Friday, 26 Oct 07, 7.50am at home
Hello my dear diary,
It's been almost 10 days since the last time I wrote my diary. It's because I lost the most precious thing I've ever received, I've been not in the mood of blogging and chatting. I don't want to say it here because I don't want to be down again after my hard efforts to make myself happy. Now, I guess I still have to go on with my life. Good and bad things happen in life. It's just part of life. But, I still keep praying for 'that thing' to happen. God can make the impossible thing becomes possible. Let me keep this faith in my heart till He makes the day. This is the deepest regret that ever happened in my life!
As I said, good and bad things happen in life. I got a good news too! Thanks God, He gives me light in the middle of my darkness. I got a job! After couple of interviews, yesterday, the company just welcomed me aboard. It's such an amazing blessing, I never expected to be able to work fulltime in Japan this fast!
This is the story: Exactly 2 weeks ago, on one fine Saturday afternoon, I received news from my good friend that he/she got a decent job. I was happy for him/her, really, I swear to God! But, in my deepest heart, I looked myself on the mirror "What am I doing now?" and I was so sad, I cried. I was fine after my hubby tried his best to give hopes to me. On that night, it was the first time my hubby and I went to a Christian fellowship in one of our Indonesian friends' house here. We met many good friends, we introduced ourselves, our background, our job, etc. It happened so fast, cut the story short, one of our friends told my hubby that his friend's company needs an employee in which the job requirements were matched to what I was specialised in. We agreed to meet his friend the next week after that fellowship.
The story behind the scene: exactly 2 weeks ago, on one fine Saturday morning, someone told my friend that he needed to expand his business so he wanted more people to join. On the night, my friend met me on the fellowship. He still remembered on what his friend told him in the morning, he told my hubby about this job vacancy!
When we see the time frame, it looks like everything has already been prepared. Before I was sad in the afternoon, He already prepared it for me since morning! That's what I believe. I will start working this afternoon.
*Are you happy?* Yes, I'm happy.
*Why don't you look happy?* I'll not be perfectly happy till my prayer on 'that thing' comes true..
Nihon no Taipu (Typing in Japanese)
Wednesday, 17 Oct 07, 8.15am at home
Hello again, diary,
Yesterday, my Japanese class was in computer lab. My Japanese sensei (teacher) taught me how to type Japanese in the computer. It was so much fun! She asked us to write a nikki (diary) just to practice typing. It should not be a problem, I used to write my little diary here almost every day.
This is what I wrote on the computer.
私の名前は フェにタ です。
火曜日、 2007年10月16
My name is Fenita.
A student of Temple University.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Now I'm studying Japanese in class. My teacher is teaching me how to type on the computer in Japanese. Now..
You know, this is the template that I usually use when writing my little diary. I just started writing the date, the month, the year, and few sentences of introduction about what I was doing, I had not touched the topic of what I did before coming to class, too late, suddenly my sensei asked me questions. I was not ready at all to answer these! Even, I had not finished writing the introduction part..
Sensei: Fenita-san, doko-ni kimashita? (Fenita, where did you come from?)
Me: Oh uh oh uchi ni kimashita (oh uh oh from home)
Sensei: Ropponggi ni? Ginza ni? Ikebukuro ni? (from Roponggi? from Ginza? from Ikebukuro?) << She still couldn't believe I came from home
Me: Uchi ni! (from home)
Sensei: Ohh.. uchi ni?? Kyoo wa uchi de nani o shimashita? (Ohh.. from home?? Today what did you do at home?) << What's wrong with my uchi?
Me: uh hmm ermm uhh souji o shimashita, ryouri o shimashita (uh hmm ermm uhh cleaned, cooked) << D*mn! Sensitive question! What a housewife could do??!!
Sensei: So desuka? Nani o tsukurimashitaka? (Really? What did you cook?) << Omo, not too detail please..
Me: Bifu kare desu (Beef Curry) << this is true!
Sensei: Ryouri o shimashita, nani o shimashitaka? (After cooking, what did you do?) << Do you really want to know this far??
Me: Tabemashita!! (I ate!!) << Actually, I was watching DVD after cooking but I was afraid she would ask the movie title, the story, the actors, uhh.. better not!
Sensei: Nani o nomimashitaka? (What did you drink) << omo omo omo, please please stop it!
Me: ermm.. Ocha o nomimashita (ermm.. Green tea) << I was about to say wine
Sensei: Dare to shokuji o shimashitaka? Haha. You don't have to tell me the truth. (Whom did you have meal with? Haha. You don't have to tell me the truth.) << What's with 'Haha'? She knew that I was having meal alone??
