
First Breakfast

Thursday, 6 Sep 07, 9.28am at home

Morning diary,
Today is such a cold and cloudy day. I opened my windows and let the wind comes into my home, it's so fresh.. I turned my laptop on, played a slow music, and writing my diary..

This morning, I made breakfast for my hubby for the first time. I bought one loaf of bread, one dozen of eggs, and salads yesterday. I planned to make a simple sandwich with fried egg in it. As soon as I opened my eyes, I remember that I forgot to buy frying oil and bacons. My primary school teacher once told me that human's brain in the morning is the sharpest, I guess this is right. I suddenly remember everything in the morning as soon as I wake up. Omo omo what should I do with the bread and raw egg? I have no salt nor pepper. I have no butter nor cheese. What an amburadul breakfast, prepared by an amburadul wife. :(

I was so nervous, but still I switched my stove on. I had to keep busy and pretended everything was okay. I didn't have oil, but I had water. I boiled the eggs! This was the only thing I could do. I wanted to cut the boiled egg into pieces and insert the pieces in the sandwich together with the potato salad. In this kind of emergency case, I need McGyver's brain. I was not sure how many minutes I should boil the eggs, I remember petuah from my mum 'let the eggs floating, that means the eggs are well-boiled'. What to do, the panci was even too small for my two giant eggs (Talking about the giant egg, now I doubt that it's a chicken egg). Then I just waited for around 5-10 minutes. My hubby had finished showering, forget about the floating eggs.. Here is the menu of this morning breakfast:
- Two slices of toasted bread with potato salad
- One half-done egg (Eating tips: ditelen aja idup2)
- One piece of banana
- A glass of ice water

Not bad, rite? *yea yea, if you ever seen the meal, sure you would comment something* I should do one big groceries shopping today! I'll bring my trolley, 3B (Big Back Bag), and sport shoes..
Bye diary..



Antony Pranata said...

Omo... omo... pertamax!!!!

Wah... sarapan-e podo ama sik Emi suka siapin.

Btw, di luar negeri, telor emang segede gajah. "Telur ayam kampung" can only be found in Indonesia. Only in Indonesia.... That's the nicest egg in the world.

AbigaiL said...

Itu emang sarapan paling gampang, ada ide lain sarapan model apa yg emi biasa bikin? bingung ni.. takut dikira ga kreatip.

Ayam kampung juga cuma ada di Indonesia, di luar negri paha ayam segede paha bayi.. serem..

::aLb3rta:: said...

omo.. omo.. premium...

sarapan paling simple... roti tawar plus nutella... plus milo.. yummy..

ayamnya aja segitu... kalo kalo telor kalkun seberapa yah?
kalo org bule dtg ke indo.. disuguhi telor ampung mungkin dalem ati ngira itu telor puyuh-kah??

Anonymous said...

Coba aja bikin mie sama sosis. Sosis digulung2 sama mie, trs digoreng brg. Bisa jg model kentang goreng, sama telor mata sapi, sama daging buat burger (yg udah bunder, tinggal goreng). Atau omelet.. Omelet keju, tomat, paprika, ham... Byk mcm omelet. Hmmm.... Sometimes boleh jg breakfastnya tomat keju. Caranya, tomat dibelah 2, buang isinya. Trs diisi daging ,bawang bombay cincang, atasnya dikasi keju. Lalu dikukus smp keju meleleh.. Pgn agak kering? Micro sebentar sebelum dimakan. Kdg2 bisa jg bikin muffin, ato brownies. Tp bikinnya sehari sebelum, soalnya lama... Begitu? More question, lewat msn aja...



AbigaiL said...

Omo omo omo kok kalian pinter2 n kreatip2 bikin sarapan.. kenapa otakku ga kepikiran sampe kesitu? Takcontek yaa.. Inginnya aku berlangganan majalah Femina :(

Kalo ada ide lain, tulis di sini ya, lumayan kalo dapet bbrp menu bisa bikin daftar menu (plus gambarnya) "Mau sarapan apa pagi ini, Pak?" nti Ron tinggal nuding..

Anonymous said...

omo omo...
wah.. mestinya di japan kan lebih variatif kalo bikin lunch box.. ayo yap blajar.. ntar difoto2in..

perna coba bikin sushi dari roti tawar?? ambil selapis dikasi mayo n tuna *atau sesuai selera* tumpuk roti lagi, susun timun/tomat/keju diatas.. trus digulung n dipotong2 sepanjang -/+2.5cm.. cocok buat bekal anak2 ke sekolah..

tips: kalo susah nggulungnya, dilapisi plastic wrap dl br digulung..



Antony Pranata said...

Jadi penasaran... waktu Ron ditinggal istri, dia sarapannya apa emang?

AbigaiL said...

Waktu Ron sendiri, dia tiap pagi beli sandwich ko, proper breakfast gitu.. makanya, sainganku sandwich by Family Mart, mana sandwichku bisa bersaing..

Aduh2 ci Jess jago banget bikin makan2an, itu berkat jadi yummy housewife selama 2th??

Omo omo omo, kok telur ayam bisa besar itu yg disuntik apanya?
a. Ayamnya
b. Telurnya
c. Dua2nya
d. Tidak dua2nya
e. Pantatnya (Brutunya)
f. Bukan disuntik, cuman dikasi makan
g. Pertanyaan ga penting ahh..