Hi diary!
Few days ago I tried to make ice cream! I wanted to make macha (green tea) and mocha ice cream. Two flavors of ice cream. One cup for each flavor. I got the recipe from my cooking class. I prepared the required-but-not-available-so-I-replace-them-with-the-available-ones ingredients:
- Non-fat milk (it should be full cream milk actually)
- 36% Cream (it should be 100% cream actually)
- Green tea bags(it should be green tea powder actually)
- Raw mocha (it should be mocha powder actually)
- Sugar that's melted with hot water (it should be honey actually)
I followed the instructions, did it step by step, slowly but sure, surely but slow, surely but wrong, wrong but still very sure. I encountered many obstacles; I had to use quite a lot of hot water to get the green tea scent out from 3 tea bags of green tea as well as for the raw mocha as well as for the sugar. Well, it's not only about the scent, I needed green and brown colors too so I had to really squeeze the tea bags and the mocha. After I finished mixing everything, it was so liquid! It should be quite solid. Slowly I was losing my confidence, but I didn't want to give up. I switched my stove on, I boiled it! I felt like Albert Einstein who did the experiments 1000x in his laboratory before he invented...nuclear or ...lamp? Was nuclear invented by Mr Einstein? Anyway, after boiling it for about 10 mins, nothing changed. It's still as liquid as before. Well, this time I gave up. I put the green tea one in plastic container, and the mocha one in another plastic container, and put them in freezer.
On Day 1, I opened my freezer and yes! I was quite happy with the result, it was not exactly like ice cream but at least it didn't look like ice cube. I tasted it, and.. hmm, it was not bad actually. I put them back in the freezer.
On Day 2, I realized that space wasn't enough for those 2 containers to be in my cute freezer. So, I put them in the same container. They were already frozen so they wouldn't disturb each other, rite? I was right and I felt smart, now my freezer had more space since one container had gone.
On Day 3, my freezer was getting more packed. I needed some more space. So, I took that ice cream container out from the top freezer and put it in the bottom part of my fridge. I thought, I would move it back to the top after I took some items out from the top. But, you know.. I watched Tukul 4 Mata and I laughed.. and laughed.. and I was happy.. and I slept happily.. and yes.. I forgot to move it back!

Hahaha..looks nice though!
hihihi.. thanks Fang! :D
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