Hellow little diary..
Today is Friday. My favorite day of the week! Usually people call it TGIF (Thanks God It's Friday). Well, for me now, everyday is like Friday. So, I should say TGIH (Thanks God It's Holiday or Thanks God I'm Housewife)! We have to keep saying thanks in whatever condition we're going through. Yes, my current occupation is "Housewife". In Indonesian, housewife means "Ibu Rumah Tangga". But, I don't like to call myself an Ibu Rumah Tangga because:
- I'm not an 'Ibu' (mother) yet
- I stay in apartment, not in a 'Rumah' (house with garden, fence, and stuff)
- My apartment has emergency fire stairs, but not 'Tangga' (stairs) that usually a 2-storey 'Rumah' has.
In conclusion, I'm not an 'Ibu Penjaga Rumah dan Tangganya' (A mother who takes care of the house and her stairs). So, I think it's more correct if I call myself a housewife, which means a wife who stays in the house. Do you think so?
I like a Japanese word for housewife, which is "Shufu". In Chinese, shufu means teacher. I'm imagining of becoming the kungfu teacher among the monks in the temple when I say "Watashi wa shufu desu!" with setting my voice low, my chin up, and my chest a lil bit in front. I almost put my both hands together on my chest like a shaolin teacher.
People tend to ask a housewife this question "What do you do at home?". This question is similar to "What do you do in the bathroom?" or "What do you do when you're in the office?" When we're in the bathroom, of course we're bathing. When we're in the office, of course we're doing office works. Isn't it too obvious? So, answering the first question: We're at home because... we're wives who stay at home! Where else should we be? *You're not answering, what do you at home?* A housewife, of course she's doing house works! *Isn't that a similar role of "Ibu Penjaga Rumah dan Tangganya"??*
Anyway, enough about renungan pagi. This is what I cooked in the 2nd class of my cooking course. Cooking is part of the house works and this is my way of improving my house-work-skill. *Why?* Because this is what I call " my current achievement" in this field so I want to do it better and better. In whatever role God set us up, we still have to perform the best, rite? That's one way I know on how to say 'Thank You' to Him.
The menu:
1. Kimchi Soup
2. Chichimi (Korean Pancake) + the sauce
3. Pumpkin Ice Cream
4. Ice water?

These last few days, we started something. Something new for us. Something very meaningful for our lives. The most important thing in this life. I really thank God to keep reminding us all these years till we were finally moved! This is our commitment, I'm soooo happy that we managed to start this! Aja Aja Fighting!
Wah.... iki dulu bahasa Indonesia dapet nilai berapa sih. Nama-nya "ibu rumah tangga" bukan berarti ibu penjaga rumah dan tangganya.
Sama aja kayak "kampung halaman". Misal-e aku tuh dari Magelang... Opo bisa disebut "kampung halaman"? Jelas2 Magelang ki kota je bukan kampung (Susan... ayo kasih support... sesama Magelang-er).
Kampung Halaman means kampung yang ada ayam2nya dan ada bunyi kring2 sepeda, dan ada halamannya tempat anak2 kampung lari2 mainan ber-ber-cok. Dan.. sebenarnya.. tiap.. kali.. aku.. mikir.. ttg.. kampung.. halaman.. aku.. selalu.. keinget.. akan.. Magelang!
Susan... Susan... where are you? Ayo... kasih support buat Magelang.... Masak ini ada wong Solo bilang Magelang is kampung.
Hello ko...
I'm here...
sorry for late support...
Yesssssss... Magelang is a kota.. not a kampoeng.. even i should admit it is a small tiny town..
so.. should we say "Magelang is a kota halaman kita"???
aku mau resep korean pancake + dipping nya duooonk..... pengen banget de maem ituuuuuuuuu...
My kampoeng halaman juga Magelang! En menurutku, mgl identik dgn embok2 tenongan.. Sama bau kali di gang dari rumah encen ke rumah ama! Msh ada lg, banyak ranjau eek guk2 di situ.. Itulah yg bikin aku jatuh cinta ama magelang, en balik ke mgl lg!
Eh I was also born in Magelang, you know.. thats why I consider Magelang as my bestest the one and only kampung halaman. Di Solo jarang ada bau eek guk2.. that's what I miss most about Magelang.
Ci Cucan lagi menjenguk ibu kangguru yang baru saja melahirkan anak kangguru yg ke-14, makanya jarang onlen.
Ci Cucan, aku mau praktek bikin pancake dulu di rumah baru resepnya aku masukin ke dapur cantik ya.. aku masih gak yakin bisa berhasil atau gak kalo bikin sendiri hihihi...
Kok sik diinget-e eek guguk to.... aku malah perasaan gak pernah bauk eek guguk di magelang....
magelang kuwi adlh kota harapan dan selalu aku mengharapkan untuk pulang wis 5 thun jeh ra bali magelang.
Magelang Forever
Aku kangen ro pacarku sing mbiyen mutuske aku.
B3NI,Jakarta Timur
You forgot Andrew Jackson’s Big Block of Cheese with nary a macaroni in sight.
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