Hi Diary,
Guess what? I was utak-utik'ing something just now and see what I got here! :)

It's from http://www.morphthing.com. You can combine 2 faces and see what you get. Well, I was just trying to combine my face with my hubby's face. Does our combined face look good? You don't need to tell me what you think, diary. I upload this picture here just for fun.
wow.. Morphthing.. Cool...
When ur face n ur hubby's r combined, dunno how to comment... Just perfect combination between beautiful n handsome.. Great!!
Waaa.. ga jelas itu cewe/cowo jadinya.. pokoknya bentuk mukanya ya kayak gitu itu. Kayak mbak2 yah mukanya? Hihihi..
iya si..
makanya bingung jg..
cantik?? ya iyaa..
ganteng?? iya juga...
Ladies and gentlemen... I present you... Abigail junior.... Hahaha....
Woahh!! Itu bukan Abigail Jr., cuma combine2 poto kok. Hayoo diem2 Koko juga mainan poto sendiri tuhh..
abigail junior ato ron junior neh??
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