Hellow my diary,
I just received a picture from my cousin. One of my cousins whom I gave my wedding flower to, remember diary? Yes, she sent me the picture of my wedding flower!! This is the flower that I used in the wedding reception on 8th July 2007. It's very amazing that the flower is still very beautiful. It's probably because my cousin keeps it so well. Isn't it still so beautiful, diary?

Thanks so much for keeping this flower so well, Ci!! I'm very very touched to know that, really..
She puts this flower in a pretty glass vase and puts it on a table near the dining room. I'm wondering if this flower is also a mascot of me in my cousin's house. I'm also wondering how my one other flower is now doing in my other cousin's house.
Ahhh..ini blog favoritku, seakan2 bunganya jadi saksi bisu ikatan cintamu. Seandainya bungaku masih kusimpan, tentu ulatnya sudah beranak pinak juga..
Dia diam membisu, membiru, mengering, seakan tak bernyawa.. tapi sebenarnya dia tau apa yg terjadi, dia tau semuanya!! WAAaaaaaAAAaaAaaa!!! Eh, kok malah jadi horor.
seandainya dia bisa bicara... oooohh seeeeeerraaaaaaaaaaaammmm....
Ci S,
Tolong bungaku jangan diuncalkan ke tong sampah karena serem ya. Dia bisu kok, gak bisa ngapa2in walaupun dia tau semuanya. Hihihihi...
No worries.. bungamu nda ta uncal2ken..malah rencana mau ta pindah ke ruangku yg lbh private.. *tp lum nemu posisi yg pas*.. yg pasti bakal ta jaga bae2..
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