Tuesday, 30 Dec 08, at 22.10pm at home
Hello diary,
Actually I planned to write diary tomorrow in the office on 31st Dec 2008 but something happened today in the office so I have to write my last diary of the year today. You know what happened in the office today? Suddenly there was an announcement that there will be new seating arrangement for my team starting tomorrow! *What does the new seating arrangement have something to do with writing diary on the last day of the year??* You know that I have a strategic seat in my office where nobody can see what I'm doing behind my desk, right? Now I have to give it up! My new seat will be so open, without partition, and at the second row from the front! So, you know what I mean, right? You know, you know, it's not so polite to write diary (even just a little diary) during working hours. Talking about 'the second row from the front', suddenly I remembered my school days when my seat had been moved by my teacher to the front seat because I played 'cross-circle' too much till I forgot that I had to listen to the lecture, till I felt that the lecture was disturbing my concentration playing that cross-circle thing. Do you know what cross-circle game is? Hmm.. how to describe? It's a kampung version of sudoku.
I guess today will be my last day writing diary in the year of 2008. This is the first time I'm still able to write diary on the last day of the year. This is also the first time I'm still working on the last day of the year. Now I know how it feels.. it feels like New Year Eve is just another day but I'm still so excited to welcome the new year because year 2009 will be the year of my new phase of life! *What new phase of life?*
Tomorrow I'll be having dinner with my hubby and some other Indonesian friends at a buffet Korean restaurant in Causeway bay. I like Korean food soooo much, especially the BBQ one. I'm glad that I was still standing strong at the last Xmas buffet so my hubby still can ask me to have another buffet this time. Yeehaa! Diary, please remind me not to wear something too tight tomorrow morning. I also wanna see the Hongkong version of counting down event tomorrow at Times Square. Lucky that I managed to learn numbers in Cantonese because I don't want to be the only one screaming 'Happy New Year!!' when actually they have not finished the counting. I also don't want to be the only person who is still counting down with my electronic dictionary when other people have already been busy with screaming 'Happy New Year!', shaking hand, and hugging each other.
Ahh, I forgot to tell you my massage experience in Shenzhen! Ok, I tell you now in short because the title actually doesn't match this massage story *Who cares about the title??* You don't care, but I care! Anyway, my Shenzhen trip was good. I experienced a different life, I was served like a king/queen. Even there was somebody who gave me body scrub and apply the milk and honey to my whole body. Then, I went straigt to the steam (sauna) room to get the skin moisturized. After that, we were served with fruits and drinks. At night before sleep, I had 1.5 hours of full body massage till I fell asleep. OMG! I never had this kind of body treatment before for almost 28 years of my life. So, now I can feel that my body is lighter, whiter, cleaner, and... *slimmer?* I'm now ready to welcome 2009!
Have to sleep now.. see you next year, diary!
...and Happy New Year! ^_^
Merry Christmas!
Friday, 26 Dec 08, 5.18pm at home
Merry Christmas, my little Diary!!

Finally Christmas has come and passed. Yesterday I had Xmas dinner with my hubby's uncle's big family at Harbour City. It's very nice place to spend Xmas with the harbour view and the santa and all the food there. Unfortunately I ate too much last night, I ate lots of baby octopus, I don't know how many head of octopus I had eaten, till I had a hangover of seafood! I felt like I was going to black out, my whole body was so cold, my eyes couldn't see clearly, my voice was 'bindeng'. What made me strong was a whisper from my hubby, not a romantic whisper, not a love whisper, not an encouragement whisper, but a whisper of "Don't fall down, don't embarrass me, I promise I will never ask you out for a buffet dinner again if you fall down this time". So, I was still standing till the party was over. Ha Ha Ha!
Anyway, for the last few days, my hubby loves to drink ronde. He bought the ronde from supermarket and he made his own ramuan of the soup with water, ginger, and the sugar. I can't believe that he has this hidden talent as an 'abang ronde'. He made the ronde for me on Xmas eve, on Xmas day, and on boxing day. Three days in a row we ate ronde! Here is my Xmas White Ronde in 2008! ^_^

Diary, I'm going to Shenzhen now to have a massage. I'll tell you my story in Shenzhen once I'm back. Please pray for me that I will get the pigeon hole (the room for sleeping) and warm blanket tonight.
See you diary..
p.s I don't get Xmas tree in the exchange gift last time, but I got cups set, socks, and a flower! 3-in-1 package, isn't it sweet? :)
Merry Christmas, my little Diary!!

