
Another Silly Clumsy Stupid Me

Friday, 7 Mar 08, 7.41pm at home

Dear Diary,
Today I just got a job interview. When I was focusing on my cooking skill and wasn't thinking about the job and career, it came just like that. Things that we never predicted and thought will be provided by Him! Well, at least He gave me a chance but it's up to me if I will grab it or not. I'm saying this because I don't think I performed good today.

It was running smoothly in the beginning, I could answer all the questions confidently and 'I-believe'-correctly, till a silly stupid clumsy small incident happened! My hand accidentally slapped a glass on the table! My interviewer quickly took some tissues on the table to dry the table while saying "It's okay.. it's okay". Of course I also took some tissues and helped him drying the table while saying "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry". What else can I say? At the next seconds, we were busy drying the table together. If I watch this kind of incident in the Korean drama episode 1, I will just make a short-sengek-smile and easily can guess that it must be the beginning of the special relationship between the boss and the employee. Unfortunately, it happened in a real life, it happened to my life, and I felt soooooo embarrassed!!! After that, he poured another glass of green tea for me AGAIN and gave me his name card AGAIN since I've wet his first name card that he gave me! I hoped that I was daydreaming, you know, sometimes I'm imagining something very funny and smiling by myself and saying 'Thanks God it's not happening to me' by myself. But, this time is not my imagination! It was too REAL till I could feel my hand was wet of green tea!

You know what, I'll surely choose "Truth" and tell this story if I have chance to play "Truth or Dare" in the future. I kept saying sorry and really wanted to hide inside my blanket at that time. But, as a responsible adult, I faced this embarrassing reality calmly because I know that I've put thick-enough make-up today. For me, wearing make-up is like wearing a mask. So, people don't know my real face. If you don't agree with me, let me ask you; if you happen to go to an open bathroom and you're only given one piece of 30x30cm towel, which part of your body will you cover? If I'm in this situation, my answer is: I'll just use the towel to cover my face! End of the story.

Anyway, now I'm still waiting for the result. Only God can help me in this kind of situation. Whatever it is, I'll gladly receive it! Really..



Antony Pranata said...

Walah... ono2 ae.... Omo... omo....
Itu bilang-e "I'm sorry" pake bahasa apa? Japanese or English.

Kalo aku dikasih kaen 30x30 cm, yang tak tutup ya jelas bagian.... (rahasia donk). End of story.

::aLb3rta:: said...

think positive..... dengan ada kejadian itu.. sapa tau malah diinget terus.. then.. terkabulah apa yang dikau inginkan...... *opo hayoooo*

ko.... yg ditutupi bagian apaaa??? *kalo malu bisiki aku wae....*

AbigaiL said...

Ahh.. koko mbisiki aku ajaaa... kan aku yg nanyaaa.. trus nti cici takbisiki genti..

Welcome back ciiii.. I miss so much!!

Antony Pranata said...

Kan wis dibilang "end of story". Hihihi.... Gak ada acara bisik2an.

Jess said...

ah...aku jg mau dibisiki koko....
Buat yap2...wkt bc blog mu aku smp melongo, ga nyangka wae... Trus kepikir satu kalimat darimu, 'thanx God it's not happened to me!'