
The Price of Perfection

Wednesday, 5 Dec 07, 1.52pm at home

Hoii diary..
Before I go back to office, I just want to share something interesting that I found today. An article says that the reason for being unhappy/sad is sometimes because we're just being too perfectionist!

Do you know why I think this is very interesting finding? It's because it's very encouraging. I found many people (including me, sometimes) complain "life is not fair" or "this problem is too big for me" or "I'm the most depressed person in the world" etc etc. After I read this article, I feel relieved. You know, it's something like a student who gets score 6 for a subject. For some students, they are happy to get 6 because it is enough to get them pass the subject. But, for some top students, 6 is way too low since their expectation is to get 9.

So, when we have problems, when we're depressed, do not blame your fate.. do not blame others.. do not blame yourself too! See the problem thru a mirror, you're unhappy because everything is a really mess or it's just not up to your expectation? If you think that it's because the problem is really a mess, think again, what is your definition of a mess? Do you set your standard too high?

Well, I should not teach you to think this way. I know, some people have high dreams, they don't want to just feel happy, they want to feel fully satisfied. My husband also think so, but I don't. I'm happy just to have a simple life because I'm just an ordinary person. The way you think is of course up to you, the idea is "make sure you're always happy", do not let your perfection disturbs you to get your happiness!



Anonymous said...

Setuju bgt..
Kita sering kecewa sm idup bkn krn hdp yg mengecewakan kita, tp krn kita merasa yg kita dpt ga sesuai yg diharapkan..
Bole2 aja kita punya standard target n harapan. Tp kl uda diusahakan n akhirnya yg didpt ga sesuai target yah ga bole nyalahin siapa2, tetep hrs mensyukuri.. Lihat ke kanan kiri atas bwh dpn blkg.. Msh bnyk org lbh krg beruntung dr kita..
Enjoy ur life..
"Life is beautiful"


Antony Pranata said...

When I was in the high school, my teacher told us... our former president "Soekarno" once said "Gantungkan cita2mu setinggi langit"... it's another words of "perfectionist".

Eh Abigail... ada typo tuh... happyness should be written with "i" -> happiness.

Remember a movie "Pursuit of Happiness"? In that movie, Chris Gardner (performed by Will Smith) saw a Chinese shop that wrote "Happyness" and he said to the owner "Hey, happiness is with 'i' not 'y'"... :)

Anonymous said...

we'll only get as happy as much we let ourselves to be..
we set our own definition of happiness..where a real happy person can get himself in the lowest point of life and still shrugs it off and say " oh well. at least I'm still breathing.."
all about bright side, positive thinking, and different perspective i think~..

AbigaiL said...
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AbigaiL said...

Thanks Ko, I've just changed the 'happiness' hehe..

I typed so fast this afternoon, I couldn't give you clear description on what I wanted to say, thanks to all of you, you explain it better than me.. :)