Tuesday, 28 Oct 08, 8.24am in MacDonnell Room
Morning morning, little diary..
The day after tomorrow, my parents will be here for one week. Yoohoo! I'm really looking forward to that day although I act cool like-nothing-happen on the outside. I don't know why, I still feel like a little child who needs comforts from parents. I really miss the warmness of the family when all the family members gather at home. People say that once we get married, we create a new family, a new small family of two. Yes, I have been married for one year and 3 months, but until now I still can't think that I have my own small family.
Whenever I think about 'family', the group I'm referring to is my family members in Solo, not us. When my pastor prayed for us before we left Japan "May God protect your family...", the first moment I caught was he was praying for our families in Solo, not us. Ok, now I noticed, I don't call my own small family with the term 'family', but I call it 'us'. Yes, it's just us. I know my life is great, it's really great; I have experiences to live in other countries, I have freedom to go to wherever I want and to do whatever I wish, I have enough money to buy whatever I need. But, human is never satisfied, human keeps searching for something that's missing. Yes, I'm missing something. I need that 'warmness', because I feel 'cold'. I need some 'dampness' because I feel 'dry'. I'm longing to have my own family, a real family, not just us.
I think this is the reason why I insisted to my hubby that I wanted to rent a bigger apartment, with proper dining table especially. I feel that a home should have a proper dining table. A home will look warmer with a dining table in it, it's a proof that people are eating there and they are living! A home is not a place for people to sleep in only. In my new apartment, there is already a dining table with 4 chairs. Since my apartment is quite small, my hubby wanted to take out 2 chairs. He thought that 2 chairs would be enough for us since only us staying in. I said NO!, I want to keep all the 4 chairs! 4 chairs make the home looks more like a home as if 4 people stay in that home. I know it's stupid and so funny, I also never thought that I would fall in love with dining table so much, but it shows that I really need that 'home warmness', desperately..
Hiks, what am I mumbling about now? I really wanted to start my diary with some good news and followed by my fun story on last weekend. But why it's ended up like this?? It's really not in my scenario! Who started this topic?? When did it start?? It really has spoiled my mood of the day already! Haiz.. Sorry diary, I'll tell you my last weekend story next time.
A Sweet Sign
Thursday, 23 Oct 08, 7.20pm in MacDonnell Room
Good evening my diary..
I just realised that I seldom write diary in the evening. These past few days I've been busy.. busy with.. busy with watching.. busy with watching Korean drama. The title is Women of the Sun. This drama is very touching, now you know me, rite? I won't be touched with a lovey-dovey drama anymore, I am only touched with drama that tells about love between sisters or mother to her child. Finally I finished the drama, just 30 minutes ago. Since my mood was not good after watching the drama, since my eyes were still in tears, I tried to stir my mood to do something more fun, and the only possible fun-thing that I could do was cooking! Yea, I know, I am such a boring person.
Tomorrow will be a busy day for me because I need to go to some places. There are reasons why I want to finish everything in one day, and not split them up in several days:
1. To save transport cost
2. To save make-up cost
3. To save contact lens cost since I'm wearing the daily disposable one.
Here is my tomorrow's schedule:
1. Go to immigration to collect my HK ID card.
2. Go to China embassy to collect our China visa.
3. Go to the bank to settle something.
4. Go to IKEA to buy some furniture
5. Go to my new office to sign an employment contract. Eh, have I told you that I got a job?
Yes, I just got a job last week and I will start working on Nov 10th after my parents go back to Indonesia again. I never predicted that I would find a job so soon, I know that God must be the one who worked behind the scene. One night before the interview, I was asking for a sign if this job was for me. On that night, we also had not decided on which apartment we were going to take but we were already eyeing for one apartment. So I was asking Him "If this job is for me, if that apartment is for me, let there be a direct bus from the apartment to the office. One bus will do". I was asking this kind of sign because the apartment is in Hong Kong island, the west side, the most west side of HK island where there is no MTR (subway). Whereas, the office is in Kowloon island, the east side, quite far away from HK island. So, I thought it's very unlikely that there was a direct bus which would depart from just in front of my apartment and stop just in front of my office. But, in fact, there is! There is only one direct bus. Amazing isn't it? So, on that night, I knew it; that apartment was for me and that job was also for me! And I really got that job and that apartment!! :D By the way, I will not take that direct bus to go to office because it will take forever to reach the office during the peak hour. I will just take bus and transfer to nearest MTR, it's faster this way. It's a sweet sign, anyway.
Thanks God, my life is moving on well.. and will still move on according to Your great plan!
See you again, diary..
...and have a nice sleep ^_^
Good evening my diary..
I just realised that I seldom write diary in the evening. These past few days I've been busy.. busy with.. busy with watching.. busy with watching Korean drama. The title is Women of the Sun. This drama is very touching, now you know me, rite? I won't be touched with a lovey-dovey drama anymore, I am only touched with drama that tells about love between sisters or mother to her child. Finally I finished the drama, just 30 minutes ago. Since my mood was not good after watching the drama, since my eyes were still in tears, I tried to stir my mood to do something more fun, and the only possible fun-thing that I could do was cooking! Yea, I know, I am such a boring person.
Tomorrow will be a busy day for me because I need to go to some places. There are reasons why I want to finish everything in one day, and not split them up in several days:
1. To save transport cost
2. To save make-up cost
3. To save contact lens cost since I'm wearing the daily disposable one.
Here is my tomorrow's schedule:
1. Go to immigration to collect my HK ID card.
2. Go to China embassy to collect our China visa.
3. Go to the bank to settle something.
4. Go to IKEA to buy some furniture
5. Go to my new office to sign an employment contract. Eh, have I told you that I got a job?
Yes, I just got a job last week and I will start working on Nov 10th after my parents go back to Indonesia again. I never predicted that I would find a job so soon, I know that God must be the one who worked behind the scene. One night before the interview, I was asking for a sign if this job was for me. On that night, we also had not decided on which apartment we were going to take but we were already eyeing for one apartment. So I was asking Him "If this job is for me, if that apartment is for me, let there be a direct bus from the apartment to the office. One bus will do". I was asking this kind of sign because the apartment is in Hong Kong island, the west side, the most west side of HK island where there is no MTR (subway). Whereas, the office is in Kowloon island, the east side, quite far away from HK island. So, I thought it's very unlikely that there was a direct bus which would depart from just in front of my apartment and stop just in front of my office. But, in fact, there is! There is only one direct bus. Amazing isn't it? So, on that night, I knew it; that apartment was for me and that job was also for me! And I really got that job and that apartment!! :D By the way, I will not take that direct bus to go to office because it will take forever to reach the office during the peak hour. I will just take bus and transfer to nearest MTR, it's faster this way. It's a sweet sign, anyway.
Thanks God, my life is moving on well.. and will still move on according to Your great plan!
See you again, diary..
...and have a nice sleep ^_^
How are you doing, diary?
You know what? My whole body is aching now. I can't walk properly, I have to use double energy to get up from bed or sofa, I can't flush the toilet using my right hand. It is all because I played badminton yesterday. It's been a long time since the last time I played badminton. Ron also complained when he woke this morning that his body all aches but he still has to go to office to work. And me, I can just stay at home, and be lazy for as long as I want. I thank God that I'm a housewife in the case like this. How wonderful life is when we don't need to go thru a blue-mondai-Monday, agree? This is the picture when we were about to go out for badminton. We were wearing same shirts, cute isn't it? We were still happily posing with no idea how painful our bodies would be after that.. We will be playing badminton every Sunday morning from now on. Remember diary, that's our activity on Sunday morning, ok?