Me: [Smile] No No, Tomodachi to! (No No, with friends) << That smile and that 'No No' meant that I was not lying.
Sensei: So desuka. Sugoi desune. (Really? That's great)
Me: Hai! (Yes!) << Yes, I was lying. I ate alone.
After she finished asking me questions about my diary, she was asking my other classmates who all could answer it with long long long sentences. They had finished writing their diary, so they were all prepared! Did I look stupid? One good lesson for me, do not write too long introduction when writing a diary!
Hello again, diary,
Yesterday, my Japanese class was in computer lab. My Japanese sensei (teacher) taught me how to type Japanese in the computer. It was so much fun! She asked us to write a nikki (diary) just to practice typing. It should not be a problem, I used to write my little diary here almost every day.
This is what I wrote on the computer.
私の名前は フェにタ です。
火曜日、 2007年10月16
My name is Fenita.
A student of Temple University.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Now I'm studying Japanese in class. My teacher is teaching me how to type on the computer in Japanese. Now..
You know, this is the template that I usually use when writing my little diary. I just started writing the date, the month, the year, and few sentences of introduction about what I was doing, I had not touched the topic of what I did before coming to class, too late, suddenly my sensei asked me questions. I was not ready at all to answer these! Even, I had not finished writing the introduction part..
Sensei: Fenita-san, doko-ni kimashita? (Fenita, where did you come from?)
Me: Oh uh oh uchi ni kimashita (oh uh oh from home)
Sensei: Ropponggi ni? Ginza ni? Ikebukuro ni? (from Roponggi? from Ginza? from Ikebukuro?) << She still couldn't believe I came from home
Me: Uchi ni! (from home)
Sensei: Ohh.. uchi ni?? Kyoo wa uchi de nani o shimashita? (Ohh.. from home?? Today what did you do at home?) << What's wrong with my uchi?
Me: uh hmm ermm uhh souji o shimashita, ryouri o shimashita (uh hmm ermm uhh cleaned, cooked) << D*mn! Sensitive question! What a housewife could do??!!
Sensei: So desuka? Nani o tsukurimashitaka? (Really? What did you cook?) << Omo, not too detail please..
Me: Bifu kare desu (Beef Curry) << this is true!
Sensei: Ryouri o shimashita, nani o shimashitaka? (After cooking, what did you do?) << Do you really want to know this far??
Me: Tabemashita!! (I ate!!) << Actually, I was watching DVD after cooking but I was afraid she would ask the movie title, the story, the actors, uhh.. better not!
Sensei: Nani o nomimashitaka? (What did you drink) << omo omo omo, please please stop it!
Me: ermm.. Ocha o nomimashita (ermm.. Green tea) << I was about to say wine
Sensei: Dare to shokuji o shimashitaka? Haha. You don't have to tell me the truth. (Whom did you have meal with? Haha. You don't have to tell me the truth.) << What's with 'Haha'? She knew that I was having meal alone??
Me: [Smile] No No, Tomodachi to! (No No, with friends) << That smile and that 'No No' meant that I was not lying.
Sensei: So desuka. Sugoi desune. (Really? That's great)
Me: Hai! (Yes!) << Yes, I was lying. I ate alone.
After she finished asking me questions about my diary, she was asking my other classmates who all could answer it with long long long sentences. They had finished writing their diary, so they were all prepared! Did I look stupid? One good lesson for me, do not write too long introduction when writing a diary!
Hello, L Lee...
Wednesday, 17 Oct 07, 7.46am at home
Good morning, my diary.
Today is a such good morning, I have a good mood today, because yesterday night I received a good news! Do you remember that I told you about my dream? A dream about my sister's second pregnancy.. It happened! Thanks God! Yeehaaa.. I'll be getting a nephew soon!! Well, it's too soon to know whether it's a girl/boy, but I really hope it will be a boy because she has a baby girl already now. Congratss sis.. I'm really really really happy for you.. ^_^
This blog entry is dedicated to my future nephew 'L Lee'. I just want to let him know that I'm looking forward to see you soon... on this world! I knew I love you before I met you.. *nyanyi* Muuuuaaaaaackkkkkk...!!!
-Happy Abbie-
p.s Sis, you have not changed the baby's name, rite? Tell me if you do, and let me know once you know it's a girl/boy.. I'll need to update this post.. ^_^
Good morning, my diary.
Today is a such good morning, I have a good mood today, because yesterday night I received a good news! Do you remember that I told you about my dream? A dream about my sister's second pregnancy.. It happened! Thanks God! Yeehaaa.. I'll be getting a nephew soon!! Well, it's too soon to know whether it's a girl/boy, but I really hope it will be a boy because she has a baby girl already now. Congratss sis.. I'm really really really happy for you.. ^_^
This blog entry is dedicated to my future nephew 'L Lee'. I just want to let him know that I'm looking forward to see you soon... on this world! I knew I love you before I met you.. *nyanyi* Muuuuaaaaaackkkkkk...!!!
