Hi my little diary,
I'm at home, doctor said that I have to rest for 2-3weeks, no walking. I can't go to work too. But the good news is, I don't need to wear a cast! Doctor said that the fracture isn't so bad so I can just wear a supporter.
You know what, I guess this is God's plan. When I saw a doctor on friday, the doctor couldn't put the cast on my foot because I was wearing tight jeans. I told the doctor that it was okay if I couldn't remove my jeans, I would just use scissor to cut it. But, when I told him that, it was already too late, the clinic was about to close in 20mins time. So, he wrote me a letter and asked me to go to other clinic to get a cast on Saturday since his clinic is close on Saturday. I went to a clinic near my house on Saturday morning with my husband. It's good to get second opinion too, the doctor said that I don't really need a cast. OMG!! It's such a good news to me! I will need to go back to see that doctor again on Wednesday to see the progress. If it's getting worse, I'll need to put a cast. Please God, please God, I don't want to put a cast.. I really don't know what's the matching pants if my foot is in a cast.
My dear husband is now doing some of the houseworks for me. This is one of the most wonderful things of having a husband. Anyway, he bought 2 pieces of turkey's tighs yesterday, and cooked for me. We celebrated Xmas sooner.

On a silent Sunday, we ate the baked turkey, some muffins and hot tea.. just two of us.. in our home sweet home. I really enjoyed it. I forgot about my fractured bone for few moments.. *because you were sitting!* I still want to thank God for whatever situation I have.. because He sent me a great husband to take care of me when I'm disabled. *and do the houseworks for you?* Thanks God, for everything!