We can dress up like athletes, we can walk like athletes, we can hold the rackets like athletes. The only slight difference is; athletes won't take picture in front of the mirror and rice cooker. *Can you guys play badminton like athletes too?* SShhhh!! Don't raise that subject!
Kei Pho Na Khan
Friday, 17 Oct 08, 8.46am in MacDonnell room
Morning lil diary,
Last night in my loneliness, I missed my niece and my nephew. I just suddenly miss them now. So, early in this morning, I opened their pictures and I wanted to upload them here.
These below pictures are me with my nephew, Owen Lee. This moment was the first time I met him, the first time I carried him. These pictures were taken on the first day I arrived in Solo, at my home in Solo. Isn't he so 'ipel-ipel'? His skin is so fair, he really resembles his dad.

Below pictures are my niece, Celine Lee. These photos were also taken on the first day I came at my home. You see, she was wearing pink Yukata! Yes, I bought her a yukata from Japan. Actually I also bought a yukata for Owen too, I regret that I had no chance to see Owen in Yukata. Celine was so happy and so genit in her Yukata. She's so pretty and genit, just exactly like her mom!

I miss them so much, oh my kei pho na khan (read: keponakan)!
Morning lil diary,
Last night in my loneliness, I missed my niece and my nephew. I just suddenly miss them now. So, early in this morning, I opened their pictures and I wanted to upload them here.
These below pictures are me with my nephew, Owen Lee. This moment was the first time I met him, the first time I carried him. These pictures were taken on the first day I arrived in Solo, at my home in Solo. Isn't he so 'ipel-ipel'? His skin is so fair, he really resembles his dad.

Below pictures are my niece, Celine Lee. These photos were also taken on the first day I came at my home. You see, she was wearing pink Yukata! Yes, I bought her a yukata from Japan. Actually I also bought a yukata for Owen too, I regret that I had no chance to see Owen in Yukata. Celine was so happy and so genit in her Yukata. She's so pretty and genit, just exactly like her mom!

I miss them so much, oh my kei pho na khan (read: keponakan)!
Journal of This Week
Wednesday, 15 Oct 08, 8.23am in MacDonnell Room
Hello my diary,
I went to immigration on last Friday to apply for my identity card. I also have my mobile number now, yeeehaaa!! You know what, the mobile subscription here is very cheap! It is only around US$5 for a month and you can get 850 minutes call for free! 850 minutes!! Well, perhaps for some people 850 mins is not enough for one month, but for me who has no friend to call to in HK, 850 mins is really too much. I hope I can find cheaper plan with lower minutes but that is already the cheapest plan in this town. The amazing thing is, they have a special SMS package to Indonesia only! Wow, I have priviledge to be an Indonesian, finally..
Last Saturday, we continued our apartment hunting again. Honestly, apartment viewing activity is interesting. I really enjoyed it at first, but if we view too many apartments, then all the apartments look the same.
On Sunday, we went to church and got to know some friends. And yesterday we finally found an apartment that we both like, yoohoo!! We already signed the contract last night and we'll start moving in early November.
I have another news for you; my parents are coming end of this month!! Isn't it great? Then we are going to go to China mainland for a short trip. This will be my first trip to China, I never visited China in my life. China, here I'm coming...
My status now? I'm now starting to apply for jobs. Again, job hunting! I feel like dejavu. I have been repeating this process again and again, and still I can't find my 'jati diri' (identity). Or perhaps my 'jati diri' is to be a housewife?? That's why this time I won't expect too much to avoid a deep disappointment if I can't get a job here. If I have to be a housewife, so what? It's an honorable occupation, isn't it? But if possible, please give me a job, God. Pleaseeeeeee... *maksa-mode on*
Hello my diary,
I went to immigration on last Friday to apply for my identity card. I also have my mobile number now, yeeehaaa!! You know what, the mobile subscription here is very cheap! It is only around US$5 for a month and you can get 850 minutes call for free! 850 minutes!! Well, perhaps for some people 850 mins is not enough for one month, but for me who has no friend to call to in HK, 850 mins is really too much. I hope I can find cheaper plan with lower minutes but that is already the cheapest plan in this town. The amazing thing is, they have a special SMS package to Indonesia only! Wow, I have priviledge to be an Indonesian, finally..