-Happy Abbie-
p.s Sis, you have not changed the baby's name, rite? Tell me if you do, and let me know once you know it's a girl/boy.. I'll need to update this post.. ^_^
Happy Idul Fitri
Monday, 15 Oct 07,10.33am at home
Diary, is it now Ramadhan?
When is it? Today? Yesterday? Tomorrow?
I can't feel anything here, there's no ketupat, there's no sholat id. Should I cook ketupat today? How to make the sauce? Is ketupat made from rice? or lontong? Is lontong made from rice? or ketupat? Ah, I don't want to cook ketupat now, maybe next year. Anyway, Happy Idul Fitri, Mohon Maaph Laer dan Batin.. to you all.. and to my little diary too! ^_^
p.s I need to go on diet NOW!! I feel my body is 'squarer' now, like ermm...ketupat. I hate it! I'm buying Twist & Shape Stepper again this week :D
Diary, is it now Ramadhan?
When is it? Today? Yesterday? Tomorrow?
I can't feel anything here, there's no ketupat, there's no sholat id. Should I cook ketupat today? How to make the sauce? Is ketupat made from rice? or lontong? Is lontong made from rice? or ketupat? Ah, I don't want to cook ketupat now, maybe next year. Anyway, Happy Idul Fitri, Mohon Maaph Laer dan Batin.. to you all.. and to my little diary too! ^_^
p.s I need to go on diet NOW!! I feel my body is 'squarer' now, like ermm...ketupat. I hate it! I'm buying Twist & Shape Stepper again this week :D
Trip to Odaiba
Monday, 15 Oct 07, 8.44am at home
Dear my little diary,
It's been exactly 1 year since my first time writing my first blog entry. Back then, I was still in Singapore, single, and I just started my job at my second company in Singapore. Now, everything has changed. I'm no longer in Singapore, I'm no longer single, and I'm no longer working. If we think about it, in just one year, many things can change, many things can happen. Situation may change, our mind may change, in just a very short time. Sometimes, what we've planned may be changed, what we've expected may not come true. The world does change, people do change, and we do change. So, there's no use talking about future now, just live our lives well, enjoy it, and we'll know what to do when the time has come, agree??
Anyway, last Saturday we went to a fellowship in one Indonesian's home here. We met lots of good friends there. I'm happy to get new friends now, I really hope that I can settle down somewhere, perhaps Japan is fine. Tokyo is nice, I love Tokyo so much except the fact that I can't speak the language and I can't earn money here. Actually I don't like moving around, I don't like changing places, I hate house shifting. The process of adaptation to a new environment, new language, and new friends; and the process of leaving my comfortable environment, known language, and my good friends; ohh I'm just not adventureous enough to go thru all of these process once in every few years. I lost contact with my good friends whenever I move country, hiks.. Is it because I'm not good enough in maintain the relationship with them? Or it happens naturally just like that? Well, I suddenly remembered what my mum told me; when she gets older, she more realises that she needs more and more friends to accompany her since her kids are all grown up and kids will leave the family soon. Now I can feel what my mum feels, is it because I'm getting older now and scared that my kids will leave me here all alone? *but, you even have not had kid now*
What am I mumbling now? When I opened this blog this morning, initially I wanted to post my photos when we visited our friends' home in Odaiba after church yesterday night. It's a very very nice place.. There's a Rainbow Bridge that looks exactly like Golden Gate in San Fransisco, there's a liberty statue (ini pinjeman, pernah dibalikin pas kontrak abis, sekarang udah dibeli katanya) that looks exactly like the one in New York, and there's a Tokyo Tower (can you see the orange tall tower in between the brige from the pic?) that looks exactly like Eiffel Tower in France. It's very nice, rite? We don't need to go to 3 places to see all of these, just go to Odaiba will do.

Odaiba is an island. It's not a real island but it's a human-made island. Amazing, rite? Maybe I'm a bit 'kampungan' but I never knew that island can be made! There's a beach komplit with its beach sand too! It's all also human-made, the sand was imported from other island in Japan. They put a sign as an acknowledgement of an island where the sand was imported from. Odaiba island is made from a big collection of rubbish for many years. It's good that they really make use of every little piece of thing even if it's an unused rubbish. Can we move to this island one day? I like this place soo muchhh (jangan mikirin tentang sampahnya).
