Good morning diary,
I am having my breakfast now; butter-sugar-choco-bread-toasted and a cup of hot green tea. Today is such nice and cold day. I like the weather so much, nice for sleeping or just for staying home and do nothing. But, today I have things to do:
1. Collect my new Alien Card (because of my new address, I had to re-apply the card)
2. Open a bank account (I have to wait for for my alien card in order to open an account)
3. Book hotels and air tickets to Sapporo (my family has just confirmed the itinery)
4. Start my Japanese Class!!

From now, like what my hubby said, I'll be a part-time housewife and a part-time student. My first half is still a housewife, my other half is a student. It's something like 'ayam berkepala babi'. A chicken who eats a lot like a pig. Yea, it's me!
My husband has just returned from Singapore on Sunday afternoon. It's good that yesterday was public holiday so he could rest at home the whole day yesterday. Good news is: We've got our International Driving Permit! Ron applied it in Singapore by using our Singapore driving licenses. You must be curious why I applied that IDP while I'm not driving here, I don't even have a car here. You must be more curious why I have Singapore driving license while I was not driving in Singapore, I didn't even have a car too! *Are you such a weird person who likes to make collection of driving license from all countries?* Well, I like cars. I like driving. *So?* I feel secured if I have driving license, that means I can drive anytime if some unexpected things happen, for example; if I win a car from lottery, if I have to drive an ambulance in the case of emergency, if I have to escape from somewhere when there's only a car there, if I happen to be trapped in a situation like Sandra Bullock in 'Speed' when I have to drive a bus emergency, etc. Anything may happen, rite? It's something like 'Sedia payung sebelum hujan'. Ok ok, honestly, I applied for IDP because we are planning to rent a car in our holiday to Sapporo this December. One of the requirements to rent a car is owning an IDP. I know I won't drive, nobody trusts my driving skill. I can't do parallel parking. I can't do rear parking. In Japan, we can only park a car by rear parking. This is very obvious that I can't drive car in Japan, No, to be more accurate, I can drive but I can't stop the car!
Hey diary, I just created another blog! A blog that tells about my journey to find the place where my rib belongs, and more like a photo album for my wedding. Yea, I want to continue my dream to create a wedding website that has been 'tersendat' for quite a while. Thanks to Ms Elica who has given me this inspiration and who has motivated me to complete this project well *walahh walahh*. I realised that creating a website is complicated and costly. You know, I'm not very determined when I do things. Creating a blog is much easier since there's already a web template I can choose, and it's free! So, I chose creating a blog. I'll keep writing it with other stories although the place where my rib belongs has been found now. :)
It starts at 6:20 so that people pay attention. If they start at 6:30 or 6:00, nobody will bother it. Nobody will even write a blog about it.
A driving license is also good as identity card -> so that you don't need to always bring your alien card.
Hahaha.. good reasoning, Ko!
Sandra Bullock nih yee....
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