
My Heart.. My Mind..

Wednesday, 19 Mar 08, 1.41pm at home

Dearest my diary,
My mood now isn't too good. Honestly, I'm also not sure about my own feeling and my own thought.
Am I wrong?
Am I not wrong?
Am I right?
Am I not right?

I know what's wrong and what's right.
I know what I should do and what I should not do.
I also know what I must do and what I must not do.
My mind can understand everything very clearly, clearer than what you can imagine!
But, it seems that my heart and my mind can't synchronize well.

What do you want now, Abbie??!!
I'm not sure if I know what I want and what I don't want.
I'm not sure if I know what I need and what I don't need.
If I know what I want and what I need, why do I have to be so unhappy when someone gives it to me?
If I know what I don't want and what I don't need, why do I have to expect it so much?

I guess, what I need now is just time.
Time will mature me.
Time will prove me.
Time will accompany me.
So sorry.. to you, yes, you!

Confused with my story? Not clear? Blur? Dunno what I'm talking about? Don't ask me. I also dunno.

-Sad Abbie-


Anonymous said...

My heart en my mind juga sama...idem....

::aLb3rta:: said...

my lovely siss...
Walo daku jg bs ngerasain hal yg sama.. Bagaimanapun hidup adalah cerita... Sebuah panggung sandiwara...
So, enjoy it, take it easy baby... Just let it flow.. ^^

Anonymous said...

Hmm..quite confusing, but dont be sad, life is a learning process rite?
Btw, hows the job interview? did u get it?

AbigaiL said...

Hehe iyah, thanks siss!!