Morning diary..
Last night I couldn't sleep well again. Maybe because I'm not used sleeping in other place. I never imagined the hotel would be that great! I was kind of embarrassed last night. You know, I didn't take shower for the whole one day, I didn't put any make-up on my face, not even powder, so my face was kind of oily and the dark spots on my cheeks were so clear! I didn't comb my hair, not even once yesterday. I was wearing blue T-shirt, 3/4 jeans, and gray (the original color was white) shoes with one hole near my smallest toe. I was hugging a big paper bag of the leftover food from my apartment with my both hands. Can you imagine that? I was with Ron too but he was wearing his business outfit; long sleeves shirt and black pants and black shoes. I didn't realize that my appearance was that bad till I entered the lift and saw my own shadow on the mirror inside the lift. The lift was so elegant, so shining, so bright, but it got uglier suddenly because there was me in the lift! I looked so dirty, so ugly, so old, so ahjumma, so kampung! Two gentlemen took us to our room. I was even too ugly to be even standing beside the bell boys.. *_*#
Once I entered the room, I was so amazed! The bathroom is as big as my apartment's bedroom. I put the pictures here because this is the first time I stay in this kind of great hotel in my life! I didn't expect it because the hotel is arranged by the company. Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why I couldn't sleep well last night. I think I'm really being too kampungan now.
Before turning to bed, as usual, I took my contactlens off then suddenly I remembered something very very important. I forgot where I put my glasses! My thick grandma-like glasses!! With one contactlens still on, I was searching my bag, my luggages, everywhere but I couldn't find it. This morning, I just found out that my two SIM cards (Indonesia's and Singapore's SIM cards) were in my passport cover after searching them for like half day yesterday. So, I hoped that I could find my glasses in my food paper bag or in my soap/tooth paste bag but it was not in any of those. I have to go back to my apartment today to check. Hopefully it's still there. Or, is my glasses on the way to HK now? Oh please.. I thought I was smarter now that everything went smoothly this time. Hiks..