Finally Christmas has come and passed. Yesterday I had Xmas dinner with my hubby's uncle's big family at Harbour City. It's very nice place to spend Xmas with the harbour view and the santa and all the food there. Unfortunately I ate too much last night, I ate lots of baby octopus, I don't know how many head of octopus I had eaten, till I had a hangover of seafood! I felt like I was going to black out, my whole body was so cold, my eyes couldn't see clearly, my voice was 'bindeng'. What made me strong was a whisper from my hubby, not a romantic whisper, not a love whisper, not an encouragement whisper, but a whisper of "Don't fall down, don't embarrass me, I promise I will never ask you out for a buffet dinner again if you fall down this time". So, I was still standing till the party was over. Ha Ha Ha!
Anyway, for the last few days, my hubby loves to drink ronde. He bought the ronde from supermarket and he made his own ramuan of the soup with water, ginger, and the sugar. I can't believe that he has this hidden talent as an 'abang ronde'. He made the ronde for me on Xmas eve, on Xmas day, and on boxing day. Three days in a row we ate ronde! Here is my Xmas White Ronde in 2008! ^_^

Diary, I'm going to Shenzhen now to have a massage. I'll tell you my story in Shenzhen once I'm back. Please pray for me that I will get the pigeon hole (the room for sleeping) and warm blanket tonight.
See you diary..
p.s I don't get Xmas tree in the exchange gift last time, but I got cups set, socks, and a flower! 3-in-1 package, isn't it sweet? :)
X'mas Exchange Gift Today!
Tuesday, 23 Dec 08, 9.38am in office
Morning morning diary!
Today is the last day, tomorrow I'll have a X'mas holiday till Sunday! Yipeee... but Monday I still have to go back to work, grrr..! This will be my first time to be still working during X'mas and New Year. Usually I always took leave before X'mas and returned after New Year. That's good, new experience in life, right?
Today there's a X'mas party in my office for my team. There will be a X'mas gift exchange too! I've prepared my gift. Yesterday I spent hours to get the gift. You know what I wish for X'mas. I hope that I'll get a X'mas tree, I already change my nickname in my msn "I wish I'll get a X'mas tree". My colleagues all are using msn, hopefully there's someone who's touched to give me a X'mas tree. In my previous post when I mentioned about X'mas tree, none's touched, none commented, hiks.. I really wish I'll get a X'mas tree! I'll choose the biggest and the longest box later..
I'll tell you what I get.. Please pray for me, diary.. ^_^
Morning morning diary!
Today is the last day, tomorrow I'll have a X'mas holiday till Sunday! Yipeee... but Monday I still have to go back to work, grrr..! This will be my first time to be still working during X'mas and New Year. Usually I always took leave before X'mas and returned after New Year. That's good, new experience in life, right?
Today there's a X'mas party in my office for my team. There will be a X'mas gift exchange too! I've prepared my gift. Yesterday I spent hours to get the gift. You know what I wish for X'mas. I hope that I'll get a X'mas tree, I already change my nickname in my msn "I wish I'll get a X'mas tree". My colleagues all are using msn, hopefully there's someone who's touched to give me a X'mas tree. In my previous post when I mentioned about X'mas tree, none's touched, none commented, hiks.. I really wish I'll get a X'mas tree! I'll choose the biggest and the longest box later..
I'll tell you what I get.. Please pray for me, diary.. ^_^
My New Mini Stove
Thursday, 18 Nov 08, 2.03pm in office
Hi again diary,
Today’s work is not as busy as last week so I have time to do my own things. You know, works all come at the same time and go at the same time too, like a group of birds that transmigrates to another place when winter comes.
Anyway, today I just want to share with you that I have finally invented a good formula how to be a good wife who takes care of husband during a busy time. Last time I didn’t realize that this method would work so well. You know what? I just bought a mini stove! A mini stove that can be put on the dining table!
We managed to do BBQ using this mini stove last weekend and it really saved my time a lot since I didn’t have to prepare for the ingredients and didn’t have to stay alone-so-lonely in the kitchen to cook. My hubby was also happy as he didn’t need to listen to my ‘weekend ritual’. And the greatest thing is, he was so happy grilling the meat till he didn’t realize that he was the one cooking for me, not the other way around! He was so happy because he had a new experience of life and he had a romantic dinner too! I was so happy too! You know, I was so much happier than him! Again, as pepatah says “sekali teplok, dua kodok ketangkep”. This is not cheating, ok! It’s called maximization and capitalization. I will try cooking soup-so-called-shabu2 using that mini stove this weekend.
