
I need a Map please.....!!

Friday, 5 Sep 07, 1.09pm at home

Benci.. benci.. benci..!!!!
You know that I lost my Tokyo City map, rite? Now I want to buy a new map for tomorrow's family trip, I'm good enough to have willingness to buy it again, ain't I? Kinokuniya bookstore is the only bookshop I know of that's selling English version of books, including maps. Honestly, I only know one Kinokuniya store that's located in Shinjuku, but I don't want to go there, it's too far from my home! So, I searched for Kinokuniya's stores at other locations and I found a long list of locations including those near my home. It's good! But, the problem is, I don't know how to get there!! I searched the Internet again for map of the locations, it's either in Japanese or none in English. I hate it! I always have difficulty searching things from the Internet in Japan.

So now, what I suppose to do? I need to buy a map from a bookstore, finding a bookstore needs a map. Bookstore needs a map or a map needs a bookstore?? Arghhh... It's something like chicken and egg, which one comes first? I don't care whether chicken or egg comes first! I just need a map! No, I need to find a bookstore! No, I need a map first to find a bookstore! But, I don't have a map with me now, so I need a bookstore first!! No, I need a map first!!! Arghhhh...

-'NdongkoL' Abbie-


Jess said...

Kenapa ya kalo Yaya yg nulis, pengalaman 'ndongkol' aja tetep lucu?
Trus...kyke cerita ttg mana dulu antara ayam apa telor tuh bener2 mendarah daging sama Yap2...terbukti cerita apapun selalu bisa dihubungkan sama telor ayam.

Antony Pranata said...

Iya loh... aku paling suka makan ayam ama telor. Loh gak ono hubungan-e yah. :)

Fen, emang mobile phone di Jepun belon ada GPS yah? Kalo belon ada, coba pake Google Maps aja. Paling gak, Google Maps bisa tunjukin map (tapi tanpa direction). Mestinya masih oke lah yah; daripada blank sama sekali.

Anonymous said...

telor ayam....
diceplok atau didadarrr..
maem sm nasi putih n kecap manissss..
*kk uu dl mpe ngirimi foto telor ceplok mata sapi yg matanya bener2 melotot*

AbigaiL said...

Ah, aku mau dong foto telor ceplok'e Koko.. kirim ke emailku yaa.. telor ceplokku biasa kalo ga sipit ya agak katarak (pecah trus ketutup telut putihnya).

Ko, di sini HP ada GPSnya tapi smuanya in Japanese. Lebih parah lagi Japanesenya Kanji pula! Yang tulisan2 chinese itu. Jadi buka map JP sama aja bingung, ga tau itu gedung namanya apa, sebelahnya gedung apa, di station apa terdekatnya.

Yoi, cerita favoritku itu ayam dan telor. Atau bisa juga diganti bebek dan telor atau burung dan telor atau babi dan anaknya/induknya.