Morning my diary,
My Japanese lesson is over. Last night was the last class. I did the presentation. About my topic? Well, my topic is very not an important topic. Ok, better I tell you the story. On Monday night, in the computer lab, I came to class 30 mins late. My teacher said that we had to save the draft by 9pm. That means I only had 2 hours to write my speech. I even had no topic yet! I was so panic. I browsed around yahoo and google. I didn't know what to search; "speech"? "help me"? "whatever"? "any topic please"? I gave up. My friends already had their own topics. At that point of time, I nearly decided to choose 'Dapur Cantik' as my topic. I opened Dapur Cantik, at the same time, I opened my little diary too. I was browsing around the title list in my little diary with a hope that I would get some inspirations, but I just realised that all my topics in my little diary are also not so important. I was also browsing around Dapur Cantik to see what new recipe my two pretty sisters already uploaded. Suddenly my teacher was behind me, I was panic, I closed Dapur Cantik and my little diary was still left opened behind. Before I had chance to close it, my teacher looked at pictures on my computer screen and screamed "Oishii..!!" I had closed Dapur Cantik, why was she still able to scream "Oishii"? I looked at my screen, Oopss, my master piece of cake was on display!
Sensei: "Waaa.. Is this your topic?"
Me: "ohh.. yes.. yes.."
Sensei: "Good that you have found your topic. I was about to give you some options for you to choose, like global warming, recycling system, and....blablabla"
Me: "Ehh.."
That's how I accidentally chose this topic. Here is the presentation slides, I want to remember my first Japanese speech for the rest of my life although my topic is unimportant useless childish topic.

I was telling story about "Watashi no Shumi" which means "My Hobby". This is the summary of my story:
"When I came to Japan, I saw the food samples that were being displayed in front of the Japanese restaurants. They are very cute and pretty. Japanese is very skillfull in making this kind of thing. I also want to make one! Not exactly the same one though. Then I bought the book and materials, and made 3 miniatures of cakes. I want to make one set of sushi too one day! I believe if I manage to create the imitation of sushi, I will be able to make real sushi!"
Then I showed them my cakes! This is the most embarassing part. Actually I didn't want to show them but my teacher asked if I brought the cakes. And I innocently said "Yes". OMG!! *In the first place, why did you bring them to class??* I put my 3 cakes in a white transparent container, put the container in a white plastic bag, tied it, and put it in my handbag. So, in a quiet presentation room, after I said "Yes", I took it out from my bag with the sound of "Kresekk..kresekk.."! Did I look like a 'kampoeng' mother who prepared a lunch box for my 3-years-old kid?
Anyway, they were all happy seeing my presentation. At least they laughed.. I don't care if they laughed for my childishness or my 'kampunganism', as long as I could be a bless for them.. Being able to laugh is a bless, isn't it?
Lagi ngebayangin... buka tas... ambil white plastic bag... kresek2... buka white plastic bag... ada white container... buka white container... cake.... (cake-nya white juga?)
Asli Indo tenan... ada kresek-e segala...
Yessssssss.. you did it!!!
Topic simple,ringan, mudah dimengerti *mudah dipresentasikan jg*.. as that topic is about your own daily life..
Sekarang bhs Jap uda lancar dunk..
uda siap jd tour guide?
Btw, di Jap ada kresek jg to??
Iyah..bukanya aja pelan2 (karna takut berisik), kayak buka barang treasury aja..
Bhs Jap'ku lancarnya cuman text buat presentasi aja karna udah dihapal komat-kamit mati2an. Ngomong yang laen masih srendet2..
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