Here it comes again.. and again..
Hello My Little Diary,
I’m still in office, still in my working hours tapi aku nekad aja nulis diary karena aku bener2 lagi suntukkkk.. udah sejak jam 11.30 pagi tadi badanku gak enak banget, ngerasa kedinginan banget, kepala udah mulai berdenyut2 dan berat banget serasa mau melayang.. aku heran juga sih, berat tapi serasa mau melayang! Padahal biasa hanya benda yang ringan yang bisa melayang kan? Pokoknya aku ngerasanya gitu deh..
Manusia tuh aneh ya, mood bisa berganti2 cepet banget.. aku barusan ngliat topic diary sebelumnya “An Extremely Happy Day!” jadi malu sendiri, sekarang aku lagi bener2 sedih, terpojok, ngrasa lemes, dan tidak berdaya.. Aku barusan nangis juga di kantor, sekarang muka bengkak2 cuek aja duduk di kantor lanjutin kerja like nothing happened.. temen2ku pada cengok2 ngliatin aku, liat aja sono.. liat sono sepuasmu!
Anyway, aku ngrasa sedih dan lemah karena aku terpojok ma keadaan.. orang bilang, orang yang mau married pasti banyak masalah, entah itu dari internal maupun external.. Now I experience that feeling, that situation, that desperation, that pessimism.. I feel like giving it up now… and it’s not my first time.. It’s really not an easy position being in between future-hubby, parents, and future-parents-in-law. So many problems.. so many misunderstandings.. so many barriers.. yet so little understanding.. and so little appreciation..
I always try to make all of them happy and live in peace, but I end up being blamed and told off by everyone. Blame me who acts as a super hero and a busy body!!!!
“Stop acting as a hero, Abbie! You think you are Gogle Pink?! Whom are you trying to save? Whom are you trying to protect? Come on, none appreciates your care, none appreciates your super-angel intention! Stop it! Don’t waste your energy!! Do other thing that’s more useful.. Just follow what it should be.. let it flow how it should be.. Don’t try to argue! Don’t try to act smart! Don’t try to do something funny, Abbie! Yeah.. yeah.. yeah.. you are very funny, Abbie.. don’t make me laugh! Look at you, look at you, you’re NOTHING! Just shut your mouth up and do what they tell you to do!!”
Excuse me, can I ask something? You ask me to do what they tell me to do? What do you mean by ‘they’? Who are 'they'? My future-hubby? My parents? My future-parents-in-law? Hahahaha… now I can laugh! Thanks to you! The problem isn’t that easy.. I’m sure you are smart enough to understand what I mean.. Suddenly I remember pepetah Indo “Setitik tinta rusak susu sebelanga”, misunderstandings di masa lalu gak gampang ilang.. if you are lucky, forever it will still in your mind.. if you are not lucky, jurang kesalahpahaman makin lama makin dalam.. makin besar..
My little diary, should I move on? How if the problems become bigger after marriage? I’m really scared! Tiap kali masalah datang dan pergi, ketakutanku makin dalam.. makin dalam.. karena aku tau kalo masalah itu belum pergi, it only acts invisible and wait for a good time to appear again.. Please don’t scare me, I really don’t like playing ‘ciluba’ since young.. please don’t give me any more cobaan, aku hampir ga kuat.. unless you want me to give up??
-Desperate Abbie-
An Extremely Happy Day!
Hello My Little Diary,
Today I'm super duper huper tuper buper wuper happy.. I can't describe my happiness with words, so I can't tell you the reason why I'm happy today hoahahaha...
Seriously, I really can't tell you why I'm happy, but still I want to share my happiness with you.. The reason why I write it here because I want to make this day, 28 Nov 06, becoming a memorable day that I'll remember when I'm 50 years old.. a day where a path to my future is finally opened up.. God starts showing me His light and His way.. Thank's God, I know that this is Your will, You've answered my long praying..
This is the first time I feel very very happy and relieved.. I've been feeling happy many times if you are talking about how God has been working on my life.. step by step.. one after another.. slowly He opens up my way..
1. When my parents decided to send me overseas to study, I was so happy..
2. When I managed to graduate from my bachelor and my master degree, I was so happy..
3. When my bf proposed me, I was so happy..
4. When I found job in Singapore, I was so happy..
But this time, it's different.. the happiness that I'm feeling now is not about me, it's not about my work or my things, but I'm sooo much happier than ever!