Yesterday when I was washing the dishes in the kitchen after dinner, my hubby came in while bringing a glass of white wine on his hand. We chatted about this and that and finally came into an encouragement topic.
Ron: “You should never give up, keep trying till you get what you want”
Me: “Like you?” [still washing dishes]
Ron: “Yes, like me. I never gave up chasing you and finally I got you, rite?” [putting his hand on my shoulder]
Me: “Well, there’s reason why I accepted you”
Ron: “I tell you honestly. Actually I also have reason why I married you” [with serious face]
Me: “Hueh??? What’s your motive??” [stopped washing dishes]
Oh diary! I wanted to scare him only. Nothing else. I regretted that I started this type of conversation. He might be wanting to tell me what’s really in his heart for years now.
Ron: “You don’t need to know. What you need to know is I married you”
Me: “I need to know!! Tell me! Tell me!!” [Now I know how that dragon lady felt]
Ron: “The reason is….” [stepped out from the kitchen, leaving me alone in the kitchen]
Me: “What????” [I was so nervous waiting for his answer]
Ron: “The reason is…. because I love you!” [laughing so BIG!!]
Me: “I don’t believe you! Tell me, Tell me, Tell me!” [….following him out of the kitchen]
*Hey, what did you expect to hear from him??* I am writing it here because I want to remember this moment forever.
Hi again diary,
Today’s work is not as busy as last week so I have time to do my own things. You know, works all come at the same time and go at the same time too, like a group of birds that transmigrates to another place when winter comes.
Anyway, today I just want to share with you that I have finally invented a good formula how to be a good wife who takes care of husband during a busy time. Last time I didn’t realize that this method would work so well. You know what? I just bought a mini stove! A mini stove that can be put on the dining table!
Yesterday when I was washing the dishes in the kitchen after dinner, my hubby came in while bringing a glass of white wine on his hand. We chatted about this and that and finally came into an encouragement topic.
Ron: “You should never give up, keep trying till you get what you want”
Me: “Like you?” [still washing dishes]
Ron: “Yes, like me. I never gave up chasing you and finally I got you, rite?” [putting his hand on my shoulder]
Me: “Well, there’s reason why I accepted you”
Ron: “I tell you honestly. Actually I also have reason why I married you” [with serious face]
Me: “Hueh??? What’s your motive??” [stopped washing dishes]
Oh diary! I wanted to scare him only. Nothing else. I regretted that I started this type of conversation. He might be wanting to tell me what’s really in his heart for years now.
Ron: “You don’t need to know. What you need to know is I married you”
Me: “I need to know!! Tell me! Tell me!!” [Now I know how that dragon lady felt]
Ron: “The reason is….” [stepped out from the kitchen, leaving me alone in the kitchen]
Me: “What????” [I was so nervous waiting for his answer]
Ron: “The reason is…. because I love you!” [laughing so BIG!!]
Me: “I don’t believe you! Tell me, Tell me, Tell me!” [….following him out of the kitchen]
*Hey, what did you expect to hear from him??* I am writing it here because I want to remember this moment forever.
X'mas Tree
Thursday, 18 Dec 08, 9.42am in office
Morning my diary..
Today I woke up a lil bit fresher than yesterday because I turned to bed earlier, around 11pm last night. But still, I'm not a morning person at all, I complain a lot every morning. My hubby treats it like 'morning ritual' so he can just ignores me. Yeah, we know each other better and better every day.
As I said, X'mas decorations are everywhere, including my apartment! This is the picture of my apartment's lobby. There is a big X'mas tree!

What I always dream for X'mas is having a X'mas tree at my home so that I can decorate my X'mas tree the way I want it to be. What I always wish to Santa is to give me a X'mas tree. What I always tell my friend when there's X'mas gift exchange is I want a X'mas tree, small one will do. Still, I don't have a X'mas tree at my home until now. I love X'mas tree so much. But I love orange tree with red packets (hongpao) hanging on the tree more than X'mas tree. Be realistic lah, if I have orange tree (with the hongpao of course), I can use the money to buy X'mas tree! As pepatah says: "sekali tapuk dua lalat kegeplak" or "sekali dayung dua pulau terlampaui" or "sekali makan dua piring sekalian".
