
My V Night.. ^_^

Thursday, 15 Feb 07, 11.44am in office..

My dear diary..

Do you want to know what happened on my V day nite? Hihihi.. See, I'm very good to you, I don't give you chance to kaypo me, I'll share with you personally.. ^_^

After I knocked off from office at about 6.45pm, I went to Vivo City to buy a long sleeve shirt from Daniel Hetcher for Ron.. He likes it so much but there was no stock for his size at other outlet so he didn't buy it.. The colour of the shirt is very pretty.. dark violet with matching colour stripes and special cufflink.. I love both the colour and the design! So, I bought it, i had a gut feeling that he would come.. I chose to believe that hope is a drive to keep us alive..

I reached home around 8.30pm and I was preparing to do Twist and Shape.. I need some exercise to my fat belly and arms, manz.. I cleaned my face, tied my hair up, changed to my sport clothing, refilled my water bottle with plain water, and was about to start playing a movie on my PC (fyi: I usually watch movie while doing Twist & Shape), and.. suddenly my home phone rang.. I heard Ron's voice asking if I was home.. wow! My heart deg deg sirr.. deg deg sirr.. deg deg.. sirr sirr.. He asked me not to do exercise tonight coz he'd be coming to my home.. Oh no! My face and my hair were already pure without make-up, too pure to see.. too pure to celebrate V day!

When Ron came, before opening my front door.. I was hoping to see flower.. I started talking to my self "I see flower.. I see flower.. I see flower" like how a magician hypnotized. It worked!! When I opened the door, I really saw flower on his hand! plus a card! I was stunned for few seconds.. Did I really see a flower? The answer is yes! Ron really bought flower for me! You see, that shows how powerfull a hope is.. :D

Here I uploaded the pic of the flower and the card. I was really really touched by what he wrote on the card. Thanks, Honey.. Can you see the text? It's ok if you can't see.. just stay cool ok?! ^_^




Happy V Day!

Wednesday, 14 Feb 07, 9.45am in office..

Today is Valentine's Day! But I don't celebrate it today since my bf and I already celebrated it on last Saturday, 10 Feb.. We went to Manhattan Seafood Restaurant at Plaza Singapura.
The Menu:
- Big Platter of Seafood for Two - grilled prawn, fried squid, fried fish fillet, fried oyster, fried chips, and garlic rice
- Fried Mini Prawn - as appetizers

Actually we didn't need appetizers since the portion of the Seafood Platter was big enough for two persons! But, we were too hungry at that time so we ordered that cute mini prawn (alias ebi goreng).

You see, you see, you see.. my bf likes prawn so much till all the menu was always with prawns! So, don't blame me if I cooked all prawns on his bday!

Today is exactly the valentine's day, some of my colleagues are taking half-day leave today to celebrate V day.. but I'm not.. I'll still stay in office till 6pm! I'll leave at 6pm just to pretend that I'll celebrate and have fun today.. hihihi.. who says I wont have fun today? Who knows a bucket of red roses come to my home tonight? Or maybe.. other pleasant surprises? Nobody knows, rite?

Should I hope or not? Some people say don't hope too much if you're not sure or you'll get hurt more if you can't get it. But, some people say that hope is the drive to keep us alive and moving on with life. So, should I hope or not? Hope.. not.. hope.. not.. hope..?? Well, I'll still be happy whatever happens.. ^_^

Happy V Day, my little diary..



My shoes have something to do to my life?

Tuesday, 13 Feb 07, 9.15am in office..

Good morning, my little diary..
This morning I woke up early, around 6.45am.. because today is a big day! Today is the D day.. not valentine's day, not a birthday, not a wedding day.. but still a big day for me..

By the time I came out from MRT, my left shoe was spoilt! I have no idea what's the meaning of this? Is it just coincidence or it means something? I don't want to believe something superstitious like this.. but because today is the big day, I can't stop thinking what will happen.. I know that God will bless me, He will show His endless love, and He will open the way for me..

Anyway, you want to know what happened after my left shoe spoilt? Well, I had no other choice except carrying it with my hand.. and I walked with my bare foot (left) and I still wore my right shoe (right). Since my shoes are high-heel shoes so I walked a bit 'dengklank' and my left foot has to 'jinjit' a bit when I was standing on the lift.. It was so embarassing!!

When I reached my office, I remembered that I left my other pair of high-heel shoes in office.. amazing, rite? I never left any shoes in office, just this once.. it's because I bought new shoes during office hours a few days back and because I wanted to wear my new shoes so i left my old shoes in office, every time I forgot to bring it home.. I don't know what's the meaning of this too? God sent shoes for me? Was it God's will that I bought new shoes during office hours? Or does it mean that I've to go through some barriers and troubles but God still prepares everything for me?

Let's see.. keep praying and stay cool!
I'll keep you updated..



Story about Ndip2 dan Encang

Still Friday, 9 Feb 07, at 7.08pm, still in office..

Hello My Little diary,
Hari ini gak mau nulis macem2 seh, cuman tiba2 teringat aja Ndip2ku yang comel waktu di Jepang. Begini neh ceritanya..

