
Happy V Day!

Wednesday, 14 Feb 07, 9.45am in office..

Today is Valentine's Day! But I don't celebrate it today since my bf and I already celebrated it on last Saturday, 10 Feb.. We went to Manhattan Seafood Restaurant at Plaza Singapura.
The Menu:
- Big Platter of Seafood for Two - grilled prawn, fried squid, fried fish fillet, fried oyster, fried chips, and garlic rice
- Fried Mini Prawn - as appetizers

Actually we didn't need appetizers since the portion of the Seafood Platter was big enough for two persons! But, we were too hungry at that time so we ordered that cute mini prawn (alias ebi goreng).

You see, you see, you see.. my bf likes prawn so much till all the menu was always with prawns! So, don't blame me if I cooked all prawns on his bday!

Today is exactly the valentine's day, some of my colleagues are taking half-day leave today to celebrate V day.. but I'm not.. I'll still stay in office till 6pm! I'll leave at 6pm just to pretend that I'll celebrate and have fun today.. hihihi.. who says I wont have fun today? Who knows a bucket of red roses come to my home tonight? Or maybe.. other pleasant surprises? Nobody knows, rite?

Should I hope or not? Some people say don't hope too much if you're not sure or you'll get hurt more if you can't get it. But, some people say that hope is the drive to keep us alive and moving on with life. So, should I hope or not? Hope.. not.. hope.. not.. hope..?? Well, I'll still be happy whatever happens.. ^_^

Happy V Day, my little diary..


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