Anyway, when the time comes, I'll share with you what's that.. I don't mean to make you confused or curious.. let's wait & see, and keep praying, ok? ^_^
Funny Story about "Mr. Trainer"
Monday again.. monday again.. The day I hate most is MONDAY. And the day I love most is FRIDAY NIGHT, not friday morning, ok! Phew, but luckily monday is almost finished, now is 6.41pm already.. By right I can go home now, my urgent work is also done already.. but I can't! Because every Monday 6pm there's a training, it's so called training, but honestly *tulis pake indo ah, takut kebaca juga hihihi* itu training bener2 ga berguna sama sekali! Aku kasi conto ya.. minggu lalu aku dateng trainingnya, ada class exercise, kesannya keren kan dari namanya, EXERCISE! haha.. tau gak, exercisenya suruh ngapain? Jangan kaget, pegangan, siap2, beneran siap neh?? Ok deh.. luncurrr...!!
"Sebutkan 10 macam hal yang klip kertas tidak bisa lakukan?" Pasti kau sekarang lagi mengerutkan dahi dan mencoba membaca sekali lagi pertanyaannya sambil berpikir2 dalam hati "maksudnya apa seh? gak salah baca? gak salah ngerti?" Gak salah kok! Tuh, udah aku bold tulisannya biar bacanya cepet and moga2 cepet maksud. Hayoo, coba bisa gak jawabnya? kalo gak bisa coba tanya anak kecil yang berumur 5 taon, dijamin jawabannya pasti bener! Aku kasi contoh yah jawabannya kyk apa, ini jawabannya yang bener, bukan maen2, ok?!?
1. Klip kertas tidak bisa untuk dimakan
2. Klip kertas tidak bisa untuk sikat gigi
3. Klip kertas tidak bisa untuk mengepel lantai
4. Klip kertas tidak bisa untuk dibuat bedakan
5. Klip kertas tidak bisa untuk menyeterika pakaian
Sudah jelas? Apa malah lebih melotot keheranan?
Terus ada PR dari minggu lalu, begini PR-ku "Apa perbedaan Xbox dan PS3?" Katanya seh ini training marketing, kok nyelewengnya kejauhen seh? Waktu aku masih kuliah, dosenku kalo ngajar sering nyeleweng2 seh, tapi kadang2 aja sambil bercanda untuk memecahkan keseriusan murid2nya.. tapi training kali ini benar2 aku kepingin mengkikik sepanjang waktu, aku butuh keseriusan please..
Oh iya, dulu pernah juga ada class exercise (training di laen waktu neh), gini neh exercisenya:
"Sebutkan 3 hal yang membuktikan bahwa kau lebih baik daripada orang laen" maksudnya seh mau menekankan product positioning neh, pernah denger ttg teori SWOT analysis? Nahh, itu tuhh maksudnya.. tapi kenapa pake exercise diri sendiri? Kan gak enak dong ya yang mau promosi diri sendiri, abis njawab masih dikritik lagi, katanya "kok jelek? kok gak lebih baik daripada org laen? itu mah semua orang punya! apa kamu gak ada hal lain yang lebih baik? berarti kamu gak ada kelebihan apa2 dong!" Aduh, bencinya..
Nah, sekarang mesti lagi wondering apa hubungannya ada training and aku ga bisa pulang? Bukannya aku lagi nungguin training dimulai, sorry yah! aku tidak sesemangat itu..!! Aku baru sembunyi nehh.. pura2 aja sibuk ngerjain sesuatu sampe ga sempet ikut training, tadi pas bilang ma trainernya dengan muka melas, makanya dia bilang "Oh tidak apa2, jangan kecewa, masih banyak training yang lain minggu2 berikutnya". Aku kepingin melarikan diri neh, tapi pintu conference room terbuka, kalo aku lagi lari2 sambil bawa tas kan dia bisa ngliat, makanya sekarang aku masih pura2 sibuk, pura2 mengetik (padahal ngetik blog ini), menekan tombol keyboard sekeras2nya. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ketepu loe!
