Hellow yellow diary..
Today I'm very sick so I have to stay at home and lie down on the bed. Well, sometimes being sick has advantages, such as, I can just be lazy at home without people calling me 'a lazy pig' and be guilty about it, I can suddenly realize that I can be so cute in my pajamas (the more I wear pajamas, the more I'm attached to it), I can eat all I can with an excuse that 'Good food will help me to recover fast', I can eat regularly 3x a day with an excuse that 'I have to take medicine 3x a day after food', and so on, so forth.
Anyway, I received a forwarded email from my friend few weeks ago but I just didn't have chance to post it here. This is very meaningful. It illustrates a story about a girl who was so desperate about her life and all the problems she had till she wanted to kill herself. Then... she jumped out from her 9-storey apartment and was surprised to see what happened with her neighbors.

It's a good illustration for us. Each of us has secret in our life that we don't dare to reveal it to others, even to our closest persons, like mother, sister, brother, or best friends, or even to personal diary! If we have chance to look into other people's life, we are not the most unlucky persons in this world! For me, I feel better if I get punishment together with other people. It reminds me with a moment during my school days, it was when I was kicked out from class because I was wearing skirt too short. I was soooo embarrassed since it was my first year of my high school time. I went out and looked around, I saw a bunch of girls who were getting same punishment as me, at that time I felt better. The best part was, when I saw my elder sis was among that bunch of girls! Omo! Then, I was not afraid anymore, even when teacher asked us to 'tidak boleh mengikuti 1 mata pelajaran dan berdiri di lapangan selama 45 menit' together with other hundreds of girls. I would regret it if I didn't wear that short skirt. It's so 'langka' for teacher to ask us to skip class, isn't it?
Anyway, the morale of the story is, don't feel down with problems that we have in our life. Just be happy and think about what's the purpose behind it. *Alahhh, now you can say this easily, few days ago you were just so moody!* Weelhaa.. my dialy kulang ajal, belani2nya kau! Those who have experience are the ones who are able to give advice to others, ok?!!
...waktu itu bukan roknya yg kependekan, tp salahkan our slim-long-sexy- legs... En yg jelas, kepsek-nya yg ngiri.. 'tul?
Ahhh betull!! Pas njait kayaknya rok udah pas selutut, udah dicek bener2 (ngeceknya dalam keadaan pake rok, berdiri, trus nginguk ke bawah). Kenapa roknya bisa jadi kependekan ya? Eh salah, kenapa kakinya bisa jadi kepanjangan ya? Harusnya peraturan skolah itu jangan pake ukuran panjang selutut, tapi brp cm ke bawah dari pinggang gitu lohh.. kan adil.
Bilang mbek guru-ne to.... "Bu, ini dulu waktu dibikin dulu udah di bawah lutut. Berhubung kita masih dalam masa pertumbuhan, ya otomatis kaki jadi makin panjang. Makanya jadi keliatan kayak mini skirt".
waaaaaaaaa... I wish I had that slim-long-sexy-leg...
Lhaaa.. judulnya aja "When I'm Jumping Down", 90% tempat dipake untuk mbahas tu topik, la kok yg dikomen dengan asiknya malah rok mini dan kaki panjang?
rok mini dan slim-long-sexy-legs.. bagaikan pasangan yang menarik sekali untuk dikomentari.. hohoho..
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