Oh, one good news! My mum asked me to find a place where she bought a blanket in December last year. She said that I have to find it before she comes here in December this year! I kept searching the place all over the possible tourist shopping destinations, like Ginza and Shinjuku, but couldn't find it! Amazingly, I found it last nite!! It's actually in Odaiba wahahahahaha.. leganyaaa..
Now my head is a bit dizzy, the last 2 nights were cold and I was out against the winds. My body stamina is like emak2 now, easy to get dizzy and sick. Haiz..
Dear my little diary,
It's been exactly 1 year since my first time writing my first blog entry. Back then, I was still in Singapore, single, and I just started my job at my second company in Singapore. Now, everything has changed. I'm no longer in Singapore, I'm no longer single, and I'm no longer working. If we think about it, in just one year, many things can change, many things can happen. Situation may change, our mind may change, in just a very short time. Sometimes, what we've planned may be changed, what we've expected may not come true. The world does change, people do change, and we do change. So, there's no use talking about future now, just live our lives well, enjoy it, and we'll know what to do when the time has come, agree??
Anyway, last Saturday we went to a fellowship in one Indonesian's home here. We met lots of good friends there. I'm happy to get new friends now, I really hope that I can settle down somewhere, perhaps Japan is fine. Tokyo is nice, I love Tokyo so much except the fact that I can't speak the language and I can't earn money here. Actually I don't like moving around, I don't like changing places, I hate house shifting. The process of adaptation to a new environment, new language, and new friends; and the process of leaving my comfortable environment, known language, and my good friends; ohh I'm just not adventureous enough to go thru all of these process once in every few years. I lost contact with my good friends whenever I move country, hiks.. Is it because I'm not good enough in maintain the relationship with them? Or it happens naturally just like that? Well, I suddenly remembered what my mum told me; when she gets older, she more realises that she needs more and more friends to accompany her since her kids are all grown up and kids will leave the family soon. Now I can feel what my mum feels, is it because I'm getting older now and scared that my kids will leave me here all alone? *but, you even have not had kid now*

Oh, one good news! My mum asked me to find a place where she bought a blanket in December last year. She said that I have to find it before she comes here in December this year! I kept searching the place all over the possible tourist shopping destinations, like Ginza and Shinjuku, but couldn't find it! Amazingly, I found it last nite!! It's actually in Odaiba wahahahahaha.. leganyaaa..
Now my head is a bit dizzy, the last 2 nights were cold and I was out against the winds. My body stamina is like emak2 now, easy to get dizzy and sick. Haiz..
Learning Japanese Characters
Friday, 12 Oct 07, 8.33am at home
Morning morning morning diary..

I found out something interesting about learning chinese characters or, Japanese call it Kanji. As you can see from the pictures, seems that every word has story behind it. Perhaps this is how the ancient chinese created their own language. When I think of it, I imagine a group of pithecanthropus erectus gather in a big cave with some candles in it, they are discussing symbols that they all can understand. Once finished, the leader will draw the symbols on a stone while others copying it on their own stone-notebook. If I imagine how these symbols were created, it's a very touching story, isn't it? But when I imagine how I did so badly in my Kanji Quiz yesterday, "uhuk..!". Maybe at that time, they drew direct symbols, they drew eye exactly like eye, they drew river exactly like river, they drew door exactly like door. But now, they have simplified the characters, I know it's to make us easier to write but the symbols are no longer too clear to guess. *So you prefer to go back to the stone-era?*
Japanese language is even more difficult! How can one chinese character have different sound depending on the context? One simple example: this word 人 (means: person) can sound as 'hito', 'nin', or 'jin'. And there are 2 other types of Japanese characters. They just mix these 3 types of characters in sentences. Now it's our job to remember (or to guess) which words use Kanji, which words use Hiragana, and which words use Katakana. They now adopt more and more words from English, these are written in Katakana. You know, for a beginner like me, I have a hard time reading the characters. Once I manage to read it, I have another hard time to guess whether it's originally a Japanese word or adopted from English. Some words are very hard to guess, like:
- Duraibu = Drive
- Sutato = Start
- Tosuto = Toast
- Saisu = Size
- Taipu = Type
- Doburu Rumu = Double Room
After I spell it, then I can roughly guess. Now what I can do is to wait for them to adopt all words from English then Ai kan supiku Jepenisu furuenri, retsu jasu hopu, tuenti yurusu Ai wiru waitu (I can speak Japanese fluently, let's just hope, twenty years I will wait).
Morning morning morning diary..

