Hi diary,
Just want to share with you how to make Japanese style dumpling (my style). Hihihi... Fyi, that is my hand.

I know the wantons are a little bit burnt. Well, I'm still learning how to cook. Anyway, after you steam it for a while, try to eat it as soon as you can while it's still hot!
Happy trying..
it's called Gyoza isn't it?
it's steamed or fried??
looks delicious...
the gyoza lookin real good~~
Is it your hand? Who took the picture then?
Yes, it's called Gyouza. Anyway, who is the Anonymous?
For the one with Chinese Character (sorry, I don't know how to spell it), thanks for encouragement :) it really means to me. And,thanks for reading my blog. By the way, you're Iren's friend?
For Koko, I have 2 hands. While my hand made the gyouza, my other hand took pictures.. hueheuheue.. *niat banget ya?*
it's spelled "yu" but QQ (kiki) is fine..
I guess I am but kind of indirect one.. Irene was my brother's friend at first =)
I LOVE your pancake!!~ how you made it into heart shape? did they haf the mould?
I luv cookin myself too so I can understand the obsession.. I used to be able to cook alot in perth but once I reach Indo haf to start all over again due to difference in ingredients..>.<
Zutto ganbatte ne~
Hi QQ, salam kenal.. I love the idea to make friendship from here :P
For the heart-shape pancake, you can just buy the template from shop. I bought it from Metro at TA last time hehehe..
Yea, you're rite. Different country has different ingredients. I'm also facing difficulty here in getting ingredients that I want. There are no kunyit,kunir,rempah2 here hehehe.. Let's learn together. Can I link your blog to my blog?
Wah niat tenan lek nge-blog... bikin dumpling sambil foto2.
Eh Fen, itu kulit dumpling-e mesti khusus dari Jepun yah? Aku tuh kapan pernah bikin, tapi pake kulit dumpling dari China... gak isa jadi kayak gitu. Jadi kayak pangsit goreng abang bakso ndek Indo itu loh.
anonymous is not me.... :)
Wah aku gak tau ttg kulit dumpling ya. Aku belinya kulit dumpling sih ada gambarnya Gyouza gitu, mungkin emang khusus kali ya. Tapi, emang pas mentahnya krasa beda juga sama kulit lumpia yg aku beli di Indo. Yang ini kulit terasa lebih alus,tebel,and kenyal.. kayak kalo abis pake masker SK2. Hahahaha..
Sure =) I've been putting a link to your blog on mine since months ago...I do apologise for not asking you first tho =( *bows* hontoni gomenasai...
woah? kunyit dll...boro2...the onli spices I ever use was..salt..pepper...MSG...and *err..wats the name again*...some seed that you grate and put into sup kacang merah. OH and oyster sauce..LOl. Totally cookin a la survivin student style XD
For QQ, it's ok..I'm glad to know that someone out there who doesn't know me, actually reads my blog hihihihi...
Honestly,I also never used kunyir kunir unyil ucrit apalah namanya.. cuman akhir2 ini aja lagi rindu masakan Indo jadi butuh.
Anyway, you can speak Japanese??
bits by bits here and there...apparently I've watch too much anime and heard too much j-pop that it kinds of grow on me..=)
I still sux at the grammar tho...>.<
Wah...itu dumpling kl korea nya gun-mandu gt yah...?
gun-mandu?? gundu apa mandu? Setauku kalo koreanya mandu.
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