Hi my little diary,
I'm at home, doctor said that I have to rest for 2-3weeks, no walking. I can't go to work too. But the good news is, I don't need to wear a cast! Doctor said that the fracture isn't so bad so I can just wear a supporter.
You know what, I guess this is God's plan. When I saw a doctor on friday, the doctor couldn't put the cast on my foot because I was wearing tight jeans. I told the doctor that it was okay if I couldn't remove my jeans, I would just use scissor to cut it. But, when I told him that, it was already too late, the clinic was about to close in 20mins time. So, he wrote me a letter and asked me to go to other clinic to get a cast on Saturday since his clinic is close on Saturday. I went to a clinic near my house on Saturday morning with my husband. It's good to get second opinion too, the doctor said that I don't really need a cast. OMG!! It's such a good news to me! I will need to go back to see that doctor again on Wednesday to see the progress. If it's getting worse, I'll need to put a cast. Please God, please God, I don't want to put a cast.. I really don't know what's the matching pants if my foot is in a cast.
My dear husband is now doing some of the houseworks for me. This is one of the most wonderful things of having a husband. Anyway, he bought 2 pieces of turkey's tighs yesterday, and cooked for me. We celebrated Xmas sooner.

On a silent Sunday, we ate the baked turkey, some muffins and hot tea.. just two of us.. in our home sweet home. I really enjoyed it. I forgot about my fractured bone for few moments.. *because you were sitting!* I still want to thank God for whatever situation I have.. because He sent me a great husband to take care of me when I'm disabled. *and do the houseworks for you?* Thanks God, for everything!
wow... indahnya dunia ini buat yg disayang suami...
aku jd ikutan terharuuuuuu.... huhuhuhuuu..
Iya bahasanya yap2 kyk di novel2... Dingin2 makan kalkun, minum teh panas di depan perapian, trus sambil ngomongin hr ini ngapain aja... Hbs itu padu, soal siapa yg hrs cuci piring en gelas kotornya. Hahaha!
eh oh eh kok tau?? Seperti kata2 di film korea: Salju mencair saat musim berlalu.. tapi matahari tetap bersinar dengan panasnya tidak mempedulikan musim..
Romantisme hanya sejenak, tetapi tanggung jawab cuci piring terus menerus ada di dalam rumah tangga tidak mempedulikan apakah sedang romantisme atau tidak.. inilah hidup di dunia, tiada yang abadi..
Masukin mesin cuci piring aja... Hahaha.... :)
Eh, tapi di Vancouver sini, matahari hanya bersinar 5-6 bulan per tahun. Selebihnya mendung dan hujan. Hiks.... Seandainya matahari bersinar setiap hari di sini.... indahnya dunia.
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