Anyway, I'm happy that I have a X'mas tree in my apartment, although it's in the lobby. It's ok, better than nothing at all, right? ^_^
p.s please feel free to send me X'mas tree if your heart is moved to give me a X'mas tree. Please feel free.. please don't hesitate.. please listen to your heart's voice carefully.. please.. pleaseee..!
Morning my diary..
Today I woke up a lil bit fresher than yesterday because I turned to bed earlier, around 11pm last night. But still, I'm not a morning person at all, I complain a lot every morning. My hubby treats it like 'morning ritual' so he can just ignores me. Yeah, we know each other better and better every day.
As I said, X'mas decorations are everywhere, including my apartment! This is the picture of my apartment's lobby. There is a big X'mas tree!
What I always dream for X'mas is having a X'mas tree at my home so that I can decorate my X'mas tree the way I want it to be. What I always wish to Santa is to give me a X'mas tree. What I always tell my friend when there's X'mas gift exchange is I want a X'mas tree, small one will do. Still, I don't have a X'mas tree at my home until now. I love X'mas tree so much. But I love orange tree with red packets (hongpao) hanging on the tree more than X'mas tree. Be realistic lah, if I have orange tree (with the hongpao of course), I can use the money to buy X'mas tree! As pepatah says: "sekali tapuk dua lalat kegeplak" or "sekali dayung dua pulau terlampaui" or "sekali makan dua piring sekalian".
Anyway, I'm happy that I have a X'mas tree in my apartment, although it's in the lobby. It's ok, better than nothing at all, right? ^_^
p.s please feel free to send me X'mas tree if your heart is moved to give me a X'mas tree. Please feel free.. please don't hesitate.. please listen to your heart's voice carefully.. please.. pleaseee..!
New Roster
Saturday, 13 Dec 08, 22.04pm at home
Happy Saturday, diary..
Below is my new roster:
- Friday nite: clean home
- Saturday morning: wash clothes
- Saturday afternoon: do my own business (it's really my own business, ok? not the menikyur, pedikyur, kukyur2 girl's business)
- Saturday evening: dine-out and groceries shopping day
- Saturday night: 'selonjor' time!
- Sunday morning: go to church (please take note, there's no more badminton)
- Sunday afternoon: cooking!!
- Sunday evening: iron clothes
- Sunday night: 'selonjor' time!
Now is Saturday evening and you must now what I was up to just now. Yes, I was just back from my dinner. Every Saturday I always have sushi dinner at the restaurant near my home lately. *Why always sushi?* Yes! Exactly! That's exactly what I wanna ask 'why always sushi?'. It's because my hubby likes sushi so much, no, no, he likes wasabi so much. He can't eat chilli, but he eats wasabi as if there is no tomorrow. So, for the last 3 weeks he always nagged me to eat sushi every Saturday. Well, we seldom ate sushi when we were in Japan, now we eat sushi once a week. That's human. We miss what we don't have, we ignore what we have.
Just recently I realised that there's a big difference between dating life and marriage life when it comes to Saturday-night-dinner.
- Dating life: the couple are busy with talking, holding hands sambil cekakak cekikik senyum dikulum, drinking the hot tea malu2, and also busy cleaning teeth with toothpick (always scared if there's a small piece of red chilli hanging happily on the tooth). The topic of conversation is about 'you and me' and 'me and you' and 'us'.
- Marriage life: the couple are busy enjoying the food or waiting for the food to come or complaining to the waiter if the food hasn't come yet. The hot tea and the toothpick will only be touched when they finish eating. The main topic of conversation is about the food and the waiters and the restaurant.
My hubby is now busy studying for the finance HK regulatory exam. He has been preparing for the exam since last month and the test will be next week. He has to pass the exam in order to be able to work in HK. Yeah, I know, I can't disturb him now, I am also scared to be so near to him because I don't want to accidentally clumsily knock his head.
Diary, now it's already late at night. You can refer to my roster what I do on Saturday night, right? Yes, it's time for me to 'selonjor'!
Nitezzz, diary..
p.s 'selonjor' is laying down on the bed or sofa with both legs straight. *Haiya, you describe it using difficult words. 'Selonjor' means rest lah!* Oh yess! Rest, yes, rest!
Happy Saturday, diary..
Below is my new roster:
- Friday nite: clean home
- Saturday morning: wash clothes
- Saturday afternoon: do my own business (it's really my own business, ok? not the menikyur, pedikyur, kukyur2 girl's business)
- Saturday evening: dine-out and groceries shopping day
- Saturday night: 'selonjor' time!
- Sunday morning: go to church (please take note, there's no more badminton)
- Sunday afternoon: cooking!!
