
'I Luv U'

Friday, 14 Sep 07, 7.50am at home

Morning diary,
Early in the morning I woke up when my hubby's alarm clock rang, prepared breakfast for him, and here I ended up typing in front of computer while eating a banana. My breakfast preparation is now better than last week, well I don't know what he thinks, at least I feel better because I managed to prepare it the day before.. things that we prepare carefully should turn out well, rite? And good news is, this week I'm not as clumsy as last week, except for leaving my transparant umbrella on the train yesterday. I now always make sure that I think wisely before doing anything, I see around caefully before moving my body just to make sure that I won't drop anything around me.. It worked! I should start doing this long long time ago to minimise loss that have happened since I was born, such as, I dropped one stack of plates on a wedding dinner, I messed my grandpa's birthday cake with my back on his birthday party (nobody knows except my sis and you, now), I injured my classmate's eye with a stick accidentally *siapa suruh melotot di samping stick pas aku lompat tinggi* and so on so on.

I went to optics yesterday, 2 optics, to fix my glasses. But nobody could fix it :( The bengkok is away too far, one of the ornaments is missing. Well, at least that's what I understood from their finger that kept pointing at the connection point of my cangkolan while saying "hakuna matata hakuna matata". I need to buy new one now.. or I can still use this glasses if I don't mind wearing it with karetan cangkolan ke telinga. I guess, I must buy. Should I be sad or happy? Sad, because another expense can't be avoided. I should put this expense (as well as my beautiful belt that I bought yesterday) under my 'Unexpected and Emergency Expenses'. Happy, because I read one article 'Japan is the heaven for those with high-index myopia'. Great!! The index on my both eyes are around 9.00-10.00. Is it considered high or low? It's lower if compared to 11, it's higher if compared to 8. Math is easy, rite? Anyway, the lenses here are the thinnest among all other countries including US. This is really heaven!!! See, I knew it when God sent me to Japan, it must be because of this thinnest lens?? Whatever.. I'm buying it this weekend!

Yesterday I went to my pastor's home. It's very interesting to see how their family live. One thing that I like most is the way they talk to each other in the family. They always speak softly, say good things only, respect each other including small kids, and express how they love each other openly by actions and WORDS whenever they have chance! It's very amazing to see how powerful words are when they are used to express love. We, as Asian, sometimes forget to say 'I love you'. Ok ok, we say 'I love you' to our bf/gf everyday or sometimes 3x a day, but we are shy to say that to our other loved ones like parents, grandparents, kids, etc. Why? We're just not used to do it. Yesterday I heard my pastor said 'I love you' when he was about to end conversation with his son on the phone and when his wife was about to drive me to station. I was so surprised and merinding nyaman (although I knew that these words were not meant to me). What do we usually say at the end of conversation on the phone with the ones we love? Bye-bye? Yuk ahh? Yuk dungg? Yuk Jreng?

Some people say that if those words are said too many times, these will lose the real meaning. If these are seldom said, these will sound "GreNgg-GrEnGgg" to the opposite's ears and heart. It's similar to people who eat too many antibiotics, their body will be immune to antibiotics, the body will only react with higher dosage of antibiotics. I partly agree. Too many is not good, but too little is also not good. In conclusion, we know what is the right 'dosage' for each of our relationships. *Apaan seh ini, kayak ngarang 'pro n kontra' di communication skill subject, conclusionnya gak penting pula!*

On my way home, I found something interesting. Kebanyakan cewek Jepun jalan dengan letter O kakinya! Ujung kaki depannya nutup. Apakah karna di sini seringnya dingin jadi mereka kebiasaan jalannya mingkup2 nahan angin? Sekarang lagi summer-autumn pun masih mingkup2 gitu? Atau memang style jalan gitu baru ngetrend di sini? Maybe soon I will walk like that, and don't laugh! I'm just following the trend, like a turtle that grows as big as its bucket where it lives, and like a giraffe's neck that grows long because it always eats plants way above it. The turtle's story is true, I experimented it myself. About the giraffe, I don't know the truth, I never piara a giraffe baby before. The point is, we should adapt to our environment, true?

Today I'm going to travel agent's office to make payment for my tomorrow's trip to Mt Fuji and do a weekly groceries shopping at Jusco.

Bye2 diary, I love you, yukk dunggg..!! (komplit plitt, mantepp tepp, pake cinta, pake telor)



Jess said...

Eh...kok masi inget to kasus ngunduri roti taart? Inget jg nga dulu muntahin sandalku hbs maem jenang ketan item. Sejak saat itu cip jd ga doyan ketan item. Trus hbs itu sandalku nginjek bunglon sampe duttt... Apes itu sandal. Lgs takbuang wes...

Anonymous said...


Just wanna say... I luv u........*mpe monyong*
dosis cm sekali minum... nda kurang.. nda lebih..

yuuuk.. ndunnk...


Antony Pranata said...

Topik-e kok "I Luv U".... bingung nih.... :(

Eh, -9 and -10 itu super gede buat ukuran myopia. Aku gak tau malah kamu minus-e segede itu. Tak pikir cuman -3 atau -4 je. Aku juga cuman -1.25 tok.

Kebanyakan nonton film Korea tuh. Hihihi...

AbigaiL said...

Buat ci J, aku ga inget tentang incident jenang item tapi masih inget ttg sandal nginjek bunglon, sejak itu jadi takut juga ma bunglon.. bukan cicak, bukan komodo.. bukan hijau, bukan kuning.. binatang aneh..

Buat ci S, dosis sekali minum tapi sekali minum hrs yg buanyak sampe monyonk?? Itu harusnya bacanya yukk dungg, bukan yukk ndungg.. artinya laen.. hahaha.. ci J pasti tau, kalo ga maksud, harap tanya melalui msn aja :P

Buat Ko A, itu sengaja pake judul "i Luv u" untuk menarik membaca.. seperti dulu guru bhs jawaku tiba2 masuk ke kelas sambil triak "Ali Ali Moto Telu!!", semua kaget, trus dia bangga n bilang "Itulah gunanya peribahasa, untuk menarik pembaca"

Jess said...

Eh...ali ali moto telu itu apa ya? Jd penasaran.. Sapa tau hayyooo...

AbigaiL said...

Ali-ali = cincin
Moto = mata
Telu = tiga

Jadi artinya literalnya 'cincin mata tiga', arti kiasannya 'ada cincin mempunyai jumlah permata tiga butir'