
"Abbie, Aja Aja Fighting!"

Sunday, 12 Nov 06, 6.15pm in my room..

Leherku masih tengeng, kemarin coba2 dipijit pake counterpain and baby oil (niru2 tukang pijet depan SGM), udah mendingan seh tapi kalo dipegang masih sakit, sedikit bengkak.. tau tuh, penyakit aneh! Tengeng kok isa bengak seh?

I had a good rest this weekend after long and exhausted days this week. Tomorrow I need to go back to work again! Aja! Aja! Fighting, Abbie!!

Today's diary has no specific topic, just want to share with you few things that I missed out. On Thursday (9 Nov 06 at 1.50pm) I submitted my PR application, hihihi.. that was my second attempt, the first attempt (last year) was rejected by Singapore government, they said the reason was confidential, huh! Sok secretive amat! They just sent me a letter saying that "We're sorry to inform you that your PR application has been rejected due to some reasons. Please try again in 1.5 years." It's been almost 1 year, not 1.5 years yet.. but I still submitted my application.. just try my luck. Well, actually I'm now also not really confident to get PR since I've been working in this new company only for 3 months. They actually require at least 6 months pay slips. But I prefer to try.. trying better than not trying.. since it's free! No registration fee. I like everything which is free, I guess everyone does! hihihi.. My little diary, please help me pray for my PR application this time.. The result will be out in about 3 months time. Let's see..

Last week, I had my MBA graduation picture taken, together with my bf. I'm sooo sad that I had to take picture myself, I mean without parents :( But, I try to understand that they are busy and I had my Bachelor graduation taken with them already. I think that's enough :)

I think I should start to get used to live and handle everything with my bf from now on since I'm getting married soon. I'll live in Singapore with him, far from my parents, far from my siblings, far from other relatives and friends. My little diary, I haven't told you about my marriage rite? Yes, don't be shocked! I'm getting married soon in less than 8 months time. To be precise, it will be on 07/07/2007! Special day rite? Yes, I'm looking forward to that day like all other brides-to-be do, but there's a strange feeling here.. thinking about I'll live alone, build my own family, manage my own financial issues, settle my own family problems. How should I treat a husband? Should I make breakfast every morning for him? How should I greet him in the evening when he reaches home from office? How to raise a child? What to cook for dinner? How should we spend time on weekend? I'm not sure if I'm up to all of these now.

I'm 25 years old now, going to be 26th soon on next February (3 months down the road). Everyone is thinking that I'm old enough to get married. Yes, I'm matured if you look at my age, but I still feel like a child who still needs helps from elders.. I've been staying away, far from home, far from parents since I was 18 years old. I studied in Australia for 4 years, then I've been staying in Singapore (study and work) for 3 years. I tell myself, actually I have no issue staying away from home, so what's my problem? Why do I have to feel worry now? Is it because of a piece of paper with "Marriage Agreement" title on that? What's the difference?

I know everyone must go through this. It's just a phase in our life! People say "Being yourself is the key to solve every problem coz that's what your spouse loves from you". "You're moving to the next level, Abbie!" Yeah, I guess I'll just be myself and keep moving on..

"Abbie, Aja Aja Fighting!"


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