Happy Saturday, my diary..
Can you see the picture of my sausages? Cute, aren't they? Honestly, they are not the real animal-sausages. They are fridge magnets, imitation of the real animal-sausages. We can actually make ourselves from real sausages if we want.
This morning I woke up, suddenly I got the mood of taking picture of my 'piaraan'. So, here the picture is. They look sleepy coz I woke them up early in the morning, so sorry..
So.... ini beli atau bikin sendiri?
Itu embek e kok mecucu? Krn pas dapet ujung sosis yg kerut2?
These are not made by me. Ini hadiah dari beli 1 liter botol pepsi. Jadi mesti beli 7L botol pepsi baru bisa ngumpulin satu genk ini. Jadi bisa dibilang beli atau gak nih?
Smua yg bagian mulut pasti pake pantat sosis kok jd kerut2 imut gitu.
Aku lagi mau coba bikin sendiri pake sosis, kalo udah jadi takkasi liat deh ^_^
oooohh... tak kiro gaweanmu dewe yap.. *tiwas mbatin.. yap2 kok kreatip amat* huheuheuheuheue... but i'm sure.. one day u can do it by urself...
aja aja...jia you..!!!
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