Last Saturday, we continued our apartment hunting again. Honestly, apartment viewing activity is interesting. I really enjoyed it at first, but if we view too many apartments, then all the apartments look the same.
On Sunday, we went to church and got to know some friends. And yesterday we finally found an apartment that we both like, yoohoo!! We already signed the contract last night and we'll start moving in early November.
I have another news for you; my parents are coming end of this month!! Isn't it great? Then we are going to go to China mainland for a short trip. This will be my first trip to China, I never visited China in my life. China, here I'm coming...
My status now? I'm now starting to apply for jobs. Again, job hunting! I feel like dejavu. I have been repeating this process again and again, and still I can't find my 'jati diri' (identity). Or perhaps my 'jati diri' is to be a housewife?? That's why this time I won't expect too much to avoid a deep disappointment if I can't get a job here. If I have to be a housewife, so what? It's an honorable occupation, isn't it? But if possible, please give me a job, God. Pleaseeeeeee... *maksa-mode on*
The Escalator
Thursday, 9 Oct 08, 8.35am at MacDonnell Room
Good morning, my little diary..
This morning is such a bright morning! HK was always cloudy since I came, and today finally I can see HK more clearly under a strong sunshine. As you know, my current apartment has no windows, I mean it has windows, but I can't open them, so I can't dry my clothes outside. I have no choice, I just hang my clothes on the window since I really need to dry them. I think now I can understand why orang HK suka menjemur baju di jendela2 sehingga membuat pemandangan kota jadi terlihat seperti ehem.. seperti.. seperti itu. It's because they have no other choice! Rumah mereka bener2 kecil banget sampai balcony pun mereka gak punya!
Sabtu kemarin aku pergi liat2 apartment yang nggak ada balconynya, trus aku nanya sama si property agentnya "Gimana kita jemur bajunya?". Dia jawab "Well, there are 3 alternatives. Pertama, di situ ada jemuran baju (dia tunjukin jemuran baju tua di luar jendela, kalo mau njemurin harus melongokkan kepala ke luar dan ada resiko baju jatuh sampai ke lantai dasar untuk orang2 clumsy like me). Alternative kedua, beli mesin cuci yang udah ada dryernya. Alternative ketiga, beli jemuran baju yang berdiri, korbankan 1 ruangan untuk taruh itu jemuran, dan jemurlah pakaian di situ." Hiks. You know what, I tell you honestly now, concern pertama aku takut hidup di HK itu karena aku takut jemuran baju mereka!! You may laugh now. You may think I'm so unreasonable. Tapi bener2 jemuran baju mereka tuh mengerikannnn... rumah jadi terkesan berantakan, tua, kotor, dan horror! Kalo jalan-jalan di luar pun mesti sempet2in melongok ke atas, untuk jaga2 kalo adadurian runtuh baju jatuh. But I guess now I've been changed after my first week living here. I do the same now. Well, bathok (rumah) kura2 pun bertumbuh menyesuaikan tempatnya, begitu pula dengan cara pandang manusia, ya nggak?
Yesterday I went to post office to post some letters to Singapore. I took the hotel free shuttle bus. Hihihi.. I like free stuff. Near the post office, there is a supermarket too! I'm really happy to find a supermarket near my apartment which I can take free shuttle bus to. Isn't it so perfect? Well, actually the transport fee here isn't so expensive but free is still better than paying, rite?
After 1 week living in HK, I observe one difference between JP, HK, and Indo culture on how the people take the escalator.
In JP: they all stand on the left side, the right side is for those who want to walk up the escalator for quicker way.
