Good Afternoon, My Dear Diary..
Today is such a hot day! I think the temperature outside is now more than 32 degree Celsius. Summer has come. Now I'm at home, typing in front of my laptop, with windows all open, but still there is no wind blowing, so I have to kipas-kipas myself. Because of this hot weather, my laptop had once been crashed so I have to be careful with it to not let it too hot now. I fell sick because of this 'weather shock', so did my laptop. So now you can imagine how busy I'm kipas-kipasing while writing this diary, rite? I have to kipas-kipas for myself and kipas-kipas once a while for my laptop. I take the positive point from this, which is, firming my arm! *Only your right arm?*
Last nite I had a weird dream. In my dream, I had a phone call from a famous TV station and they invited me to do 'demo masak' in their TV show! Wasn't it an amazing dream? Although I do dream to be a famous movie star but I never dream to be a famous cook. In my dream, I was panic choosing my best menu. And you know what? I chose to cook spaghetti and martabak goreng. Well, I know, those are not compatible meal set but I really did it! *Lately you don't have a great sense in choosing menu for special event* It's just a dreammmmm.. forget it.

Here is what I got:
- x < 700m = feet are still ok.
- 701m < x < 1000m = there were some red scars at the sides of my smallest toes.
- x > 1001m = there were two air balloon at the sides of my smallest toes.
- x = 24hours = the two air balloon were still there.
I tried to take picture of my smallest toe but it was too ugly no matter from which angle I took the picture from, no matter what design software I used to touch it up to make it a little prettier. The ugly part is not only about the balloon, but it's about my toe's nail! My smallest toe's nail (right foot) is black now. It's because when I was around 10 years old, I accidentally menendang pispot adikku dan terpeleset oleh 'air' di dalamnya sehingga jentik kaki sebelah kanan mencium tembok dengan lumayan kerasnya sampai berbunyi, sampai 'air' dari dalam pispot menyiram seluruh kakiku, dan sampai terjadi pendarahan di jentik. I have tried to cut the nail as short as possible with a hope that it would grow normal after that. But why is it still growing so black even till now? I'm wondering if that black thing is because of the pendarahan or because of the magic 'water'? Anyway, I don't want to post the picture here. I don't want to spoil my pretty little diary.
Time to cook dinner now. See you diary.. *Hey, how can you still cook when you were just utak utik your black-nail-jentik??*
Perhaps it's global warming (not summer).
Yess I also think so! It's so warm like in sauna.
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