Happy Thanksgiving, my diary..
I don't celebrate thanksgiving here, I spent my day today by working and going to Japanese class, well, doing my routine activities.

Recently, suddenly, immediately, sugu-sugu, hujuk-hujuk, tiba-tiba, I like orange color! I used to like red when I was little, I liked black during my university time, and I liked pink when I was in Singapore. Now I like orange! And I like eating banana! *Banana is yellow, not orange*. But, I still don't like eating orange.
Orange represents something fresh, cheerful, genki, friendly, and healthy. You know, I was not in the mood of talking, blogging, chatting, and doing anything last month. Now I'm back! I'm back with my new orange jacket! I'm back with my cheerfulness, tuk menyongsong Christmas and New Year 2008!
Happy Orange Christmas! ^_^
Tante orange, aku jg suka wrn orange... Sayange kalo bj orange bikin kulitku jd ketok item....
Loh... di situ Thanksgiving. Kok ikut2an US.
Ndek Canada Thanksgiving tuh the second Monday of October. Aneh to...
warna orange tuh fresh.. Segerrr ky nutrisari.. Hehehe... Dl aku sempet ngefans sm warna ini,tp skrg nda lg tuh.. Warna fave ku ganti2 sesuai tren masa kini hoho..*ga punya pendirian teguhkah?*
Btw,bukane thankgiving tuh hari kamis terakhir bln November ta??
Aku ga tau kapan tepatnya hari thanksgiving di JP, cuman ikut2an org aja.. katanya sih kamis kemarin karna ngikut US.
EMang kalo pake perlengkapan warna orange, harus bedakan yg banyak pake bedak pantat bayi Johnson & Johnson biar kulit jadi putih luar luar biasa, kontras sama warna orange.
What a bright colour!!! :)
Hows the klepon by the way? Last time i tried to make ronde, but apparently i used the wrong peanut filling, it tasted like a ball of flour with a tiny bit of peanut flavour...hahah...:P
klepon nya gmana? sukses ga???
btw btw
alamat blog ganti...
Klepon gagal total, bantat.. hiks2.. ok deh, aku udah ganti alamat blogmu. Thanks for letting me know.. :)
haha.. baru kali ini denger buat klepon bantat.. kurang air kalee.. ma hrs merata ngaduk na.. hehe.. tu klepon warna orange jg?? hehe..
Guess who!! Haha! You like bananas too! I'll bring one to class for you next time. . . if you show up!!:) Are you ready for your speech yet?!?! I'm stressing out!
I'll come to class today.
The main objective: to get free banana from you
The secondary objective: to learn Japanese
Hahaha.. see you in class tonite!
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