
“Let Your will be done in my life”

Friday, 7 Dec 07, 4.31pm in a secret place

Hi my little diary,

Today is exactly the 5th month of our wedding anniversary. I never believe time flies so fast. I’m turning 27 soon, in 2 months. My mum has already started asking me about something, a common question that mums usually concern after their daughters get married. Yes, I’ve already expected that question long time ago. That issue is indeed another step in life. It’s another big commitment in life. Well, I don’t want to comment too much about this topic here. We are humans, we live with many limitations. If we say A, we would hurt some groups of people. If we say B, we would hurt another group of people. My little diary, actually I created this diary initially to express all my true feeling, but see now, I can’t! I should just listen to someone’s suggestion, which is to write my diary in Microsoft Word, keep it safely in my personal computer, and forever I can hide my secrets, except if I sell my PC and some kaypo nerd guys are able to restore my deleted files. Now I’m stuck here. I should blame all to blogger.com. Why should there be many good features that enable me to design my own page, put my pretty pretty picture, put my favorite cute feminine pink color, put my favorite books, movies, brands, etc? Anyway, now I have a personal invisible unbelievable unforgettable special relationship with my little diary, so I can’t leave you forever and ever till death comes between us. *Hmm sounds familiar, Titanic slogan??*

Anyway, back to topic... What is the topic again? About my 5th month of wedding anniversary? Or about me turning older? Or about ‘that big commitment’? Or about humans with limitations? Or about the kaypo nerd guys?

I don't want to make the topic looks so clear here. Whatever it is, I’ll just follow what God has planned on my life! But now, a little problem is, I don’t know what I should say in my prayer. Well, I'll just say “Let Your will be done in my life”. No regret, just keep going..



Anonymous said...

hepi eniverseri ya buat kalian berdua.

..and He has made everything beautiful in its time :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to our world!
Kalo kemaren2 sampeyan lagi hanimun ke Planet Romantic, hari ini pulang kembali ke bumi.. Sadar kembali dari mimpi2... Masa indah semasa pacaran en dikejar2 cowo rasanya kayak udah ngga inget lagi. Inilah realita. Begini inilah yg sebenarnya... Kita idup ngga cuman berdua. Tapi beramai2.. Jadi yahhhh...emg begini ini lah..
(pokoke mudeng lah maksudku)

Antony Pranata said...

It's all because of Google... They have to blamed for all of these. They created the coolest blogging platform in the world. They created many good features to put favorite cute feminine pink color. They have all our secrets. It's all because of Google...

Loh... wis mulai la lagi. Comment-e gak nyambung blas. Hahaha...

Btw, if that "something" really happens and you need to find a name for him/her... try to search a good name on Google.

Sante ae... aku wis > 1 year married juga belon ada "something" kok. Biarin si Jess ngebut dulu aja. Kita2 nyusul nanti.

Anonymous said...

Iya, bener kata koko. Masi mending di luar negri, yg bingung cuma ortu. Kalo di sini, bahkan tetangga2 aja ikut kaypo semua.. Bikin telinga sakit, lama2 jd ikut worry sendiri..

Anonymous said...

Yeaah.. Thanx to google.. Aku bisa cari apa aja di google.. Cari tempat shopping, tempat makan, tempat jalan2 just click on Google n you'll find it.. *ky iklan google ae neh*
Jess, udakah search good name di google?

Spertinya para jomblowan n jomblowati *which i am included in it* hrs bersyukur n lbh menikmati dan meresapi masa2 menjomblo yah..


Antony Pranata said...

Well.... I used to be the CEO and founder of PJB (= Perkumpulan Jombo-jomblo Bahagia). Siapa bilang jomblo gak bisa bahagia. :)

AbigaiL said...

*Bingung* Kali ini komen and topik bener2 nyaris 100% tidak nyambung. Aku absen aja deh, hadir! !@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*(