In HK: they all stand on the right side, the left side is for those who want to walk up the escalator for quicker way.
In Indo: they all stand side by side, both left and right side. For those who want to walk up? Take a normal stair lah..
Talking about escalator, I remember one stupid thing happened to me when I was in Jakarta airport last week. It happened on the way from domestic airport to international airport, we had to take an escalator down. We saw one escalator and we just jumped onto it. But, the escalator was not moving! So my hubby who walked in front took the initiative to just walk down the escalator. I followed him. He had successfully finished his steps and was waiting for me who was still busy stepping down the escalator with my 9cm-high-heel-shoes. I had to make sure that my heels would not stuck in the small holes on each step of the the escalator because it happened many times before. So, I took my time walking down slowly by carrying my laptop bag on my hand and one plastic bag on my other hand.
But, unexpectedly, the escalator was suddenly on! I could feel it was moving! I still had 4 more steps to go. At first, I was happy that I didn't need to finish my steps, then suddenly I realized that it was moving up!! I was walking down and the escalator was moving up! Since it was just 4 steps to go, I put all my efforts to walk down faster but the escalator was running faster so I had to run faster too. I was so panic! I could hear voices from bapak2 porter airport yang duduk di samping escalator. They were cheerleading me "Ayo mbak, jalan lebih cepat lagi, lebih cepat lagi!" And another voice "Ati-ati mbak, nanti jatuh, sepatunya tinggi banget". And the other voice "Cepet dikit mbak, udah ampir sampai tuh." And some other voices like "Hiyaaa! Hiyaaa!" and "Ayo! Ayo!" and some bapak even stood up in front of me and tepuk tangan untuk menyemangatiku while I was still running down.
I really wanted to see their faces and melemparkan pandangan mata sinisku ke mereka but I had to keep running, I had no time to even look at them. I was so embarrassed and I screamed at my husband who was standing downstair "Say, tolongin akuuuu!!" My hubby was just looking at me, dengan sesekali geleng2 kepala. I felt like a hamster who's running on the round wheel. And the bapak2 porter airport are like us who enjoy pemandangan hamster yang sedang lari2 dari luar kotak kaca dengan senyum2. Finally I finished my steps dengan diikuti sorakan si bapak2 "Hiyaa! Selamat mbak. Selamat mbak." I had no other choice than saying "Makasih" sambil senyum getir banget. I felt stupid. I felt clumsy. But it was totally not my fault, rite? Now I was wondering if one of the bapak2 itu dengan sengaja ngidupin escalatornya? Atau karena censor system escalatornya yang lagging? But why it happened just soon after my hubby finished his final step? Why only me became the victim?? Why my hubby is always able to maintain his charming image? And me always maintain my clumsy image?? It's not fair!
Good morning, my little diary..
This morning is such a bright morning! HK was always cloudy since I came, and today finally I can see HK more clearly under a strong sunshine. As you know, my current apartment has no windows, I mean it has windows, but I can't open them, so I can't dry my clothes outside. I have no choice, I just hang my clothes on the window since I really need to dry them. I think now I can understand why orang HK suka menjemur baju di jendela2 sehingga membuat pemandangan kota jadi terlihat seperti ehem.. seperti.. seperti itu. It's because they have no other choice! Rumah mereka bener2 kecil banget sampai balcony pun mereka gak punya!