Kayaknya aku mo pulang aja deh sekarang, mo jalan melipir2 tembok ke exit door, moga2 gak kliatan.. Pray for me supaya aku ga ketangkep Mr. Trainer yah my Little Diary.. *eh eh barusan aku denger Mr. Trainer mengaum-ngaum menirukan suara harimau, terus menirukan suara raksasa gedee terus menirukan suara cewe yang kayak mau nangis, hihihihi... kayaknya lagi ada opera di dalem, asik bener deh! seru! seru!*
Crita campur2 deh..
Hello My Little Diary,
Today I can go back early yipee.. after doing so much works, settling so many problems on the online campaign I'm doing today.. phew! Such a tiring day! Tomorrow still have tons of works waiting for me.. Oh dear.. I feel like a cute tiny mouse chased by a big fat Mama cat.. playing hide and seek everyday, every hour, every minute, and every second..
I'm now at the new office, the environment is not bad actually.. I don't feel like in a office now, I feel more like in a err.. hotel. Hoahaha.. I'm not kidding.. This is really what I feel in this new office. Maybe because the office is just renovated and clean and bright and cold and etc etc.
My Little Diary, I have not told you that Cip2 and I write a novel rite? It's very fun! The address is http://just-____-lah@blogspot.com hohoho I can't tell you the exact address coz cip2 doesnt allow me to do so. She wants to keep it secret (karna cip2 itu masih malu2!) Just me, her, and ngoik know about this novel. Ngoik is our only and our biggest fan. He reads and waits for the progress every day, every hour! He always chases us to keep writing.. keep writing.. Dunno why he likes it so much, is our novel that good? really? Sorry, you can't read my novel since cip2 masih malu2. Let's wait till she gains her confidence. Maybe we should publish this novel in the future? Hmm.. I'll consider that.. perhaps I can be a good writer? I should start thinking of building career on this path? Perhaps I'll be a famous writer (with pretty face and sexy body of course!) who hires one assistant to handle my busy daily schedule such as jumpa pers, tandatangan buku di toko buku (yang antrinya panjanggg), meeting sama publisher buku, dan laen laen deh.. pokoknya bakal sibuk deh!
You must be questioning why I'm still here and not going home yet.. I was about to go home just now but suddenly... *pake indo aja ah, takut kebaca dia* ...managernya S*msunk (hehe ID disembunyikan) nongol di kantorku, sekarang dia masih duduk di ruang tamu, ada rapat sama salah satu temen sekerjaku. Curious why I'm hiding from her? Karna dia dulu clientku, dia galak banget and semena-mena. Kalo pgn tau gimana tampangnya yah: cewek, umur sekitar 40+, tampangnya garang, belum kawin. Makanya dia lebih suka kerja ma cowo daripada ma cewek. I take it as something positive, maybe she's jealous with me hoahaha.. anyway I'm no longer handling that account.. bye2 old woman! You are in the past.. Thanks God!
Dia udah pergi barusan.. hihihi.. now I can go home.. I want to go home earlier so that I'll have time to do twist & shape! :D
'Pooh & Friends' Collection for CeLine
Hello My Little Diary,
I just bought these Pooh & Friends, Baby Version Collection.. I want to give these to my niece.. my one, my only, and my prettiest niece.. CeliNe! I know that cip2 and her husband decorated CeLine's room with Pooh's wallpaper, maybe it's good to give this collection to her too.. hope she'll like it ^_^ These dolls are sooo soft and cute till I also want to own them! Perhaps I'll give up my KuniNg MeNyaLa Pooh CaLendar too! :D



'Lagi Tumpuk2an' Pose + 'Lagi Bergandeng2an' Pose + Calendar 07
Today my mum asked me to go back home on Chinese New year. I agreed with that since I also miss home so much. I've been wanting to see CeLine too. I've never seen her since she was born. After I checked my calendar, the Chinese New year actually will fall on 18-19Feb 07!! Oh My God! My Little Diary, perhaps you don't understand why I was so shocked. It's because it'll fall on my birthday, 19 Feb! This is not the first time. I happened to celebrate my Birthday on Chinese new year more than 2 times. Why Chinese likes my Birthday so much? My concern is because I want to spend my special day with my bf, here, in Singapore. I don't know what should I do now. I don't want to disappoint my Mum and cip2 (they always miss me so much :P), at the other hand, I also don't want to disappoint my bf. Actually my bf is ok with any of my decision since he's quite flexible and understanding.. But the problem lies on me.. The special day I always wait for every year to be pampered by him. Anyway, I'll discuss with him later and make decision as fast as possible so that I can arrange my air ticket soon.
