Hellow diary,
It's been 3 months after my wedding. To be exact, it's been 3 months and 3 days! As I told you before, I had a pressure wanting to be a good housewife who can cook as well as do house chores, at the beginning of my marriage life. For me, the hardest part is to be able to cook a decent meal, at least. I did research a lot on the Internet and TV, copied some recipes, and asked helps from my sis and cousin.. I want my cooking skills to be improved! I want to be like my mum, who's able to tell what the ingredients are by just tasting it once, and the next morning she'll be able to make the meal by herself. Amazing, rite? I want to have a sensitive tounge and nose, skillful hands, and 'keibuan' heart. Well, people do change. I never imagined that I would love to learn cooking by 26 years old. I like eating, but I never liked cooking and I thought I would never like cooking forever and ever.
But, recently, my mind has changed. I still don't really like cooking but I like the feeling after I've finished cooking! *You're happy coz you've done your job of the day? Or you're happy coz it's time to eat?* O My God, you're absolutely rite, these 2 reasons are rite! But, more importantly, I'm happy if I've succeeded producing something, especially if I manage to make something nice and delicious. It's such a pleasant feeling! The process is also not bad, I can take my time practising and designing my food when my hubby isn't around. It'll be perfect if the person who eats my food likes it! Here, the one and the only person who eats my food and has chance to like it, is my husband. Indirectly, I feel so happy, if by any chance, he likes my food. I'm still learning now, hopefully I'll be improved by the time goes by :D
Now I understand the feeling of persons who cook, they must have their own passion on something to be able to cook well. A chef has passion on food, a mother has passion on her husband and kids, and a maid has passion on....money? We should give them big applause, cooking isn't easy. Just one tip, enjoy it when you cook, so cooking is not that bad. Anyway, here I posted some karya of mine *ihik.. malu*

Wah masak semur. Jadi pingin nih... :) Besok cobain juga ah. Resep-e mana Fen?
Itu beef spaghetti-e lebih asyik kalo di-bake. Resep-e mirip2 cuman tahap akhir-e masukin oven plus dikasih cheese.
Honestly yah... satu2nya hiburanku waktu di Germany dulu "cooking". Lek udah weekend gitu, spend a couple of hours cooking.
I don't believe that I can cook now. Imagine ae... pas ndek Indo dulu, nama-ne masak nasi ae gak isa. Huahaha... Belajar masak nasi 3 minggu sebelum berangkat ke Germany.
Anyway... keep practise yah. Entar kalo kita orang mampir Jepun, tinggal nagih dimasakin.
Wah koko hebat banget isa masak.. aku kalo masak ga terlalu ngikuti resep Ko, resep cuman diliat, dibaca, dihayati, didalami, tapi tidak untuk dipanut. Akhirnya aku pake my keibuan heart untuk bikin ulenan sendiri hihihi..
Wah, beef spaghetti bisa di-bake?? Udah jadi gitu trs di-bake? Sak-piringnya dimasukin smua ke oven? Apa ga kering nanti?
iyaaaaaa.. koko sekarang jago masak loh....
apa tuh resep andalan koko... yg saus asam manis yah?? n nasi tim ayam....
waaaaaaaaaa.... jadi laperrrrrrrr...
*bagi2 resep dunk...*
Koko tuh plg ahli bikin nasi ayam.. Hehe..
Tp masakanmu dr gbr ktok enak jg kok yap. Kyke dibanding wkt di aussie, skill memasakmu udah lebih improve. Bayangin wae dulu...bikin rawon isinya sosis sama wortel...
Asem buka2 rahasia.. sekarang lebih mengikuti buku masakan kok, gak asal semua bahan di kulkas dimasukin. Kalo udah keburu pada expired ya terpaksa semua dimasukin lah, ga peduli lagi masak rawon atau soto atau gudeg, jadinya orak-arik.. tiap hari makan orak-arik.. dalam segala bumbu bisa dimasak orak arik.. orak arik is the joss!!
Loh... rawon isi wortel... Ala Aussie yah... Tak cobain juga deh minggu depan. Sapa tau enak. :)
Aduh koko, jgn dicoba wortel dimasukin rawon, mending rawon pake potongan sosis and telur rebus lebih mending heuheuehue *tambah kacau*
Ko,minta resep bikin saus asam manis dong... srius nehh.. ada kecap botolannya ga??
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