Sabtu kemarin aku pergi liat2 apartment yang nggak ada balconynya, trus aku nanya sama si property agentnya "Gimana kita jemur bajunya?". Dia jawab "Well, there are 3 alternatives. Pertama, di situ ada jemuran baju (dia tunjukin jemuran baju tua di luar jendela, kalo mau njemurin harus melongokkan kepala ke luar dan ada resiko baju jatuh sampai ke lantai dasar untuk orang2 clumsy like me). Alternative kedua, beli mesin cuci yang udah ada dryernya. Alternative ketiga, beli jemuran baju yang berdiri, korbankan 1 ruangan untuk taruh itu jemuran, dan jemurlah pakaian di situ." Hiks. You know what, I tell you honestly now, concern pertama aku takut hidup di HK itu karena aku takut jemuran baju mereka!! You may laugh now. You may think I'm so unreasonable. Tapi bener2 jemuran baju mereka tuh mengerikannnn... rumah jadi terkesan berantakan, tua, kotor, dan horror! Kalo jalan-jalan di luar pun mesti sempet2in melongok ke atas, untuk jaga2 kalo ada
Yesterday I went to post office to post some letters to Singapore. I took the hotel free shuttle bus. Hihihi.. I like free stuff. Near the post office, there is a supermarket too! I'm really happy to find a supermarket near my apartment which I can take free shuttle bus to. Isn't it so perfect? Well, actually the transport fee here isn't so expensive but free is still better than paying, rite?
After 1 week living in HK, I observe one difference between JP, HK, and Indo culture on how the people take the escalator.
In JP: they all stand on the left side, the right side is for those who want to walk up the escalator for quicker way.
In HK: they all stand on the right side, the left side is for those who want to walk up the escalator for quicker way.
In Indo: they all stand side by side, both left and right side. For those who want to walk up? Take a normal stair lah..
Talking about escalator, I remember one stupid thing happened to me when I was in Jakarta airport last week. It happened on the way from domestic airport to international airport, we had to take an escalator down. We saw one escalator and we just jumped onto it. But, the escalator was not moving! So my hubby who walked in front took the initiative to just walk down the escalator. I followed him. He had successfully finished his steps and was waiting for me who was still busy stepping down the escalator with my 9cm-high-heel-shoes. I had to make sure that my heels would not stuck in the small holes on each step of the the escalator because it happened many times before. So, I took my time walking down slowly by carrying my laptop bag on my hand and one plastic bag on my other hand.
But, unexpectedly, the escalator was suddenly on! I could feel it was moving! I still had 4 more steps to go. At first, I was happy that I didn't need to finish my steps, then suddenly I realized that it was moving up!! I was walking down and the escalator was moving up! Since it was just 4 steps to go, I put all my efforts to walk down faster but the escalator was running faster so I had to run faster too. I was so panic! I could hear voices from bapak2 porter airport yang duduk di samping escalator. They were cheerleading me "Ayo mbak, jalan lebih cepat lagi, lebih cepat lagi!" And another voice "Ati-ati mbak, nanti jatuh, sepatunya tinggi banget". And the other voice "Cepet dikit mbak, udah ampir sampai tuh." And some other voices like "Hiyaaa! Hiyaaa!" and "Ayo! Ayo!" and some bapak even stood up in front of me and tepuk tangan untuk menyemangatiku while I was still running down.

Macau Trip
Monday, 6 Oct 08, 10.32am at MacDonnell Room
Hi again diary,
Ron started his first day of working in HK today. This is the first time we stay apart from each other since we arrived in HK. We didn't have mobile number few days ago so we're really afraid to stay apart and to be lost in this new island like Tao Ming Tse and San Chai and accidentally lost our memory and bye bye forever. So, we even took turn to go to public toilet while the other of us waited outside the toilet. It happened once when we both went to public toilet together; when I went out to look for Ron, he wasn't around! I walked here and there to look for him, searched each of the shops near the toilet, still I couldn't find him. I was so scared, but I waited for him in front of the toilet for few minutes with angry face. And he came by bringing a restaurant's brochure from upstairs. And me wasn't angry anymore since he took me to eat.
Yesterday I managed to go to Macau to activate our visa, the Asia Las Vegas! We took ferry from HK to Macau. It was a quite heavy raining and typhoon yesterday so our boat was not sailing smoothly. We definetely chose a wrong day to sail. Ron spent almost the whole 1 hour trip by puking in the toilet. He should ask for half price ferry ticket refund since he was not using his seat. Me? I spent almost the whole 1 hour trip by sleeping soundly and tightly on my comfortable seat.