Ok, I need to exercise now.. Twist & Shape Time!! Yeehaaa... *Dut.. cedat.. cedut.. cedat.. cedut..*
My Place and My Things

Good morning, Little Diary.. Today I want to tell you a bit about my life.. That pic on the right is the place where I'm staying now, Northvale! Nice view rite? ^_^ Yes, it's very nice at night.. I've been staying here with 3 other Indonesian girls for 1.5 years. Although the place is far from City (around 35-40mins drive), but I like this place so much! The location is very convenient. Just across the road, there are shopping mall, MRT station, and bus interchange.. I also have my own room and my private bathroom. Here I uploaded the pics of my rooms. Not too big, but not too large haha.. yes, it's very small! But I like it! I design my room as comfy as possible..


Fyi, I still like kid's stuff. As you can see from the pics, I have many cute items, rite? :P I have many Forever Friends collection, given by my bf (sewaktu pdkt seh!), from big one, medium, small ones holding every characters of my name, till the smallest one - Forever Friend keyring. I also have "penguin" rubbish bin, "uler merah tempat baju", "snoopy" tissue box, "dog" phone, "hand/foot shape hiasan tembok", "keset bentuk kaki", and many more that are not shown in these pics.
Here I also uploaded the pic of my essential things -- things I always put in my handbag wherever I go. These 6 items have become very essential to me, and they have become one of my considerations when buying a handbag. A bag must be able to carry all of these (just in case you're buying one for me hihihi...).
Yeahh!! So now you can imagine if I tell you that I'm now writing a blog in my room. It means that I must be sitting on that blue chair, typing. If I tell you I just nge-twist & nge-shape, you'll know where I must be -- of course it must be at the only empty space behind the blue chair hahaha..
If you see my personal belonging, you must be thinking that pink is my favourite color.. but If you see my room, you must be thinking that blue is my favorite color.. Err.. actually I myself also can't really decide what's my favorite color. I like pink, blue, white, black, brown, red.. all of these colors.. basically all my belongings including my clothes only have these colors.. But for room decorations, I like all bright colors.. I like to make my room and my home colorfull! When I see colorfull things, I automatically feel sooooo happy.. and it brightens up my day! Lucu yah? Well, that's me..
What Happened on Friday, 17th Nov 06?
Hi Little Diary,
Hihihi... I'm still awake at this hour, coz I'm so hungry! :P Hopefully by writing this blog, I'll feel tired, and sleepy, and ZzzZZzzzz..
There was shifting office this afternoon, yoohoo! I'm happy that we are moving office coz I like new environment. New work place is like new day, new life, new work, and new me! :D Today partly was busy packing our stuff into boxes, there were lotss of things to pack. It was tiring day but fun! The new office is 3x bigger than my current office.. and we can view city of Singapore thru our window.. the view is amazing! I'm looking forward to come to office on next Monday.. but at the same time I'm also sad coz my best friend in this office left, Magda. She just resigned, today was her last day.. She's really my good friend, maybe because she's also from Indo, so we can communicate easily, and there's mutual understanding between me and her too! Anyway, she'll be back in 6 months time.. she'll only be studying in China for half year, then she'll be back to Singapore!! She gave anklet as our farewell, very nice one.. and I gave her pig dolls, one big one small.. very cute ones! I'll miss her so much.. hu hu hu :'( I'll be lonely in office without her.. I just wish her good luck, have a good life, and please come back soon! Here I uploaded the pics for you..



Me w/ Mag in Office + Anklet (from Mag) + Pigs (from me to Mag)
After office, I went to Dynasty Travel, I just submitted the documents required to apply visa.. Im going to JAPAN this Christmas!! :D Yeehaaa... This year will be white Christmas for me! Then, I went to the photo studio, the place where I had my graduation pictures taken with my bf, remember? I went there again to confirm which photos I want to get them enlarged as well as chose frames for my enlarged pics. The photos will be ready on January 18, takes so long to process :( Actually I want to give one of the pics to my parents (the large one), but dunno if they'll like it coz they hang so many pics on the wall already (maklum kita sekeluarga smua cakep2, semua pada berebut pgn potonya digantung di tembok segede2 mungkin hihihi), "Can I still squeeze in my 'pretty-pretty picture', Mommy?"
