
It's Just About This & That...

Wednesday, 11 June 08, 1.19pm at home

Hi diary,
It's been one week since my last post. Last Saturday we had Pizza Party in one of my friends' house, me and my friends were the ones who made the pizzas! We made 25 pizzas all together! You know what, I enjoy making pizza, we can put everything we want to eat on it so I don't need to worry to remove the pickles and pineapples and any other unwanted items.

The first thing came into my mind when I started to put the pepperoni and cheese was my youngest brother. Suddenly I missed him a lot! He loves pizza as much as I love Nasi Goreng, it's been so great if my brother and I make the pizza together. Diary, please remind me, the first thing I wanna do when I go back to Indo is: making pizza with my youngest brother, ok? And the second thing is: making lasagna with my elder sis! And the third thing is: making bibimbap with my Mom. And the forth thing is: having "Kuiz Rahasia Keluarga" with my whole family! Yea, every year we have this kind of quiz, this will be our third time this year. Believe me, your relationship among your family members will be closer once you play this game. Ohh, I miss my family now! I've been planning to do this and that, but honestly, I dunno when I'll go back to Indo, hopefully in December this year. Otherwise, I'll be sooo sad! Hiks.. Hoaaaaa..!! *Your family will be coming here this autumn, rite?* Eh? Ohh yessss!! I forgot! Yipeee.. they'll be here again in October! :D

This weekend, me and my husband will have another trip again. This is what we call enjoying life. God has sent us here, so it must be His purpose for us to enjoy Japan, agree? What's the use of working hard and earning money? Money is for us to wisely spend. Money is not for us to save and save and save until dunno-how-much and put in the bank until dunno-when and at the end we have lots of money and dunno-for-what. *Good excuse!* Yes, thank you. Honestly, I feel so guilty of spending money for holiday again, you know, holiday in Japan is not cheap. I'm now quite relieved that I found this excuse.

We're going to fish this time in Kawaguchi (around 2 hours from Tokyo) by staying over night in a lodge near rivers and BBQ-ing our fish in that lodge. Hopefully this time can make my hubby's dream comes true! You remember about his dream, rite diary?

Ok, I need to go back to my homework again. Oh yes, forgot to tell you; I'm doing 6-week bible study now so there's homework everyday that I have to do. See you when I see you again, diary..



Antony Pranata said...

Loh ganti layout blog-e....

Mumpung masih di Jepang, di-puas2-in jalan2 dulu. Entar kalo udah balik Indo, biaya ke Jepang-e aja udah berapa.

Dulu pas aku di Europe juga sempet jalan2 ke mana2 (tapi belon puas). Nah sekarang mo ke sono, liat harga tiket-e udah mengkerut duluan.

AbigaiL said...

Loh, bukannya ini layout udah agak beberapa minggu gitu.

Wah kalo aku di Eropa mauu banget jalan2nya karena tiap kota lain2 uniknya, lha ini di Jp ampir sama semua sih sbenernya cuman penasaran aja kalo belom ke sana rasanya.. hihihi..

::aLb3rta:: said...

asiiiknya jalan2 ke sana.. ke sini.. foto2 yg banyak yaaaaaaaaaa..