I found out something interesting about learning chinese characters or, Japanese call it Kanji. As you can see from the pictures, seems that every word has story behind it. Perhaps this is how the ancient chinese created their own language. When I think of it, I imagine a group of pithecanthropus erectus gather in a big cave with some candles in it, they are discussing symbols that they all can understand. Once finished, the leader will draw the symbols on a stone while others copying it on their own stone-notebook. If I imagine how these symbols were created, it's a very touching story, isn't it? But when I imagine how I did so badly in my Kanji Quiz yesterday, "uhuk..!". Maybe at that time, they drew direct symbols, they drew eye exactly like eye, they drew river exactly like river, they drew door exactly like door. But now, they have simplified the characters, I know it's to make us easier to write but the symbols are no longer too clear to guess. *So you prefer to go back to the stone-era?*
Japanese language is even more difficult! How can one chinese character have different sound depending on the context? One simple example: this word 人 (means: person) can sound as 'hito', 'nin', or 'jin'. And there are 2 other types of Japanese characters. They just mix these 3 types of characters in sentences. Now it's our job to remember (or to guess) which words use Kanji, which words use Hiragana, and which words use Katakana. They now adopt more and more words from English, these are written in Katakana. You know, for a beginner like me, I have a hard time reading the characters. Once I manage to read it, I have another hard time to guess whether it's originally a Japanese word or adopted from English. Some words are very hard to guess, like:
- Duraibu = Drive
- Sutato = Start
- Tosuto = Toast
- Saisu = Size
- Taipu = Type
- Doburu Rumu = Double Room
After I spell it, then I can roughly guess. Now what I can do is to wait for them to adopt all words from English then Ai kan supiku Jepenisu furuenri, retsu jasu hopu, tuenti yurusu Ai wiru waitu (I can speak Japanese fluently, let's just hope, twenty years I will wait).
Wednesday, 10 Oct 07, 9.37am at home
Hellow diary,
It's been 3 months after my wedding. To be exact, it's been 3 months and 3 days! As I told you before, I had a pressure wanting to be a good housewife who can cook as well as do house chores, at the beginning of my marriage life. For me, the hardest part is to be able to cook a decent meal, at least. I did research a lot on the Internet and TV, copied some recipes, and asked helps from my sis and cousin.. I want my cooking skills to be improved! I want to be like my mum, who's able to tell what the ingredients are by just tasting it once, and the next morning she'll be able to make the meal by herself. Amazing, rite? I want to have a sensitive tounge and nose, skillful hands, and 'keibuan' heart. Well, people do change. I never imagined that I would love to learn cooking by 26 years old. I like eating, but I never liked cooking and I thought I would never like cooking forever and ever.
But, recently, my mind has changed. I still don't really like cooking but I like the feeling after I've finished cooking! *You're happy coz you've done your job of the day? Or you're happy coz it's time to eat?* O My God, you're absolutely rite, these 2 reasons are rite! But, more importantly, I'm happy if I've succeeded producing something, especially if I manage to make something nice and delicious. It's such a pleasant feeling! The process is also not bad, I can take my time practising and designing my food when my hubby isn't around. It'll be perfect if the person who eats my food likes it! Here, the one and the only person who eats my food and has chance to like it, is my husband. Indirectly, I feel so happy, if by any chance, he likes my food. I'm still learning now, hopefully I'll be improved by the time goes by :D
Now I understand the feeling of persons who cook, they must have their own passion on something to be able to cook well. A chef has passion on food, a mother has passion on her husband and kids, and a maid has passion We should give them big applause, cooking isn't easy. Just one tip, enjoy it when you cook, so cooking is not that bad. Anyway, here I posted some karya of mine *ihik.. malu*

Hellow diary,
It's been 3 months after my wedding. To be exact, it's been 3 months and 3 days! As I told you before, I had a pressure wanting to be a good housewife who can cook as well as do house chores, at the beginning of my marriage life. For me, the hardest part is to be able to cook a decent meal, at least. I did research a lot on the Internet and TV, copied some recipes, and asked helps from my sis and cousin.. I want my cooking skills to be improved! I want to be like my mum, who's able to tell what the ingredients are by just tasting it once, and the next morning she'll be able to make the meal by herself. Amazing, rite? I want to have a sensitive tounge and nose, skillful hands, and 'keibuan' heart. Well, people do change. I never imagined that I would love to learn cooking by 26 years old. I like eating, but I never liked cooking and I thought I would never like cooking forever and ever.