That's my activities of today, no.. yesterday, today is Saturday already ^_^
"Abbie, Aja Aja Fighting!"
Leherku masih tengeng, kemarin coba2 dipijit pake counterpain and baby oil (niru2 tukang pijet depan SGM), udah mendingan seh tapi kalo dipegang masih sakit, sedikit bengkak.. tau tuh, penyakit aneh! Tengeng kok isa bengak seh?
I had a good rest this weekend after long and exhausted days this week. Tomorrow I need to go back to work again! Aja! Aja! Fighting, Abbie!!
Today's diary has no specific topic, just want to share with you few things that I missed out. On Thursday (9 Nov 06 at 1.50pm) I submitted my PR application, hihihi.. that was my second attempt, the first attempt (last year) was rejected by Singapore government, they said the reason was confidential, huh! Sok secretive amat! They just sent me a letter saying that "We're sorry to inform you that your PR application has been rejected due to some reasons. Please try again in 1.5 years." It's been almost 1 year, not 1.5 years yet.. but I still submitted my application.. just try my luck. Well, actually I'm now also not really confident to get PR since I've been working in this new company only for 3 months. They actually require at least 6 months pay slips. But I prefer to try.. trying better than not trying.. since it's free! No registration fee. I like everything which is free, I guess everyone does! hihihi.. My little diary, please help me pray for my PR application this time.. The result will be out in about 3 months time. Let's see..
Last week, I had my MBA graduation picture taken, together with my bf. I'm sooo sad that I had to take picture myself, I mean without parents :( But, I try to understand that they are busy and I had my Bachelor graduation taken with them already. I think that's enough :)
I think I should start to get used to live and handle everything with my bf from now on since I'm getting married soon. I'll live in Singapore with him, far from my parents, far from my siblings, far from other relatives and friends. My little diary, I haven't told you about my marriage rite? Yes, don't be shocked! I'm getting married soon in less than 8 months time. To be precise, it will be on 07/07/2007! Special day rite? Yes, I'm looking forward to that day like all other brides-to-be do, but there's a strange feeling here.. thinking about I'll live alone, build my own family, manage my own financial issues, settle my own family problems. How should I treat a husband? Should I make breakfast every morning for him? How should I greet him in the evening when he reaches home from office? How to raise a child? What to cook for dinner? How should we spend time on weekend? I'm not sure if I'm up to all of these now.
I'm 25 years old now, going to be 26th soon on next February (3 months down the road). Everyone is thinking that I'm old enough to get married. Yes, I'm matured if you look at my age, but I still feel like a child who still needs helps from elders.. I've been staying away, far from home, far from parents since I was 18 years old. I studied in Australia for 4 years, then I've been staying in Singapore (study and work) for 3 years. I tell myself, actually I have no issue staying away from home, so what's my problem? Why do I have to feel worry now? Is it because of a piece of paper with "Marriage Agreement" title on that? What's the difference?
I know everyone must go through this. It's just a phase in our life! People say "Being yourself is the key to solve every problem coz that's what your spouse loves from you". "You're moving to the next level, Abbie!" Yeah, I guess I'll just be myself and keep moving on..
"Abbie, Aja Aja Fighting!"
Hunting 'Bola2 Bulu' Bag!
Hello my Little Diary,
Aku barusan bangun neh, jam 12 tepat tadi.. dengan leher seblah kanan 'tengeng' (apa seh bhs yang lebih halus dari 'tengeng'?) padahal tadi malem aku bobok jam 11 tepat! Aku taunya itu jam 11 tepat karna aku nyalain tv, biasa hari jumat malem jam 11pm itu maen Survivor.. pas bgt survivor maen, aku pas udah merem melek dan akhirnya aku ketiduran padahal blom matiin tv. Baru malem2 entah jam brp aku bangun lg untuk matiin tv, nglempar remote tv entah kemana trus grRrr..zZZzzzZZzzzz....
Kemarin aku capekkk bgttt.. jam 11 pagi kemarin waktu di office kepalaku udah berat bgt!! Pingin bgt cabut dari kantor, take MC, trus bobok.. tapi sayang juga, soalnya takut dipotong gaji (aku kan masih under probation in this company). Makanya aku kuat2in aja.. sampe akhirnya jam 6 tepat aku udah mulai siap2 pulang, memberesin kerjaan2 yang tersisa, jam 6.25pm aku cabut dari office :D.