Arriving in Macau, we missed our city tour bus. Then, we took a public bus. That was our first time going to Macau, we really didn't know anything! Before we got onto the bus, I already confirmed the destination with the bus driver then we confidently took that bus. 30 minutes passed by, we were still not sure which stop we had to get down till finally the bus reached its final terminal then we knew that we had to get down from the bus. Celingak here, celinguk there, then we took another bus to go to our destination, Senado square. This time, we were sitting on the front row. I also asked the bus driver to let us know when it's time to get down. We managed to go to Senado Square! I'm really proud of myself although it took me 2 bus rounds to reach there.
It was a raining day.. we managed to eat their famous Portugesse egg tart and took some pictures there. Then, we took free shuttle bus to one of the hotel casino, called The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel. I was in Macau so I had to see one of their casinos, rite?

In front of the the St Paul's Ruins, In the Venetian Macao Resort Hotel.

This hotel is very luxurious, with its European Majestic look, and its Venice-city-replica. When I was in Macau, I felt like I was in Batman movie with all the big gorgeous shinning buildings around me. Many times I told Ron "Bener-bener kayak di film Batman ya". Perhaps you don't understand what I'm talking about, how can Macau be a Batman movie, rite? I understand that, because Ron also didn't understand what I was talking about although he was there!
When I was back to HK again in the evening, I felt like I was returning home from my journey to a new place. Suddenly I became familiar with HK although HK itself is also still very new to me. Whatever it is, it's a good feeling to feel that HK is like my home now, or it's because I've no other choice now? Anyway, we have our visa now so I can subscribe a mobile phone's plan now.
Diary, I need to go out to buy rice cooker and iron now. I prefer to cook and eat at home now. It's not that I've become like 'ibu2' who likes to cook so much! It's because it's very troublesome to find food near my apartment, it's also not healthy to eat outside all the time, rite? Ok ok, I admit that I've becomed an old auntie who likes to shop at supermarket who wears apron all the time, who likes to cook and prepare dinner for husband at home, satisfied now??
See you diary..
Hi again diary,
Ron started his first day of working in HK today. This is the first time we stay apart from each other since we arrived in HK. We didn't have mobile number few days ago so we're really afraid to stay apart and to be lost in this new island like Tao Ming Tse and San Chai and accidentally lost our memory and bye bye forever. So, we even took turn to go to public toilet while the other of us waited outside the toilet. It happened once when we both went to public toilet together; when I went out to look for Ron, he wasn't around! I walked here and there to look for him, searched each of the shops near the toilet, still I couldn't find him. I was so scared, but I waited for him in front of the toilet for few minutes with angry face. And he came by bringing a restaurant's brochure from upstairs. And me wasn't angry anymore since he took me to eat.
Yesterday I managed to go to Macau to activate our visa, the Asia Las Vegas! We took ferry from HK to Macau. It was a quite heavy raining and typhoon yesterday so our boat was not sailing smoothly. We definetely chose a wrong day to sail. Ron spent almost the whole 1 hour trip by puking in the toilet. He should ask for half price ferry ticket refund since he was not using his seat. Me? I spent almost the whole 1 hour trip by sleeping soundly and tightly on my comfortable seat.
Arriving in Macau, we missed our city tour bus. Then, we took a public bus. That was our first time going to Macau, we really didn't know anything! Before we got onto the bus, I already confirmed the destination with the bus driver then we confidently took that bus. 30 minutes passed by, we were still not sure which stop we had to get down till finally the bus reached its final terminal then we knew that we had to get down from the bus. Celingak here, celinguk there, then we took another bus to go to our destination, Senado square. This time, we were sitting on the front row. I also asked the bus driver to let us know when it's time to get down. We managed to go to Senado Square! I'm really proud of myself although it took me 2 bus rounds to reach there.