- Sunday evening: iron clothes
- Sunday night: 'selonjor' time!
Now is Saturday evening and you must now what I was up to just now. Yes, I was just back from my dinner. Every Saturday I always have sushi dinner at the restaurant near my home lately. *Why always sushi?* Yes! Exactly! That's exactly what I wanna ask 'why always sushi?'. It's because my hubby likes sushi so much, no, no, he likes wasabi so much. He can't eat chilli, but he eats wasabi as if there is no tomorrow. So, for the last 3 weeks he always nagged me to eat sushi every Saturday. Well, we seldom ate sushi when we were in Japan, now we eat sushi once a week. That's human. We miss what we don't have, we ignore what we have.
Just recently I realised that there's a big difference between dating life and marriage life when it comes to Saturday-night-dinner.
- Dating life: the couple are busy with talking, holding hands sambil cekakak cekikik senyum dikulum, drinking the hot tea malu2, and also busy cleaning teeth with toothpick (always scared if there's a small piece of red chilli hanging happily on the tooth). The topic of conversation is about 'you and me' and 'me and you' and 'us'.
- Marriage life: the couple are busy enjoying the food or waiting for the food to come or complaining to the waiter if the food hasn't come yet. The hot tea and the toothpick will only be touched when they finish eating. The main topic of conversation is about the food and the waiters and the restaurant.
My hubby is now busy studying for the finance HK regulatory exam. He has been preparing for the exam since last month and the test will be next week. He has to pass the exam in order to be able to work in HK. Yeah, I know, I can't disturb him now, I am also scared to be so near to him because I don't want to accidentally clumsily knock his head.
Diary, now it's already late at night. You can refer to my roster what I do on Saturday night, right? Yes, it's time for me to 'selonjor'!
Nitezzz, diary..
p.s 'selonjor' is laying down on the bed or sofa with both legs straight. *Haiya, you describe it using difficult words. 'Selonjor' means rest lah!* Oh yess! Rest, yes, rest!
Christmas 2008 is Coming!
Tuesday, 9 Dec 08, 12.58pm in office
Hi my little diary!!
It's been long time since my last diary.. I miss you! *I miss you too!* The last few weeks were busy days for me, both at home and in office. At home, I was so busy preparing meals, cleaning home, taking care of hubby, and doing my own business. Remember? I'm still doing my own business now and it's even getting busier than before. I'll soon reveal it once it's ready, just hang on. In office, I was busy with... blogging?? Ehem, you know better than me. I was in the process of adjusting to my current lifestyle. I had been thinking hard to discover how to automatize my two roles; be a good housewife and be a good working woman too, with my limited 24-hours-in-a-day of time. And now I have reached into a conclusion, I have invented a very important formula, which is, I can't do well in both areas at the same time.. Sorry if I disappoint you, I still can't give the formula that you expected me to come out with.
Now is lunch time. Situasi kantor masih seperti biasanya, mister j masih juga makan dengan style uniknya, cewek2 yg lain masih juga duduk bergerombol ngerumpiin hal2 yg aku nggak ngerti dengan bahasa dewa mereka, beberapa cowok kepo juga masih suka mengintip2 layar monitor orang kalo pas jam makan siang termasuk ngintip layar monitorku sekarang! Hey, aku butuh privacy! Udah lama banget aku nggak nulis blog, baru sekali ini aja nulis di kantor (di bulan ini maksudnya) udah diintip2 gitu, gak seru ah. Tadi juga ada temen cewekku ngajak aku jalan2 ke mall abis makan, aku menjawabnya dengan jawaban ngambang sambil haha-hihi, biarin aja kalo mungkin dia ngira aku sejenis alien blo'on yg kuper. Aku butuh waktu pribadiku sendiri dong! My diary is missing me, aren't you diary? Selama beberapa minggu ini aku udah entertain dia tiap kali lunch time dengan makan bersama, jalan2 bersama, ngobrol bersama, sampe gak terasa skg udah bulan December nih! Gak terasa udah ampir new year, udah ampir taon 2009. Gak terasa umurku udah ampir nambah 1 th lagi, eh salah, gak terasa umurku udah ampir berkurang 1 th lagi! Gak terasa badanku mulai melar lagi akibat musim dingin.. gak terasa rambutku makin menipis lagi akibat... emm.. melarnya badanku mengakibatkan melarnya batok kepalaku juga kah?