Pas perjalanan pulang dari office ke rumah, entah kenapa ada dorongan super kuat untuk shopping! Aneh aja seh, dengan kondisi super berantakan aku kepinginnn bgt shopping, liat neh list di bawah so that you can have better imagination how I looked like yesterday evening:
1. Badan udah sempoyongan, pusing banget!
2. Rambut udah 2 hari ga keramas (minyakan)
3. Bibir depan kanan sariawan jadi stand-by-shape agak 'ndomble'
4. Sandal jinjitku haknya mulai retak (jadi aku jalannya dengan bentuk kaki agak X karna yg pecah adalah bagian dalam hakku. Ngerti gak? Maksudnya, sepatu sebelah kanan itu yang pecah sebelah kiri, sepatu sebelah kiri yang pecah bagian kanannya. Pokoknya gitu lah, ngerti ga ngerti I leave it to u!)
5. Perjalanan dari kantor ke MRT, sempet2nya aku mampir di toko bawah kantorku untuk beli kalendar dinding dan kalendar duduk 2007, gambarnya Winnie The Pooh, super kuning menyala! Saking gedenya tuh kalendar dindingnya (ga bisa digulung/dilempit pula!), sampe ga ada tas plastik untuk membungkusnya. Akhirnya aku dikasi tas plastik transparan! Jadi smua orang bisa ngliat kalendar super kuningku. Aku yakin mereka pasti bertanya2 dalam ati "That auntie is buying for her kid or buying for herself (means that she's a bit you know..errr.. idiot..oopss..)" Bodo amat!
7. Ujan gerimis, jadi pas nyebrang jalan mau ke MRT mau gak mau ujan membasahi rambutku yang minyakan. Jadi tambah..ihhh..wet-look gitu rambutku.. Ha!
8. Salah kostum! Karna hari jumat aku pake jins 3/4ku yang agak2 ketat jadi kemarin gak enak bgt deh mengetahui bahwa di dalam jins itu sancam2ku berdesak2an untuk tidak meluber keluar. Ditambah pula, aku kesiangan bangun pagi kemarin jadi aku gak bisa beol. Aduh, beneran deh, mereka makin berdesak2an di balik jinsku yang super ketat (bukan cuman agak ketat sebenernya)!.
Dalam kondisi seperti itu, tetap saja aku meluncur terus ke Jurong Point Mall untuk berbelanja! Niatnya seh kepingin beli tas warna putih, ukuran agak besar, dengan aksesoris bola2 putih bulu2 (ada 4 bola bulu), seru kan? Sesampai di sana, tasnya udah gak ada! Cuman tinggal bola2 bulunya (ternyata bola2 bulunya bisa dibeli terpisah dengan harga $10).
AKu masih belum give up, muter2 mencari tas putih yang laen yang bisa digantungin bola2 bulu itu.. tapi gak ada tas yg cocok! Alhasil, aku duduk di food court makan Korean food, chicken spicy bowl! My little diary, you don't know that eating is my hobby rite? The worse thing is, I always eat when I'm having bad mood.. ralat: I always eat A LOTTT when I'm having bad mood! Well, that's me..
Setelah makan, aku jalan2 sebentar lagi terus pulang.. sampe rumah kira2 ampir jam 10pm, badan bener2 mo retak2, masih tidak mendapatkan tas putih beserta bola2 bulunya.. :( Dan sekarang beginilah keadaanku, leher 'tengeng'!
Udah ya my little diary, aku mo beres2 rumah neh.. and mau nge-shape & nge-twist lagi kalo kuat yah.. (tuh lihat, how persistent I'm!).
-Exhausted Abbie- -_-#
Math can drive people crazy!
My Little diary, cuman mo share with you these funny math test results. I got these pictures from my colleague. They might be stupid in math but they are more creative than us! Can you think of doing this kind of thing when doing your mathematic test?? yeah, bisa kepikiran seh, tapi punyakah nyali to submit exam paper with creative comments like these??

Papan Integral jadi tiang gantung diri..

So easy to find the 'x', isnt it??

Tinggal coret2, cret cret.. jadilah!

"The panda will cry if I get a bad grade (just keep that in mind, do it for the panda!)"

Tinggal mo tegak atau miring, math is so easy!

Peter is expanding the (a+b)n.
