Dear diary,
Today is not my birthday yet, but some people already gave me presents. Is this the 2008 trend? Anyway, I'm touched by what they've done for me. Those are not gifts wrapped by pretty papers and ribbons, not big gifts inside box, not pricey gifts, but these gifts are specially made for me. I love this kind of gifts! Really!
1. The first gift was from a couple of husband and wife in my Saturday fellowship, the Kusumas. They are like our guardians.
2. The second gift was from my dearest cousin, C Safaroni. I guess she's flying to overseas today so she gave me the present one day earlier. Omo omo, she made the 'Manten-Jepun-Nganggo-Blangkon' become a real 'Jebule-Bang-Ron'!

Thank you! I really appreciate it! ^_^
Happy Birthday to Fenie!!!!
Panjang umur... and wish you happiness... and cepet2 punya momongan. Hihihi....
(lebih baik keduluan daripada terlambat)
HePpY BiRtHdAy!!!!
Semoga panjang umur, diberkati Tuhan selalu dalam rumah tangga, bisnis, keluarga dan pelayanan.
Semoga cepet punya momongan yahh..yg pinter2 and cakep2 hehehhe :)
Have a great Bday!!!
Thank youuuu!!! ^_^
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