Dear my little diary,
Yes, I took culinary course! My good friend asked me. Just started yesterday for the free trial. I'm so lucky that I got a heart-shape chocolate cake for my free trial since it's in the month of Feb, the month of love, the month of cake, the month of sweetness, the month of chocolate. Perfect! This means that I don't need to buy another cake to celebrate Valentine's Day, do I? Honestly, I was thinking of making a heart-shape cake for my husband on the V Day, but..but..but..I have no oven to bake the cake! So, can I use this cake instead, p..l..e..a..s..e..? Still have 8 more days, but that's okay, he will understand my situation since I can't take another trial again. I really want to buy an oven, but, I don't know how long more I can stay in Tokyo. In Japan, on V Day, the girl should give something to the guy on 14th Feb, and the guy will give something to the girl (should not be the same girl?) on 14th March. Funny, rite? Japanese's mind is really different. They are unique, creative, and not-following-what-it's-already-being-followed-by-the-rest!

I took the 12x package cooking course from ABC Cooking Studio, not bread course, not cake course! It's cooking course! Cooking means, cooking. You know, mixing the garlic, oil, paprika, and stuff like that. *Japanese food?* Nehik, nehik! We can learn Western food, Korean food, Japanese food, Chinese food, etc, or mix, it's up to us. You know the reasons why I want to take cooking course and not the bread/cake course? It's because:
- I like eating rice
- I don't have oven
- I wanna practice straight away after I reach home
- I have to take the basic bread course (i.e roti tawar, roti isi, roti gula, dll), which I've 'learned' (read: 'seen') how to make it before...from my mum; before learning the more advanced course which I'm interested in (i.e pizza, muffin, egg tart, etc)
There are some interesting rules about learning cooking in Japan:
- We must bring our own aprons and wear!
- We must bring our own slippers (outside shoes are not allowed) and wear!
- We must put our belongings in the provided lockers and lock it
- We must tie our hair
- We must wear rubber gloves when wearing nail polish
- We must wash the cooking equipments, dry, and put them back after using them
- We must clean the table after using
- We must not take picture of others' food, only taking picture of our own food is allowed
- We must eat and finish our own cooked food in the kitchen after cooking, wash the plates, and put them back on the rack, there's a dining table provided
- We must not sell our food and make money to our classmates in the kitchen (outside the kitchen maybe ok)
I had to agree with the rules and sign on it, then I could sign up for the course.
My first cooking class will be tomorrow afternoon. I'll be cooking.... ahh, I'll tell you tomorrow! ^__^
Valentine is coming.....
bikin heart shape chocolate aja.. mudah.. gampang.. ga repot.. n yg penting... ga perlu oven.... hihihi^^
Wah... masih untung rule-nya gak suruh "bawa oven sendiri dari rumah". Hahaha...
Btw, I just joined a photography course. They also have very strict rules:
- We must bring our own DSLR camera. Cannot borrow from our classmates (borrow from friend outside class may be ok).
- We must bring our own battery, memory card, flash, etc.
- We must not sell our photos and make money to our classmates.
- It is really forbidden to use "auto" mode in the class. Never ever ever ever use "auto" mode; otherwise the teacher will...
- We must arrive at the class ON-TIME. If we're late, the teacher will lock us outside. It happened to me once. Hiks... :(
- We have to do the assignment every week. No exception!
Yesterday was my fourth class; and I was getting more confused with "depth-of-field lesson". Oh boy...
Ci, bikin chokorate yg low fat, anti-jerawat, and malah bikin sehat bak makan ketimun itu cari dimana ya?? I've been searching this for my entire life!
Hoahahaha, emang beneran di photo course ada rule: dilarang menjual poto hasil jepretan sendiri ke classmates?? Kenapa gak bole pake 'auto' mode in the class? Otherwise the teacher will.....????? what???
In my cooking course, we must arrive on time too! If we're late, we can't join the class and we must pay 800Yen (US$7) for the materials (500Yen) and for obat-penghilang-kecewa (300Yen). But the teacher can't lock us outside since it's an open kitchen, so at least we still can inguk2 from outside to see how our classmates are doing and say "Bu Guru, yang belakang sendiri rambut kriting nyontek tuh!"
