
Nihon no Taipu (Typing in Japanese)

Wednesday, 17 Oct 07, 8.15am at home

Hello again, diary,
Yesterday, my Japanese class was in computer lab. My Japanese sensei (teacher) taught me how to type Japanese in the computer. It was so much fun! She asked us to write a nikki (diary) just to practice typing. It should not be a problem, I used to write my little diary here almost every day.

This is what I wrote on the computer.

私の名前は フェにタ です。

火曜日、 2007年10月16

My name is Fenita.
A student of Temple University.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Now I'm studying Japanese in class. My teacher is teaching me how to type on the computer in Japanese. Now..

You know, this is the template that I usually use when writing my little diary. I just started writing the date, the month, the year, and few sentences of introduction about what I was doing, I had not touched the topic of what I did before coming to class, too late, suddenly my sensei asked me questions. I was not ready at all to answer these! Even, I had not finished writing the introduction part..
Sensei: Fenita-san, doko-ni kimashita? (Fenita, where did you come from?)
Me: Oh uh oh uchi ni kimashita (oh uh oh from home)
Sensei: Ropponggi ni? Ginza ni? Ikebukuro ni? (from Roponggi? from Ginza? from Ikebukuro?) << She still couldn't believe I came from home
Me: Uchi ni! (from home)
Sensei: Ohh.. uchi ni?? Kyoo wa uchi de nani o shimashita? (Ohh.. from home?? Today what did you do at home?) << What's wrong with my uchi?
Me: uh hmm ermm uhh souji o shimashita, ryouri o shimashita (uh hmm ermm uhh cleaned, cooked) << D*mn! Sensitive question! What a housewife could do??!!
Sensei: So desuka? Nani o tsukurimashitaka? (Really? What did you cook?) << Omo, not too detail please..
Me: Bifu kare desu (Beef Curry) << this is true!
Sensei: Ryouri o shimashita, nani o shimashitaka? (After cooking, what did you do?) << Do you really want to know this far??
Me: Tabemashita!! (I ate!!) << Actually, I was watching DVD after cooking but I was afraid she would ask the movie title, the story, the actors, uhh.. better not!
Sensei: Nani o nomimashitaka? (What did you drink) << omo omo omo, please please stop it!
Me: ermm.. Ocha o nomimashita (ermm.. Green tea) << I was about to say wine
Sensei: Dare to shokuji o shimashitaka? Haha. You don't have to tell me the truth. (Whom did you have meal with? Haha. You don't have to tell me the truth.) << What's with 'Haha'? She knew that I was having meal alone??
Me: [Smile] No No, Tomodachi to! (No No, with friends) << That smile and that 'No No' meant that I was not lying.
Sensei: So desuka. Sugoi desune. (Really? That's great)
Me: Hai! (Yes!) << Yes, I was lying. I ate alone.

After she finished asking me questions about my diary, she was asking my other classmates who all could answer it with long long long sentences. They had finished writing their diary, so they were all prepared! Did I look stupid? One good lesson for me, do not write too long introduction when writing a diary!



Antony Pranata said...

Eh Fenita bahasa Japanese-nya apa? Tak terjemahin pake Google kok jadinya "Ta-hoi"???

Anonymous said...

Kalo ada kanjinya aku jd isa nebak2 dikit.. mengasikkan jg.. ky baca teka-teki peta harta karun.. hahaha...
Kalo 翁淑霞bacanya apa ya?
Kalo ga salah 林 = hayashi yah?


AbigaiL said...

Ko, Fenita bahasa Jepangnya tu フェにタ, bacanya ya tetep Fenita. Jadinya Ta-hoi?? sejenis tahu kah?

Ci S, kalo 翁淑霞 tulisannya tetep 翁淑霞, kalo bacanya ga tauu.. kayaknya 霞 bacanya kasumi. wahaha.. 1 kata dibaca 3-sukukata, namaku jadi panjannggg..

林 bacanya hayashi kah? aku malah ga tau, aku taunya baru yg 1pohon, (hayashi kan 2pohon), mungkin minggu depan belajar yg 2pohon.

Jess said...

Aduh...yap2 mulai mengeluarkan aksi bahasa dewa nya. Merinding ni yg baca...kok udah canggih amat?
Jgn2 pas udah menguasai bhs jp, kalian bakal pindah negara lg?