-'Ktawa' Abbie-
My 'nDolit2' Bros and Sis
Hi again my Little Diary,
I just took my shower, so while drying my hair I'm writing something for you.. :)
What should I write today? Ermm.. *thinking* ok, I got it! I want to write something about my family :D I haven't done proper introduction about myself and my family.
My real name is actually Fenita hehehe.. but I prefer using my Christian name 'AbigaiL' karena itu panggilan sayang from my dear Lord, Jesus! I'm second daughter and second child of my mother and my father hahahaha.. I have very big family, 4 siblings -- 1 elder sis, 1 lil sis, and 2 lil bros. Kuperkenalkan satu2 yah..
1. Cip2
My elder sis - namanya sebenernya seh Yessy tapi dia suka dipanggil Jess, biar keren! Aku biasa panggilnya 'cip2' haha, panggilan sayang tuh.. sebagai balasannya cip2 panggil aku yap2 (You don't need to know what's the meaning of cip2 and yap2, don't be too kaypoh!) She has one house, one hubby, one baby, one babysitter (tar lagi out), and one maid. Perfect! Aku deket bgt ma cip2, karena kita punya tinggi tubuh hampir sama, size baju sama (itu duluuuuu!!!), potongan rambut sama (karna kita saling contek2an), baju2 juga sama (karna kita sharing baju), sama2 punya bibir tebal, sama2 punya kebiasaan ketawa 'mangap', sama2 suka makan buanyakk, sama2 punya kebiasaan jalan cepat (sampe dulu pas SMA org2 sering manggil kita 'si kembar tinggi jalan cepat bak lesus'. Oh iyah, blon kasih tau yah, org2 bilang aku lumayan tinggi, tinggiku kalo pagi 167cm, kalo malem 164cm, ga tau yg bener yg mana. Si cip2 lebih tinggi lagi neh, mencapai 170cm!! Berat badan? itu rahasia donggg... tolong ya, ini pertanyaan paling sensitip buat cewe!
2. Oy
Nama asli: Roy
Nama panggilan: Oy
Nama panggilan dari temen: Mbah Suro
Nama panggilan khusus dariku: Ngoik atau si nDolo huahaha!!
Suka aja seh nggodain si ngoik, apalagi sejak dia sudah mulai membesar. Maksudnya sejak dia udah mulai dewasa, udah kuliah, udah mulai mengerti ada makhluk lain yang cantik jelita yang biasa disebut 'cewek', udah mulai keluar bulu kakinya (walaupun masih grawing2), dan udah mulai belajar mencukur kumis (walaupun sebenarnya ga ada tapi biar gaya aja!). Oy ini ganteng, tinggi (181cm), kurus, matanya gede belo, bulu matanya panjang dan lentik, hidung panjanggg.. eh sori hidung mancunggg, bibir tipis, gigi putih rapi, senyum manis mempesona.. hahaha.. kok kayak nulis iklan diri mencari jodoh di gerbang cinta!
3. Ncang
This is my lil sis, nama asli Christine tapi panggilan ncang.. ini juga jgn ditanya kenapa bisa nyeleweng jauh begini. Buat pelajaran yah, kalo ngasih nama anak jangan yg susah2, nanti jadinya si anak cari nama sendiri dan jadinya ya seperti ini neh. Ncang baru masa puber, baru demen poto2, lagi mulai mengenal apa itu internet dan friendster. Orgnya diem tapi sbenernya kalo udah deket cerewet bgt. Dan sama seperti si ngoik, ncang juga baru mulai mengerti kalo ada juga makhluk lain yg bisa punya kumis dan bulu kaki ikal yang biasa disebut 'cowok'.
4. Ndip2
Ndip2 is my youngest brother. Well, in our family, kita punya kebiasaan buruk suka manggil nama pake akhiran 'p', karena itu ada cip2, ada yap2, dan ada ndip2. Sbenernya pingin juga seh manggil si oy itu ngoip2 dan ncap2 untuk ncang.. cuman blon diofficialkan ganti namanya.. perlu panggil notaris dulu. Eh kok malah nyeleweng2 ngomongnya, sori Ndip jadi penuh bagianmu. Anyway, nama aslinya tuh Andy, keren kan? Dulu aku dan cip2 yang mikirin namanya loh.. karena waktu itu lagi demen Andy Lau. Simple kan? Ndip2 ini suka basket, suka tidur, suka eek, suka wanita cantik, suka liat cartoon network (padahal umurnya udah 16 th loh!), suka nembang jowo, dan suka makan telor dalam bentuk apapun. Paling gak suka: kalo dibilang sipit, belajar, bangun pagi, makan kecap.
