
Thursday Outing

Thursday, 13 Sep 07, 9.56am at home

Hi, my little diary..
Today's temperature is 21-28 Celcius, getting cold and cold.. I opened all my windows this morning, enjoyed my breakfast alone while watching last episode of my Korean series.. sometimes, I really enjoy my life when I'm alone and doing what I want that nobody would care. One thing that I like most about living in a far far away island is having this 100% freedom! Mau makan gak makan, mau makan sekali atau lima kali, mau mandi gak mandi, gak ada yg urusin.. Merdeka!

Today I wanna fix my glasses, one of the 'cangkolan' is very loose now. Luckily I have big ears so the cangkolan is still hanging on my ear. But, it's now hanging almost at the ujung of my ear leave. I've been delaying my trip to optics since last week because of the sore on my feet and because I still dunno how to explain 'the cangkolan is loose' in Japanese. I thought I would go after my first Jap class, which is still 2 weeks from now. Well, I guess I won't learn how to say 'cangkolan is loose' on my first day. There's no point of waiting, my glasses keep moving whenever I move my head, pusing banget ngliatnya! Today I must go! If my glasses can't be fixed, probably I would buy a new one. I've repaired this glasses many times, perhaps it's now time to change glasses. My glasses is already 3 years old, God wants me to keep up-to-date to the latest fashion, perhaps. Good! I also need to go to my Pastor's home today, we've made appointment last Sunday, I'll bring some cookies that I brought from Indo. Yea, better give it to my pastor rather than eating all myself. Don't be maruk, being endut is equal to being maruk!

This weekend, we're planning to go to Mt Fuji and Hakone Lake. I'm now enquiring about the tour package. I went to Mt Fuji with my family last Dec but we didn't have chance to ride a ropeway and cruise due to bad weather on winter season. I hope that rain won't fall this Saturday so we can enjoy the nice scenery from the ropeway and boat! Another updates, My hubby will fly to S'pore next week for 3 days. Have I told you this? He needs to receive his S'pore PR personally. There's no other choice, he must go, otherwise he would lose it. What about me? Of course, I'll still stay here..

See you diary, need to siap2 mau pergi sekarang.. today is Thursday Outing!!



Antony Pranata said...


Eh Abbie, kamu ikutan ae ke Singapore. Asyik loh ceremony terima Permanent Residence tuh. Eh gak tau di Singapore gimana yah.

Dulu waktu aku di Canada, ketemu ama orang immigration, dikasih tau rights-nya sebagai Permanent Residence. Terus dikasih ucapan selamat segala. Gobloknya aku... kenapa gak di-photo waktu itu. Aduh... precious moment padahal.

Begitu keluar kantor immigration, baru melongo. Loh kok gak ambil photo tadi ama officer-e. Sialan bener.

Sekarang udah lewat. Mosok mo balik ke sana ketemu officer-e, terus pura2 photo pas abis dapet PR. Gak lucu toh....

AbigaiL said...

Wahh di Canada gitu ya? Perlu pake dasi and jas gak? Di Spore seh gak sampe ada ceremony2 khusus seh, ya cuman dikasih tau rightsnya sbg PR, tanda tangan, udahh.. Koko cepet bgt udah dapet PR Canada. Syaratnya ga susah ya?

Antony Pranata said...

Nah itu tuh... aku gak pake jas and dasi waktu itu. Lah gak tau kok lek bakal dapet PR hari itu. Ke sana cuman kayak gembel aja. Payah tenan.

Ceritanya gini loh, kita tuh waktu di-approve kan dapet surat. Katanya kita harus keluar Canada dulu; terus balik lagi. Tak pikir ridiculous banget. Mosok mesti keluar Canada terus balik lagi. Kayak orang goblok ae.

Nah terus pagi2, aku ke sono. Yah itu dengan pakaian gembel. Tak bilang, it doesn't make sense kan aturan-e. Nah ada orang sik baik di sana; bilang bisa bantuin. Eh langsung di-process hari itu juga.

AbigaiL said...

Ckckckck.. mungkin karna pas pake bj gembel itu penjaganya kasian ngliatnya.. mungkin dia mikir, mana ada duit buat bayar tiket kluar Canada, makanya dikasih. Emang kadang harus pake kostum gitu pada event2 khusus, kayak mamaku dulu tiap kali ambil rapot anak2 sekolah selalu pake baju jelek biar SPPnya murah. Memalukan tapi pembawa kebahagiaan...