Oh my goodness, diary!
I got these wonderful pretty presents from my dearest persons in this world on my bday! I like D1or so much and they gave me these. Thanks God for letting them know what I want!

D1or Earrings from Hubby

D1or Necklace from Sis
Actually when my parents came in Dec, they brought the necklace from my sis. And, on one fine sunny day when I was wearing this necklace, I'm not sure whether my beauty was blinding him or it was because of the sunbeams....
Hubby: "Wow, it's best if you're also wearing the matching earrings"
Me: "Yes I know. That's why I'll be buying the earrings"
Hubby: [I saw a bridge in between his two eyebrows. He must be astonished by my beauty to the max till couldn't say anything]
Few weeks passed by.
This is my confession. I want to write it here so that I can remember forever. Last nite we're trying to remember what gift he gave me for my last year's birthday and we still couldn't remember, then I said "I'll go back and check on my little diary". You see, this is very important! Brain can forget, but my little diary can't. This is also very important for me to remember especially when I've doubt about him. You know, girl has never felt enough no matter how much she takes. I never feel full even tough I just eat one big cething of rice, you believe it??
Ok, back to story, yesterday was my birthday, in the morning before he left for work, he booked me for dinner. Earlier, I rejected his invitation by saying that we had meats in the fridge that must be cooked today otherwise it would expire tomorrow bla bla bla. Now I put this in words, I feel that I'm like an old lady who only cares about meats and vegetables and tomatoes and potatoes. At 6.30pm he called me to confirm the dinner at 8pm in Ginza, when I was chatting with my sis in MSN. Initially I didn't mean to dress up since 8pm is almost errr...a bed time. But, she insisted. These are the last minute tips from my sis:
- Wear pretty and sexy dress inside the winter coat
- Do the hair differently
- Put light-but-nice make-up
- Make sure there's no smell from armpits and remove the unnecessary things over there
- Don't quarrel
- Smile mysteriously when first meeting him
- Make him think that he's dating his girlfriend, not his wife!
I was not sure about the last 2 points but I still typed "Ho oh" in MSN and decided to figure these out later since I was busy kruwel2ing my hair.
When I was about to arrive the Ginza station, I sent him sms.
Me: "I'm one stop away from Ginza now. Where are you?"
Him: "I just arrived"
Once arriving, I gave him a call.
Me: "Where are you? Where should we meet?"
Him: "I'm in front of the bookshop, the one that we visited last time"
Me: [Omo, he's outside already! The bookshop is just beside that ****** shop! He must have ahh...] "Which exit door?"
Him: "I dunno"
Me: "Ehh?" [How can he not know? Now I'm sure he had already been a while outside there doing....]
Him: "Meet me at exit A5"
Me: "OKAY!!"
At the exit door, I saw him waving his hand, right across the street, giving signal that I should cross the street. He was standing just in front of that shop! My mind kept thinking, kept analysing, kept guessing. The pedestrian light was on, I was crossing the street.. giving my best 'mysterious' smile to him while walking.. really, that was a very nice feeling! My hard work was paid, he said I looked err.. pretty *ahh malu.. tutupan buku*. Then, he gave me a white shopping bag. I opened the bag, the ribbons, the box, everything, on the street! I didn't care if people thought I was kampungan. It was just out of control! I guess I managed to accomplish the last command from my sis, which is "act like his girlfriend, not his wife". Only a wife would open the gift at home, right?
Anyway, thank you sis, thank you honey.. God has sent both of you to me, to melengkapi satu sama laen.. I mean, melengkapi kebutuhanku.. ^_^
Makan bakso pake koyor...
Duhh..senangnya dapet dior..
Sexy dress?? mysterious smile??? nyebrang jalannya sambil slow motion nda fen? terus rambutnya sambil berkibar2 tertiup angin...hahahah :P
Nice bday gifts!!!
Hahaha.. harusnya slow motion cuman karna pas lg nyebrang jalan mesti cepet2 takut ketabrak. Anyway, I didnt let the wind blow my hair at that time, mesti dipegangin takut maburr takut ambyarrr.. karna rambut diroll tapi gak dikasi gel, males kramas malem2.. hihi..
Happy belated birthday my dearest cousin.. Hope u'll always be happy.. Wish u all the best and may God always bless u everywhere u r n in whatever u do..
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