But, recently, my mind has changed. I still don't really like cooking but I like the feeling after I've finished cooking! *You're happy coz you've done your job of the day? Or you're happy coz it's time to eat?* O My God, you're absolutely rite, these 2 reasons are rite! But, more importantly, I'm happy if I've succeeded producing something, especially if I manage to make something nice and delicious. It's such a pleasant feeling! The process is also not bad, I can take my time practising and designing my food when my hubby isn't around. It'll be perfect if the person who eats my food likes it! Here, the one and the only person who eats my food and has chance to like it, is my husband. Indirectly, I feel so happy, if by any chance, he likes my food. I'm still learning now, hopefully I'll be improved by the time goes by :D
Now I understand the feeling of persons who cook, they must have their own passion on something to be able to cook well. A chef has passion on food, a mother has passion on her husband and kids, and a maid has passion We should give them big applause, cooking isn't easy. Just one tip, enjoy it when you cook, so cooking is not that bad. Anyway, here I posted some karya of mine *ihik.. malu*

How to Make Japanese Dumpling
Tuesday, 9 Oct 07, 5.25pm at home
Hi diary,
Just want to share with you how to make Japanese style dumpling (my style). Hihihi... Fyi, that is my hand.

I know the wantons are a little bit burnt. Well, I'm still learning how to cook. Anyway, after you steam it for a while, try to eat it as soon as you can while it's still hot!
Happy trying..
Hi diary,
Just want to share with you how to make Japanese style dumpling (my style). Hihihi... Fyi, that is my hand.

I know the wantons are a little bit burnt. Well, I'm still learning how to cook. Anyway, after you steam it for a while, try to eat it as soon as you can while it's still hot!
Happy trying..
Our Trip to Okutama Town

Hellow diary,
These last few days I've been busy. This is why I seldom write diary now. I told you that we planned to go for a family trip last weekend, rite? Yes, we went there, We went to Okutama Town! We departed from home at 8.30am. We managed to find Okutama Town, after 2.5 hours journey by train from my home. This picture on the left was taken when I first arrived at Okutama Station. When we first arrived, we were blurrr..didn't know where to go. We saw a tourist information office but did not help at all! The broucher and the map were all in Japanese, the person also spoke Japanese. It's ok, we decided to 'explore' the town ourself! Our main objective going to Okutama town was to find fishing spot and do BBQ. Our journey started from here..
Firstly, we walked around the station area. According to the map that I downloaded from the Internet, there should be a fishing spot just opposite the train station. We heard sound of water but there was fish smell. But, we found wooden stairs going down to somewhere.. somewhere darker and colder.. it's not a horror story, ok? It was going down to the water. The air was so fresh! The water was so clean too! But the fish was not there. We happily took pictures there, spent long time there, and forgot our main 'mission'. Well, I don't know how about my hubby, at least for me, I forgot completely about the mission. Here are the pictures..

Then, we were so hungry.. We couldn't find any restaurant around that area. But, we found buses! Aha! I guessed we should ride on bus to explore more about this town. After we asked around with my limited Japanese, we found a Japanese who could speak English. That old man wanted to go to Okutama Lake, we were going there too! Thanks God we found him. He told us how to catch bus, how to pay the bus fare, and where to stop! It's very good lesson for me to realise that it's very important to know where to stop in a deserted place! We arrived at the Okutama lake. They call it a lake but actually it's a human-made lake. Anyway, it's still very nice!

Believe me, it was initially so fun! The mountain air was so fresh.. the weather was so nice, the temperature was around 15C. I found one interesting thing, you can see from the picture. Dunno how to call that thing, it's a like stove but doesn't look like a stove, it's for cooking water. Anyway, we walked along a river and went up and up and up to a mountain.. and the road was smaller and smaller and smaller. There were more trees, more and more trees.. it was getting darker, and there were only 2 of us there! After walking about 30minutes and we still couldn't find the fish on the place where the map showed, I was so afraid. The road was so small, I was so scared of falling down. So I asked Ron to go back and wait for the bus. Mission half failed!
The bus finally came. Before I got onto the bus, I asked the bus driver to make sure if the bus was going to the correct destination.
Me: Kono basu wa Minedani e ikimasuka? (Is this bus going to Minedani?)
Driver: Hai, Minedani-bashi e ikimasu. (Yes, going to Minedani-bashi.)
Me: Minedani e ikimasuka? (going to Minedani?)
Driver: brapbrapbrapbrap Minedani-bashi brapbrapbrap (not clear what he said)
Me: Yes, this bus. Let's go honey (I told Ron with big smile on my face)
On the bus, Ron told me that he heard 'Minedani-bashi', not 'Minedani'. I thought, 'Minedani-bashi' and 'Minedani-ikimasu' sounded similar, rite? He must heard wrongly. We also would pass Minedani-bashi before reaching Minedani, by the way. So, wouldn't be a big problem, rite?? Then, after passing Minedani, the bus stopped. The bus driver screamed at me that we already arrived!
Driver: brapbrabrap Minedani-bashi brapbrap (...Minedani-bashi...)
