Konniciwa, watashi no nikki.. (Good afternoon, my diary..)
Recently I found out something interesting from my Korean movie. It's said that "When you look at the clock and it's showing exactly at 11.11, that means someone is thinking of you". Well, I don't know how true that is, I prefer not to believe but to hope that it's true. In Korean, it's pronounced as "yil yil yil yil". Not too nice to hear, and not too easy to spell since you have to move your lower jaw to the front for 4x and touch your tounge to your upper front teeth for 4x too. For me, 11 looks like shadows of 2 persons standing. Perhaps 'thinking' in this case can be interpreted as "thinking of a time when I'm standing beside you". How about the other 11? Another 2 persons standing and watching us?? Mum and Dad? Spy? Mister Detectives? Anyway, this morning I saw my clock and it was exactly at 11.11am! Who was thinking of me?? (Or, who was watching me??)
The tips if you want someone's thinking of you:
1. Buy a digital clock so it can show 11.11.
2. Set your alarm clock at 11.10, at least you'll have 1 minute to run to your clock and see your clock turning to 11.11 and *ceprett* take picture.
3. Take off the battery of your clock when it's showing 11.11 and don't put the battery back................ forever!
4. Call someone, he/she must be wondering what's up, and just say 'nothing' then hang up the phone. Yes, he/she must be thinking of you after that.
5. Tell someone you care about this 11.11 story. Believe me, whenever he/she looks at the clock at 11.11, he/she will think of you. (So now, all my readers will think of me together serentak at 11.11 hahahaha! *curanggg!*)
Omo... omo... "don't put the battery back forever"??? Apa display-nya gak mati kalo gak ada batery? Bingoeng... :(
Aku uda terlanjur kepikiran yap2 tiap jam 10.10. Pie jal?
Koko, walaupun jamnya mati karna battery dicopot tapi dia mati terhormat bagai pahlawan karena dia matinya lagi mikirin orang yg dikasihi, kayak pilemnya Romeo n Juliet itu lohh.. *ga nyambung yah?*
Ci J, bagus kalo udah kepikiran daku tiap jam 10.10, skg tambahin lagi jam 11.11 yah.. ntar 01.01, 02.02, 03.03 dst dst.. jadi tiap jam bakal inget daku trus huehueheu...
tanpa jam 10.10 ato 11.11 ato 12.12 ato apa aja laaa..
aku lg selalu kepikiran yap2.. *pdhl yg dipikiri lum tentu tau kalo dipikiri* hiks...
di sgp brp hr ga ktm yap jadi sueepiiiine pollll.. apalg kmrn sgp pake ujan.. dingin...
Ci S, I feel so honored nih ternyata aku dipikirin trus sama ci S. Sejak aku tau ini, aku sekarang tiap hari juga ga isa lepas tanpa mikirin ci S kok, hueheuhue.. bukannya ga enak ato kenapa tp serius otomatis keinget kalo ci S mikirin daku everyday.
Internet jadi sepi juga pas ci S ke Singapore, please be back soonnnn..
It was very interesting for me to read the article. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.
By the way, try GSM jammer to disable all spy devices in your home or at work.
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