It was a raining day.. we managed to eat their famous Portugesse egg tart and took some pictures there. Then, we took free shuttle bus to one of the hotel casino, called The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel. I was in Macau so I had to see one of their casinos, rite?
In front of the the St Paul's Ruins, In the Venetian Macao Resort Hotel.

This hotel is very luxurious, with its European Majestic look, and its Venice-city-replica. When I was in Macau, I felt like I was in Batman movie with all the big gorgeous shinning buildings around me. Many times I told Ron "Bener-bener kayak di film Batman ya". Perhaps you don't understand what I'm talking about, how can Macau be a Batman movie, rite? I understand that, because Ron also didn't understand what I was talking about although he was there!
When I was back to HK again in the evening, I felt like I was returning home from my journey to a new place. Suddenly I became familiar with HK although HK itself is also still very new to me. Whatever it is, it's a good feeling to feel that HK is like my home now, or it's because I've no other choice now? Anyway, we have our visa now so I can subscribe a mobile phone's plan now.
Diary, I need to go out to buy rice cooker and iron now. I prefer to cook and eat at home now. It's not that I've become like 'ibu2' who likes to cook so much! It's because it's very troublesome to find food near my apartment, it's also not healthy to eat outside all the time, rite? Ok ok, I admit that I've becomed an old auntie who likes to shop at supermarket who wears apron all the time, who likes to cook and prepare dinner for husband at home, satisfied now??
See you diary..
MacDonnell Apartment
Monday, 6 Oct 08, 10.02am at MacDonnell Room
Hellow diary,
These are the pictures of my current apartment. I'll be staying here for the next one month before I move to my real apartment.

Currently, I'm busy with the settling down issues, like searching for new apartment, finding nearest supermarket and places to eat, trying to figure out the bus route, buying this and that. Last Saturday I went to see around 8 apartments with our property agent. Some look good, but we still have to see more to decide.
Living in HK is not bad. It's not as scary as I thought. Well, at least I can communicate with them now with my oral language, not by my body language, so it's easier for me now. The living cost here is also much much cheaper if compared to Tokyo's living cost. The people here work very fast, that's what I like most about Chinese people. I'll seriously consider to live here for longer term. I don't like moving around, really..
Hellow diary,
These are the pictures of my current apartment. I'll be staying here for the next one month before I move to my real apartment.

Currently, I'm busy with the settling down issues, like searching for new apartment, finding nearest supermarket and places to eat, trying to figure out the bus route, buying this and that. Last Saturday I went to see around 8 apartments with our property agent. Some look good, but we still have to see more to decide.
Living in HK is not bad. It's not as scary as I thought. Well, at least I can communicate with them now with my oral language, not by my body language, so it's easier for me now. The living cost here is also much much cheaper if compared to Tokyo's living cost. The people here work very fast, that's what I like most about Chinese people. I'll seriously consider to live here for longer term. I don't like moving around, really..
First Day in Hongkong
Hi Diary,
Finally I've arrived Hongkong last night. This is the first picture that we took in HK on the express train from airport to Hongkong city area. I'm now in my serviced apartment, browsing the Internet, trying to find out the bus route or MTR (train) route or whatever transportation for me to get out of this hotel. It's not an easy job, you know! I don't know the area here, I don't have a map, I don't know their nyap-yit-ngo-language. My hubby got his working visa issued few days ago, I also got my dependent visa issued too. So, today we'll need to go to Macau to get our visa activated. You know, we have to get out of this country and get in again. Haiz.. Let me continue my browsing again, diary.. I need to find out how to get to the Ferry Terminal to go to Macau today. Hopefully we won't get lost at nowhere later. By the way, I don't even know where Macau is. Is it part of China? Or Mongolia? Or Jengis Khan? Hiks.. I'm scared. I go where the wind blows. Anyway, you can actually see our scared-confused-faces from the above picture, rite?
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