Hahaha... aturan jual menjual itu kan cuman ikut2an abigail. Lagian yah, kalo mo menjual pun pasti gak laku; lah orang laen juga isa ambil photo sendiri je... kepiye coba.
Kalo sik "auto-mode" beneran itu. Lah kalo cuman pake "auto-mode", ngapain juga ikut2an photography course. Kek kebanyakan duit ae....
Nah kalo ketauan pake "auto-mode", the teacher will.... apa yah. Ini cerita beneran loh, tiap minggu tuh, kita suruh tunjukin hasil jepretan kita minggu lalu. Nah pas bagian ini nih, suka jadi bulan2an di depan kelas. Kan pasti ketauan tuh kalo kita pake "auto-mode"...
Taunya pake auto mode ato ga gimana?
Liat dari hasil yg ms di camera ato yg uda dicetak?
Biasae kan gamb yg lum dicetak kalo diliat bisa beda2 tergantung layar monitor,bener ga si?
Kalo dicetak bukannya jg tergantung si pencetaknya buat sharp-bright-color-nya?
Aku kebanyakan nanya yah?
Uda cukup sekian dl aja yah?
Ntar ada pernyatanyaan nyusul lg ms bole nanya kan?
Iya, aku ya penasaran, gimana dia tau kalo pake auto-mode?? Kalo cuma nunjukin poto yg udah diprint, bisa juga ditouch up pake photoshop. Atau mesti ditunjukkin poto yg di dlm kamera? Kalo ketahuan pake auto-mode, nti dikancingi di luar jg?
kalo ketauan pake auto-mode ntar disetrap sama pak guru.. di depan kelas berdiri satu kaki, tangan kanan pegang kuping kiri n kuping kanan dipegang tangan kiri.. naaaah looooo...
Kan guru-nya check file-nya.... di situ ada EXIF data... nah keliatan banget tuh kalo pake auto-mode.
Disetrap di depan kelas berdiri satu kaki, tangan kanan pegang kuping kiri n kuping kanan dipegang tangan kiri, dan harus tetep bisa motret tanpa auto-mode, mencetnya pake apapun boleh.. enaknya mencet camera pake apa hayo?? ngezoom2nya pake apa hayo?? *teka-teki*
Omong2, ini blog ttg cooking course, atau photography course?
Kalo gt wkt file nya mau dicek sama bu guru jgn diksh ko... Kalo nga check file kan ga bisa tau to?
Nah... siapa ini yang bikin melenceng jadi photography course. Udah jelas2 judul-e cooking course. Anak2... kalo kasih comment tuh liat judulnya dulu yah. Ojok ngawur2 gitu....
Disetrap di depan kelas berdiri satu kaki, tangan kanan pegang kuping kiri n kuping kanan dipegang tangan kiri, dan harus tetep bisa motret tanpa auto-mode, mencetnya pake apapun boleh.. enaknya mencet camera pake apa?? ngezoom2nya pake apa hayo?? *teka-teki*
pake remote...
uda.. ga usa rebutan.. sekarang cooking course n photography course uda digabung di blogging course.. diharapkan pada suatu hari.. abis cooking2 di-photo2 then di-upload ke blog.. hehehe^^
Itu anonymous yg jawab pake remote itu sapa ya? Next question, mencet tombol remote-nya pake apa?
Ci S hebatt!! Bikin blog ttg masakan memang butuh 2 keahlian: cooking skill and photography skill, eh one more: make-up skill! Perlu ndandanin masakannya dan kokinya!
Yang pertama kali upload rule di photography course sapa yah?
Btw, kalo njepret photonya ga pake auto-mode, tp seblom dikumpulin diutak-utik dulu pake photoshop ble ga??? yg penting ga pake auto-mode kan??
Hehe.. emang neh topic cooking course yg dibahas malah photography course.. Jgn2 ntar kalo ada blog yg topicnya photography course yg dibahas ttg fashion-designing-course... huehuehuehueu ^^
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