Hey diary.. I learnt some new Cantonese words! At least now I can count numbers, I can say "I" and "you", I can say "good morning", "thank u", and "sorry", and the impressive thing is; I can listen to what they say (but I don't understand)! Isn't it so good improvement?
Anyway, Christmas is coming! Christmas decorations are already all over the city! HK is so nice at night, every time I cross the tunnel from Kowloon-HK at night, I can see colorful buildings every where! Every morning, I also can see colorful things every where! Hmm, it's jemuran.. Still, HK is so colorful during the Xmas season!! I will go nowhere in Xmas, I'll just stay in HK quietly, peacefully, faithfully, without complaint, enjoying the colorful pemandangan every night and day.. till new year comes, till they remove all the Xmas colorful decorations.. I'll still be here in HK, enjoying the only colorful decorations in the morning with smiles.. I'll still be here.. [taking a deep breath] yes, I'll still be here.. Full stop. Arghhh... GRrrrrRRRrr...!! *Did I hear you said "without complaint" just now?* I didn't complain, I was just GRrrrrRRrr-ing!
Ok, time to get back to work now..
See you, diary..
Hi my little diary!!
It's been long time since my last diary.. I miss you! *I miss you too!* The last few weeks were busy days for me, both at home and in office. At home, I was so busy preparing meals, cleaning home, taking care of hubby, and doing my own business. Remember? I'm still doing my own business now and it's even getting busier than before. I'll soon reveal it once it's ready, just hang on. In office, I was busy with... blogging?? Ehem, you know better than me. I was in the process of adjusting to my current lifestyle. I had been thinking hard to discover how to automatize my two roles; be a good housewife and be a good working woman too, with my limited 24-hours-in-a-day of time. And now I have reached into a conclusion, I have invented a very important formula, which is, I can't do well in both areas at the same time.. Sorry if I disappoint you, I still can't give the formula that you expected me to come out with.
Now is lunch time. Situasi kantor masih seperti biasanya, mister j masih juga makan dengan style uniknya, cewek2 yg lain masih juga duduk bergerombol ngerumpiin hal2 yg aku nggak ngerti dengan bahasa dewa mereka, beberapa cowok kepo juga masih suka mengintip2 layar monitor orang kalo pas jam makan siang termasuk ngintip layar monitorku sekarang! Hey, aku butuh privacy! Udah lama banget aku nggak nulis blog, baru sekali ini aja nulis di kantor (di bulan ini maksudnya) udah diintip2 gitu, gak seru ah. Tadi juga ada temen cewekku ngajak aku jalan2 ke mall abis makan, aku menjawabnya dengan jawaban ngambang sambil haha-hihi, biarin aja kalo mungkin dia ngira aku sejenis alien blo'on yg kuper. Aku butuh waktu pribadiku sendiri dong! My diary is missing me, aren't you diary? Selama beberapa minggu ini aku udah entertain dia tiap kali lunch time dengan makan bersama, jalan2 bersama, ngobrol bersama, sampe gak terasa skg udah bulan December nih! Gak terasa udah ampir new year, udah ampir taon 2009. Gak terasa umurku udah ampir nambah 1 th lagi, eh salah, gak terasa umurku udah ampir berkurang 1 th lagi! Gak terasa badanku mulai melar lagi akibat musim dingin.. gak terasa rambutku makin menipis lagi akibat... emm.. melarnya badanku mengakibatkan melarnya batok kepalaku juga kah?
Hey diary.. I learnt some new Cantonese words! At least now I can count numbers, I can say "I" and "you", I can say "good morning", "thank u", and "sorry", and the impressive thing is; I can listen to what they say (but I don't understand)! Isn't it so good improvement?
Anyway, Christmas is coming! Christmas decorations are already all over the city! HK is so nice at night, every time I cross the tunnel from Kowloon-HK at night, I can see colorful buildings every where! Every morning, I also can see colorful things every where! Hmm, it's jemuran.. Still, HK is so colorful during the Xmas season!! I will go nowhere in Xmas, I'll just stay in HK quietly, peacefully, faithfully, without complaint, enjoying the colorful pemandangan every night and day.. till new year comes, till they remove all the Xmas colorful decorations.. I'll still be here in HK, enjoying the only colorful decorations in the morning with smiles.. I'll still be here.. [taking a deep breath] yes, I'll still be here.. Full stop. Arghhh... GRrrrrRRRrr...!! *Did I hear you said "without complaint" just now?* I didn't complain, I was just GRrrrrRRrr-ing!
Ok, time to get back to work now..
See you, diary..
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