Hi again diary,
Remember I told you that we went somewhere last weekend? We didn't go to a place outside Tokyo because the weather was not really supporting. So finally we went to popular places in Tokyo that we've never visited before.
Here is the tour schedule on Saturday, 8 Sep 07:
7.00 - Woke up
8.00 - Went to Tsukiji Fish Market, enjoyed the sashimi. It was a great chance to eat raw and fresh fish. We even saw how the fish was killed with no proper killing method. The fish meat was peeled off (dengan ikan masih kelepak2) and a stick was just stabbed at its meatless body and put on our plate for decoration (dengan mulut ikan masih kembang-kempis). Omo omo omo.. I could feel the fish meat berdenyut2 on my tounge.
10.00 - Back Home
12.00 - Had lunch at home
14.00 - Took a nap (Hahahaha)
18.00 - Went to Ginza. It's a place where all the elite shopping malls are put together. The street was very bright eventhough it's at nite. It's very different with Boyolali! I never imagined Hermes has its own 8-storey showroom building, each floor has different collections! So do Gucci and Dior and all other brands!
20.00 - Had dinner at Ginza
21.00 - Went to Ropponggi Hills. It's a place where foreigners (mostly westerners) gather. There are cafes, restaurants, clubs, sky aquarium, art museum, tokyo city view, and other nite attractions!
22.00 - Departed from Ropponggi karna kaki udah lecet2 akibat sepatu baru
22.30 - Reached home
Here I uploaded some pics,
At Ginza

At Ropponggi Hills - can you see the Tokyo Tower from here?

In front of Grand Hyatt Tokyo

Aduh edian tenan ik.... aku lek disuruh makan ikan masih berdenyut2, isa langsung muntah2....
Omo... omo...
Yap, tertarik ikut Fear Factor nda? Skg ada program buat couple kok.. Ron yg bagian suruh terjun2, Yap bagian yg makan berbagai macem binatang... Berminat???
Weh weh, aku maem ikan mentah yg berdenyut2 and masih berdarah itu aja sambil dikit2 minum aer buat nggelontor biar cepet ketelen.. tapi kalo yang blue tuna itu walaupun mentah enak juga lho, kenul2 kayak jelly tapi gurih hahaha.. trus maemnya sambil dinunul kecap asin plus wasabi.
Kok Ron yg terjun2? Kayake aku lebih berani terjun daripada makan binatang2 melata and metoto..
Masi berdenyut2 en berdarah2 ??!! Arghh......emang edian tenan!!! Aku dibyr ae wegah tenan suruh maem kyk gtan. Baca blog mu ae dah eneg. Apa nek pas aku laper baca blog mu ae ya ben wareg.. Ben isa diet.
Hehehe.. tapi makan kayak gituan tu sehat dan bikin pinter lho.. emang udah tua bangkot gini masih bisa dibentuk otaknya? Well, mending dicoba daripada tidak dicoba sama sekali.. Daripada nti anakku bodo2, kan ketahuan jelas itu gen darimana.. kan jadi rikuh..
well... katanya makan ikan bikin pinter... that's why org jap pinter2..
kk antony ga suka seafood.. tp jenius abizzz...
aku suka banget seafood... tp otak pas2an.. malah skrg tambah 'sm' *short memory*.. haiiyaaa......
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