Sudah segitu aja lah intro nya.. udah ampir jam stengah 1 pagi nehh.. mo bobok.. ngantuk bgt.
See you again my little diary.. aku bobok dulu, kau mencoba menghapal nama2 baru di atas dan mencoba menghayati bagaimana personality mreka satu2 yah! Jadi laen kali kalo aku nulis blognya tiba2 muncul nama2 mreka, kau harus cepet nangkep, ok?!?
-sLeepY Abbie- -_-
My 'Twist & Shape'

My Lil diary, I miss you so much! I've been so busy recently till I didn't have time to write my diary. Ehhh.. sampe lupa nulis hari, tanggal, dan waktu saking kangennya with my lil diary :P
Now is Tuesday, 7 Nov, 9.43pm in my room-sweet-room in Northvale..
I got so many things to tell you.. Ok, one by one, ok?
Firstly, I bought 'Twist and Shape' yipeee.. for those who don't know what's Twist & Shape, it's kind of stepper yg kyk di gym itu lohh, tapi versi mungilnya.. I uploaded the pic for you tuhh.. I'll SOON have that kind of toned and meling2 body, bery bery soon.. just wait and see! Wait and see whatever body I'll have in the near future! Whatever body shape! Jangan komplen!
Efeknya sekarang setlah pake Twist and shape ini udah mulai terasa lohh.. pinggang jadi lebih kecil beneran, perut lebih flat, trus flabbie2 di lengen tangan udah berkurang. Emang berat badan ga terlalu banyak brubah seh, tp badan lbh kenceng.. eh ini bukan iklan, tp beneran! Itu tali dipake buat ngencengin lengen.. biasa aku gak pake exercise lengen dulu menit2 pertama karena dijamin bakal kehabisan napas dehh.. Ok, I'll share some tips on how to use this machine:
1. Do your exercise at least 30 mins because your fat will start to be burnt after 20-30 minutes of continuous work out --> yang ini neh, aku sudah berhasil :D and dalam 30 mins I manage to burn 300 calories, and do around 2100 steps (wah kalo naek 1 lantai itu ada 13 steps, berarti 2100/13 = 161.5 tingkat!! Wahh.. at least bisa naek ke ujung WTC di US dalam 30 mins)
2. Drink a lot of water sebelum exercise, tengah2 exercise, dan setlah exercise (plain water yah, sirup ga bole, teh ga bole, fruit juice ga bole, softdrink juga ga bole, any more questions?). Minumnya sebanyak mungkin yahh.. karena the more you drink, kringetnya bakal lebih banyak, and bakal mencuci racun2 yang ada di tubuh skalian yang akan keluar lewat kringet dan air pipiez. --> yang ini juga sedang dilakukan.. sampe2, abis work out malah naek 1kg karena kebanyaken minum, hihihi...
3. Pas lagi work out, pantat dan pinggul benar2 digoyang dengan semangat, bukan cuman sekadar jalan tegak seperti naek tangga. En juga, harus berani mencoba beberapa gaya, seperti menekuk lutut, menggoyang2kan tangan ke kanan/kiri, atas/bawah, depan/belakang, dan putarrrrrrr.... ke kanan trus ke kiri.
4. Exercise at least 2 times a week, it's best if you can do it 3 times in a week. --> Wah yg ini sulitttt sekalii.. so far, I do 2 times a week only, I'm trying so hard to do it 3x/week. Jia You!! Aja Aja! Fighting!!
5. Of course, control your food. Eman2 gitu loh udah capek2, udah bauk2an kringetan jangan dirusak oleh sepotong fried pork spare rib with paper and salt. --> Nahh, ini nehh yang masih sedang in process.
Sudahlah.. sudahlah.. I know you are bored listening to me talking about diet, exercise, and all the methods to keep my body slim. Aku tuh cuman mo kasi tau progress dari mission of the year gitu lohh.. Kalo ga mau denger ya udah deh.. aku udahan ya, mo bobok.. besok kerja pagii lagi!
See you again, my Little Diary..
- sLim Abbie - ^_^