
Hello, L Lee...

Wednesday, 17 Oct 07, 7.46am at home

Good morning, my diary.
Today is a such good morning, I have a good mood today, because yesterday night I received a good news! Do you remember that I told you about my dream? A dream about my sister's second pregnancy.. It happened! Thanks God! Yeehaaa.. I'll be getting a nephew soon!! Well, it's too soon to know whether it's a girl/boy, but I really hope it will be a boy because she has a baby girl already now. Congratss sis.. I'm really really really happy for you.. ^_^

This blog entry is dedicated to my future nephew 'L Lee'. I just want to let him know that I'm looking forward to see you soon... on this world! I knew I love you before I met you.. *nyanyi* Muuuuaaaaaackkkkkk...!!!

-Happy Abbie-

p.s Sis, you have not changed the baby's name, rite? Tell me if you do, and let me know once you know it's a girl/boy.. I'll need to update this post.. ^_^


Antony Pranata said...

Waks..... pregnant lagi. Wah ngebut tenan si Jess.... Tambah ponakan lagi.

L. Lee -> "L"-nya apaan?

Anonymous said...

I've heard the news too.. *i thought should 'not to tell anyone' first before she make sure by having a lab test* ternyata kok beritanya uda nampang di blog.. hehehe...

Btw, about the "L" name.. quite nice name.. tapi kalo org indo nyebut namane ntar jd ky nama cew ga yah.. *coz one of my student have the same name n.. she is a girl*


Anonymous said...

For kk Antony...
Kapan neh nyusul Jess.. *hampir 2-0 loh*
hehehe.. ^_^


Antony Pranata said...

@Susan: Loh... aku tuh nunggu Susan loh. Entar abis Susan, baru aku deh.

AbigaiL said...

Oopss.. kalo ci J baca ini nti marah2?? Tapi kan aku nulis to my little diary, cuman ga sengaja ada manusia2 lain yg ikut baca.. hihihihi..

L itu kepanjangan dari... hint: merk tas! Ayo tebak kata, cerdas cermat!!

Aku ngakak baca yg 2-0, kayak nonton bal2an.. wekekeke.. timing blom slese Ko, masih bisa kekejar.. biasa bal2an kan gitu, last minute masih sempet ada tendangan penalty berganda. Aja Aja!!

Anonymous said...

penalty berganda means "twins"??? Omo.. Omo..
C'mon ko.. Fighting!!!


Jess said...

Wah2....aku ketinggalan byk gosip rupanya selama aku bedrest. Iya nih, kenapa tiap kali hml hrs bedrest.
Ttg "L".... Ntar buat kejutan aja deh... Emg itu nama ada yg buat cwe cik...