Dear my diary,
I learned how to make lasagna, hot salad sauce, cappuccino, and choco snack last week! It was fun! You see, I managed to make lasagna! I think I'm over excited now, but I'm so happy that I managed to make it! My cooking sensei taught me in Japanese. My classmate also spoke Japanese. I also spoke Japanese although my vocabularies that I used in the class were only: sumimasen (sorry), honto (really?), eh? (with raising one of my eyebrows), and ganbate (come on!).
Last weekend was a long weekend here. 3-days day off. It was a good break after a long tiring 5-days working. Well, I didn't feel the direct effect since I'm not working now but at least there was an indirect effect like; I didn't need to wake up early in the morning, I didn't have to prepare breakfast at 7am. And, I had chance to sort of 'showing-off' my lasagna cooking skill in front of my husband! I already bought the bowl, prepared the materials and the necessary & the unnecessary equipments. *Lasagna is a such sinful food! Lots of cheese, milk, cream, butter, oil, fats Fats FATS!!* Of course I realise this very important point. I always remember my never-ending diet. How can I forget if I have to face mirror every day. So, I came up with a new low-fat-not-really-delicious-but-that's-okay-lasagna recipe!
- I changed the milk to non-fat milk
- I cut the portion of milk by half and replaced it with more flour
- I cut the portion of butter by more than half
- I didn't use cheese at all
- I used chicken meat instead of pork meat
- I didn't use cooking oil, just used the meat oil that came out naturally when it's being cooked
- I used only 1 egg instead of 3 eggs
- I put two innocent rabbits on top of it, so it doesn't look too sinful.

I don't have an oven at home, so I used microwave. The result was not so good but it's still eatable. I had to remove the outer skin (the one with the rabbits) since the skin's very hard and I didn't want to sin more by eating those innocent rabbits. It should be covered with cheese that melts on the outer skin and I should use more eggs to make the skin so it won't be as hard as this now. Yes, I know my mistakes. One day, if I have slimmed down a bit, I'll make a lasagna with full of cheese and eggs!
Waduh.... unnecessary equipments-e buat apaan emang????
Next time... I am going to invent a really-no-fat-at-all-but-may-be-not-nice-at-all lasagna recipe.
- I will cut the portion of butter by more than 3/4.
- I will use "vegetarian meat" instead of real meat. Mmmm... you know the one like in Singapore. Daging palsu.
- I will not use egg at all.
- I will put Mickie Mouse and Minnie Mouse on top of it; so it doesn't look sinful at all...
Unnecessary equipment itu misalnya beli cetakan kelinci beserta bintang2nya ^_^
Hoahahahaha... Koko is cute deh. When I hear about 'daging palsu', the first thing comes into my mind is 'gigi palsu'. Everything comes with 'palsu' sounds so cuteee..
Kalo aku sih penggemar makanan2 sinful. Soalnya emg yg begitu2 itu tuh yg uenaakkk....
Memang apapun yang berlabel 'dosa' itu enak ya karna sambil deg2an makannya dan menebak-nebak apa yg bakal terjadi dengan tubuhku setelah makan ini. Tambah membulatkah? Tambah bergelambirkah?
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