Kejadian ini terjadi pada pagi hari sekitar jam 9 pagi di suatu hotel di Jepang, Narita.. Kita lagi packing2 mau pulang ke Singapore lagi.. keadaan kamar hotel waktu itu berantakan banget karna lg packing2, dan karena kejadian itu terjadi di kamarnya Ndip2 dan Oy jadi semakin berantakan lagi.. maklum lah, kamar cowok! Koper terbuka dimana2, kaos kaki beterbangan di mana2 juga, selimut juga sebagian di atas kasur sebagian di lantai, rafia gak kegulung ada di lantai.. udah jelas belum deskripsinya? Sori kalo kepanjangan, cuman pingin ngasi efek2 gitu lohh.. sbenernya ceritanya singkat banget seh, makanya perlu dipanjang2in.. karena dulu Bu Guru bilang "sedikit demi sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit", loh?!!

Terus terus.. pas lagi sibuk2nya kita semua lari2 dan lompat2 koper ke sana ke mari, ke kiri ke kanan.. tiba2 ada suara aneh, si encang buang gas alias kentut! Saking anehnya sampe aku sendiri gak sadar kalo itu suara kentut! Si Ndip2 punya pendengaran tajam bak seekor kelinci (berdasarkan fakta bahwa kelinci bertelinga panjang), dia mendengar adanya suara aneh tersebut dan menyadari bahwa itu suara kentutnya encang! Mungkin karna mereka biasa tidur sekamar seh jadi Ndip2 peka sekali terhadap suara2 misterius seperti itu..

Setelah Ndip2 mendengar suara itu, dia berkata dengan lantang:
"Cang, suara entute kok elek bangeti to? Lain kali diperbaiki ya.."
Si Encang menjawab dengan santai:
Andy menjawab lagi dengan muka serius:
"Tenan lo Cang, janji loh! Encang tuh wes jan, dah takbilangi berkali2 taksuruh memperbaiki kok tetep ndak berubah!"
Encang menjawab lagi dengan serius juga seperti kalo pas dimarahin Mama:
"Iyah, janji.."

Nada suara Ndip2 dan Encang terkesan santai dan mereka tetap sibuk packing2 barang (serasa mereka lagi membicarakan nilai raport Encang yang menurun drastis dan harus diperbaiki semester depan), semua orang tidak menyadari kalo topik yang Ndip2 dan Encang bicarakan itu tentang kentut!

Aku juga baru sadar sekarang kalo sebenarnya itu topik lucuuuu bangetttt... hoahahaha.. Keep it up Ndip and nCang!


How Engineers Describe Women?

Friday, 9 Feb 07, 12.30pm in office..

Hello, just got these funny pictures from my colleague so I upload it here.. The following pictures explain very well about how women react, do, feel, etc.. As a woman, I agree to some of them, but there's one pic I don't agree at all!! Happy seeing then.. ^_^

This is cool! Hahaha.. guys out there, be careful! Enjoy your 'bujang' period then..

This is very correct! Is it because woman likes shopping or because she's always lost in shopping mall (or pretend to be lost)??

What is this?? Does it mean woman's life is more colourful than man's? Or does it mean something else? Something to do with 'Pak Parno'? You tell me..

I'm blur! I guess I'm not up to that engineer's level.. Can you use more humanly language?

What an A+ math exam??!! It's an F test!! Totally wrong!! It should be:
1. To find a woman you need time and money <-- correct!
Woman = Time + Money (Not x!)
2. Time is money <-- correct!
Time = Money
3. Therefore,
Woman = Money + Money
4. Money is to buy Precious Gem, Money is very useful <-- not the root of all problems!
Woman = Precious Gem + Very Useful
(read: Woman is shining beautifully like a precious gem yet she's capable and useful! What a great creature!)

Aja aja, women!!



Extremely Happy Day Ep.2

Thursday, 8 Feb 07 at 6.25pm in office now..

This morning at about 11am, someone called my mobile when I was in office.. this someone gave me a super duper wuper tuper good news! It's not that I like to use the term "super duper wuper tuber" for any situation. Yes, you guess it right! This good news has something to do with the good news I received on 28 Nov, still remember? I told you that the story was to be continued, rite? Today is the continuation of that story. 'That thing' is going better now.. nearer to the best, but still not final yet! So, I still cant tell you what it is.. to be continued again till another right time comes.. hihihi.. "So what's the purpose of writing here if still don't want to tell what 'that thing' is??" I know that's what you're thinking about now lalalala... For the second time, you got your answer right again! It's because I want to remember that today, 8 Feb 07, is another happy day for me! I always pray to God, I don't want a thing for my bday present this year (I still expect some presents for my bday next year, ok!) but just give me 'that thing' and I'll be happier than ever..

Still curious what 'that thing' is? Ok la, I give you a little hint. That someone is my bf! That's all.. ^_^ Bye, My Little Diary.. don't be angry, don't be kaypo, just stay cool ok!

-Blissful Abbie-