Me: Watashi wa Minedani e ikimasu (I'm going to Minedani)
Driver: brabrapbrap Minedani-bashi, doko brap brap? (....Minedani-bashi, where...?)
Me: Minedani-bashi dewa arimasen. Minedani desu. (not Minedani-bashi. It's Minedani) << I purposely added 'desu' at the end of the sentence to inform him that Minedani full stop, there was no bashi.
Driver: brapbrap orimasu brap aruite brap brap hashi brap kirei.. (....get down from the bus..walk...bridge...nice..) << He opened the bus door and asked me to go down.

-Sad Abbie-
I need a Map please.....!!
Friday, 5 Sep 07, 1.09pm at home
Benci.. benci.. benci..!!!!
You know that I lost my Tokyo City map, rite? Now I want to buy a new map for tomorrow's family trip, I'm good enough to have willingness to buy it again, ain't I? Kinokuniya bookstore is the only bookshop I know of that's selling English version of books, including maps. Honestly, I only know one Kinokuniya store that's located in Shinjuku, but I don't want to go there, it's too far from my home! So, I searched for Kinokuniya's stores at other locations and I found a long list of locations including those near my home. It's good! But, the problem is, I don't know how to get there!! I searched the Internet again for map of the locations, it's either in Japanese or none in English. I hate it! I always have difficulty searching things from the Internet in Japan.
So now, what I suppose to do? I need to buy a map from a bookstore, finding a bookstore needs a map. Bookstore needs a map or a map needs a bookstore?? Arghhh... It's something like chicken and egg, which one comes first? I don't care whether chicken or egg comes first! I just need a map! No, I need to find a bookstore! No, I need a map first to find a bookstore! But, I don't have a map with me now, so I need a bookstore first!! No, I need a map first!!! Arghhhh...
-'NdongkoL' Abbie-
Benci.. benci.. benci..!!!!
You know that I lost my Tokyo City map, rite? Now I want to buy a new map for tomorrow's family trip, I'm good enough to have willingness to buy it again, ain't I? Kinokuniya bookstore is the only bookshop I know of that's selling English version of books, including maps. Honestly, I only know one Kinokuniya store that's located in Shinjuku, but I don't want to go there, it's too far from my home! So, I searched for Kinokuniya's stores at other locations and I found a long list of locations including those near my home. It's good! But, the problem is, I don't know how to get there!! I searched the Internet again for map of the locations, it's either in Japanese or none in English. I hate it! I always have difficulty searching things from the Internet in Japan.
So now, what I suppose to do? I need to buy a map from a bookstore, finding a bookstore needs a map. Bookstore needs a map or a map needs a bookstore?? Arghhh... It's something like chicken and egg, which one comes first? I don't care whether chicken or egg comes first! I just need a map! No, I need to find a bookstore! No, I need a map first to find a bookstore! But, I don't have a map with me now, so I need a bookstore first!! No, I need a map first!!! Arghhhh...
-'NdongkoL' Abbie-
Planning for Next Trip!
Tuesday, 2 Oct 07, 8.11am at home
Hi my diary,
Outside temperature is now around 21C. Brrr.. honestly, I don't really like winter, I don't really like summer either. I like spring or autumn when the temperature is just nice for our human body with just wearing one thin jacket. I hate cold weather especially after bathing and when I get up from my warm bed in the morning. In other word, my favorite room's temperature is 25C. Well, now I have to experience winter Tokyo..which is colder than the winter that I experienced in Australia. For me, winter is nice, snow is nice, but just to look at.. I don't like the feeling of cold, the feeling when my body shakes, the feeling when my teeth bump each other, the feeling when my lips turn blue, the feeling when I have to hide my hands in between my legs or inside the pockets, etc. One thing that I like about winter is, when I HAVE TO drink a cup of hot chocolate to warm my body up and to give me more energy to keep walking. Actually I don't really need a hot choco, hot coffee will be fine too, but I prefer choco.. Cokorate o onegaishimasu (Give me a choco please), I should remember this sentence well. Oh, one more good thing about winter is, I can wear nice jacket and hide my fat tummy behind it. Oh yea, winter also looks good at night in Christmas and New Year when the lights are... *Nice introduction Abbie! Enough about winter, next topic please*
Hmm, about my life? My life is so so. My Japanese lesson is getting more difficult now, one of my teachers likes to explain things in Japanese so I have to guess what she's trying to say. Hopefully my guess is right. Now I can feel that I'm so much more confident than last time. I'm not saying that my Japanese is so much better, I'm just feeling more confident now. You know, like a soldier who brings a weapon on his leg wherever he goes, and like a girl who brings a powder pack in her handbag wherever she goes. Yea, it's like me who brings my electronic dictionary in my handbag wherever I go. *Lohh??*
Oh yea, my husband and I are planning to go for a family trip again this weekend! Yipeee.. 'Family' in the family trip is actually just me and him. I just want to make it clear that it's not a honeymoon trip but a family trip. Next Monday will be a public holiday again in Japan, so it's long weekend again!! Anyway, we're planning to go to a lake (around 2 hours drive from Tokyo) where we can do fishing, BBQ, onsen (hot spring), and stay overnite at ryoukan (Japanese house) maybe. We won't join a tour like our last trip to Mt Fuji. It's not that I've become 'Ratu Jalanan' now like what my cousin said, but because I can't find any tour group going there. It's ok, we can have a relax trip this time.. trip without bus, trip without Mister tour guide..
