Dear Diary..
I had a very beautiful time yesterday. There's no purpose to show off here or what, I really want to remember that time forever. That's why I want to write it here before I forget the details.
Yes, yesterday we really spent our first wedding anniversary at home. Honestly, I felt down at first. Maybe some of you could already see how I felt from my previous post although I was trying my best to think positive. You know what diary, I didn't regret at all to stay at home yesterday! Yesterday my husband took one day leave so he could stay at home with me. I dunno what he feels, but for me, I feel like we were catching up what we missed lately.
Yesterday morning, I woke up at 7.07am, switched the air-cond off, and wanted to go back to sleep. But, I couldn't sleep so I just gedebak-gedebuk on my bed and the noise made Ron woke up. Then we chatted and cekakak-cekikik for few minutes while still laying on the bed. Then, I was trying to create an atmosphere that we're really celebrating anniversary by asking him "Bagaimana kesan dan pesan Anda mengenai hidup bersama istri Anda selama 1 tahun pertama?" Ron kept silent, he took my left hand and put it on his chest. I laughed and said "Ohh, begini ya jawabannya Pak? Aku disuruh mengerti jawabannya sendiri dengan cara mendengar detak jantung Anda yang adalah jawaban jujur dari..." I had not finished my speech when suddenly a ring was inserted onto my forth finger!!

I was crying wholeheartedly, the feeling was like combination of happy and sad and touched and love. Happy, because I got my wedding ring back. Sad, because it reminded me with a sad incident when I lost my original wedding ring on the night when I returned home from my Japanese class and the moment when I was searching that ring like crazy in the middle of the night for hoursss on the street, on the train, on the train station, and in my school. Touched, because I realized that my hubby forgave my clumsiness and how he understands my heart, it also reminded me how we were bonded together in marriage. Love, because I love him more and more every day. *Permisi nanya, apakah karna disogok??* Ehemm.. BUKANNNN!!!

I'm really happy for you.. Hope you two will live happily everafter till kakek2 n nenek..
Walo sm nasi soto n perkedel..ato nasi kucing,nasi harimau n nasi beruang..yg penting makna nya.. Ya toh..
ps:dikau pake cat kuku apa ya? Ur jempols nail looks nice.. Hehehe..
Ohh.. aku pake cat kuku warna pink muda metal-metal, eh maksudku metalik. Aslinya ga sebagus di poto loh, aslinya udah banyak yg gumpil akibat mencuci wajan.
hepi eniperseri! :d
Oh ada soyuzz.. jadi malu aku ^_^#
Eniw, thank you yahh..
Wah romantis tenan iki ceritane... :)
Eh, topiknya itu wedding ring, bukan cat kuku. Aneh iki, sik dibahas malah cat kuku.
Iya lohh, kok slalu belok2. Jempolku lebih berkilau kah ketimbang cincinku? Wanita kan slalu tertarik sama yg berkilau-kilau.
That's very nice celebration Fen!! :)
Soo romantic yet simple and apa adanya...memang sometimes we forget and too overwhelmed by what to wear or what to do on special occasion, padahal yg paling penting itu bisa spend waktu berdua :)
Nice ring btw ;p
That's very nice celebration Fen!! :)
Soo romantic yet simple and apa adanya...memang sometimes we forget and too overwhelmed by what to wear or what to do on special occasion, padahal yg paling penting itu bisa spend waktu berdua :)
Nice ring btw ;p
Iya Fang, sebenernya aku juga gak planning mau celebrate di rumah, pinginnya sih ngadain something very spectacular and romantic gitu. Well kebetulan aja pas sakit, jadi mesti di rumah, sedih n kecewa bgt sih hari sebelumnya. Tapi dari situ aku malah ngrasa yg kita butuhin skg tu cuman 'kedekatan', bukan dinner yg romantis, bukan hotel yg mewah, itu malah bikin kita pay attention more on those things daripada ke 'kedekatan' itu tadi. Hahaha.. karna udah terjadi ya ngomongnya gini.. hahahaha.. Eniw, thanks Fang! :)
Hi! I am so happy for both of you. Congrats yah for your 1st anniversary! You are very lovely couple. Kapan maen2 ke Singapore? Hehe... Masih betah yah di Japan? Kalo taon depan ada kesempatan, tak mampir ke rumahmu lagi yah...
Theresss.. how are you now?? It's been a long time! Thanks anyway for visiting my blog and congratulating me :D Blom tau neh kapan ke Spore, pasti takkontek deh kalo mau ke Spore.. srius mau ke JP lagi?? Ayukk aja mampir ke gubug miniku ini hihihi..
Kami berdua pengen sih ke Jepang lagi. Ga ada bosen2nya deh ke sana. Hehe... Tapi berhubung kami berdua skrg skolah lagi ya mesti ditunda dulu deh. Mungkin liburan semester depan. Ajarin ngganti layout blog dong... ini dr dulu mau ganti layoutnya blogspot ga bisa2. Aku rada gaptek sejak sama Ihin, abis keenakan biasa dia yang ngurusin segala IT stuff... hehe.
Theres.. kamu skg pake blogspot? Kan dulu pake friendster blog kan? Kalo pake blogspot, ganti background lewat "edit html" trus cari yang ada tulisannya "background", bisa ganti warnanya tapi mesti tau kode # nya (kode # warna bisa diliat dari software design), bisa ganti pake picture (picture mesti diupload di internet dulu trus masukin url-nya). Kalo kmu srius mau ganti, ntar kita chat aja biar lebih jelas :)
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