!"

Antony Pranata said...

Omo.... omo....

So they don't have international chart for eye exam? Itu loh yang atas sendiri tulisan-e "E" gede banget; terus baris kedua-ne "F P"; terus baris ketiga-ne "T O Z"...

Hahaha.... jok bilang dokter mata-ku yah lek aku udah ngapal-ke huruf2-e ndek chart itu. Rahasia kita, bokay?

Kalo masalah nose; itu rasa-e emang karena orang2 Asia kebanyakan "pesek2". Sementara kebanyakan glasses emang di-design buat orang "mancung". Sik bilang dulu dokter mata-ku ndek Germany. Maka-e dee bilang mo create kaca mata khusus orang "pesek".

PS: Aku gak bilang kamu pesek loh. Hahaha...

AbigaiL said...

Hahaha, Bokay Ko! I wont tell your doctor. Actually when my doctor tested me with the red/green screen and asked which one was clearer (although I didn't understand what he was talking about, I could just guess), I'd known the answer too! It must be the same clearness, otherwise the doctor would increase the degree till you say so or forever or whichever earlier.

Ah koko, aku kalo pake kacamata org bule itu, bulu mataku yg lentik mengayun2 bak lembayung menyapu dinding lensa. Itu tandanya yg pake kacamata kebelakangen? La mencari tempat tatakan idung yg bisa buat pancatan kacamata adanya di situ.. tepat ampir nempel ma bulu mataku.. well, Asian is not pesek, the nose is just TOO sharp and kurang bertenaga and berotot enough untuk menyangga kacamata tanpa nose pads.

Anonymous said...

wah brp hr ga ngintip blogmu ko uda ketglan bnyk yah..

Eniwei,kl tespt mata aku sering nebak2 ko, bejone so far bener terus, so si dokter blg my eyes mei wenti.. *pdhl dah ngapalke* tp kl aku test mata da jap isa bingung tuh yg ngetest dikasi lensa apa ae tetep ga bs baca yah..

Buat para eyes examiners, yg kreatip dunk.. punya ide buat ganti2 huruf e gt.. Dibuat random kek, ngacak kek, upside-down kek.. Biar ada variasi.. Hehehe..


AbigaiL said...

Ahh baru sadar kalo ada komen dari ci S..

Jangan diacakkk.. biarin gituu.. yg screen warna merah ijo itu, alo diganti warna kuning biru trus yg bener hrs jawab jelas yg mana coba?