Fyi, my husband likes fishing. I know it's hard to find a young generation who likes fishing in this 22nd century. Maybe his soul is still from old generation? Recently, because of cold weather, he always says that he's dreaming of fishing, in this kind of weather, near the lake, at the back of a wooden villa where we're going to stay, under a big tree, with a big picnic basket and BBQ equipments, and not to forget, there's ME beside him! Omo, it's such a simple dream but hard to bring into a realisation. Where to find such an exact setting? Perhaps, one day we can build our own house near a lake.. yea, one day! For now, let's just hope that our next trip will at least realise his dream a bit. No, let's first hope that we will find the place, I'm just afraid that the clumsy soul inside me will come out on that crucial time..
See you again, diary
Hi my diary,
Outside temperature is now around 21C. Brrr.. honestly, I don't really like winter, I don't really like summer either. I like spring or autumn when the temperature is just nice for our human body with just wearing one thin jacket. I hate cold weather especially after bathing and when I get up from my warm bed in the morning. In other word, my favorite room's temperature is 25C. Well, now I have to experience winter Tokyo..which is colder than the winter that I experienced in Australia. For me, winter is nice, snow is nice, but just to look at.. I don't like the feeling of cold, the feeling when my body shakes, the feeling when my teeth bump each other, the feeling when my lips turn blue, the feeling when I have to hide my hands in between my legs or inside the pockets, etc. One thing that I like about winter is, when I HAVE TO drink a cup of hot chocolate to warm my body up and to give me more energy to keep walking. Actually I don't really need a hot choco, hot coffee will be fine too, but I prefer choco.. Cokorate o onegaishimasu (Give me a choco please), I should remember this sentence well. Oh, one more good thing about winter is, I can wear nice jacket and hide my fat tummy behind it. Oh yea, winter also looks good at night in Christmas and New Year when the lights are... *Nice introduction Abbie! Enough about winter, next topic please*
Hmm, about my life? My life is so so. My Japanese lesson is getting more difficult now, one of my teachers likes to explain things in Japanese so I have to guess what she's trying to say. Hopefully my guess is right. Now I can feel that I'm so much more confident than last time. I'm not saying that my Japanese is so much better, I'm just feeling more confident now. You know, like a soldier who brings a weapon on his leg wherever he goes, and like a girl who brings a powder pack in her handbag wherever she goes. Yea, it's like me who brings my electronic dictionary in my handbag wherever I go. *Lohh??*
Oh yea, my husband and I are planning to go for a family trip again this weekend! Yipeee.. 'Family' in the family trip is actually just me and him. I just want to make it clear that it's not a honeymoon trip but a family trip. Next Monday will be a public holiday again in Japan, so it's long weekend again!! Anyway, we're planning to go to a lake (around 2 hours drive from Tokyo) where we can do fishing, BBQ, onsen (hot spring), and stay overnite at ryoukan (Japanese house) maybe. We won't join a tour like our last trip to Mt Fuji. It's not that I've become 'Ratu Jalanan' now like what my cousin said, but because I can't find any tour group going there. It's ok, we can have a relax trip this time.. trip without bus, trip without Mister tour guide..
Fyi, my husband likes fishing. I know it's hard to find a young generation who likes fishing in this 22nd century. Maybe his soul is still from old generation? Recently, because of cold weather, he always says that he's dreaming of fishing, in this kind of weather, near the lake, at the back of a wooden villa where we're going to stay, under a big tree, with a big picnic basket and BBQ equipments, and not to forget, there's ME beside him! Omo, it's such a simple dream but hard to bring into a realisation. Where to find such an exact setting? Perhaps, one day we can build our own house near a lake.. yea, one day! For now, let's just hope that our next trip will at least realise his dream a bit. No, let's first hope that we will find the place, I'm just afraid that the clumsy soul inside me will come out on that crucial time..
See you again, diary
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