Hellow my diary,
I'm in HK now. It's not that I had a long holiday! I was back from Thailand last Sunday, it was only 5 days trip. But I enjoyed it so much!
I experienced another type of life. I mean, I'm a land-creature; a living creature who usually lives on the land. When I was in Phuket, I experienced living like a fish. We were brought to another island by boat. When the boat stopped somewhere in the middle of the sea, I went into the sea with my mask, snorkel, a life jacket, and a pair of fins on.
That was my first time swimming on the sea. I did go into the sea years ago when I was playing banana boat, I did go into the sea years ago when my the boat that pulled my parachute was suddenly off in the middle of the sea so I had to voluntarily fly down into the sea with my big parachute while seeing the boat's driver trying hard to switch on the machine again. And for your information, I can't swim!

Luckily somebody invented 'life jacket'. Luckily I could borrow and wear life jacket! It's really a jacket that saved my life. The first time I jumped into the sea, the fins were really bothering me. My left fin was so big and heavy, I felt that it was going to fall off soon and be drown into the deep blue sea. I found out later that actually I was given a wrong size for my left fin, one size bigger than my right one. I had to struggle with my loose fin while I was already under the water. My feet had to keep moving so that I could keep floating on the water. But I also couldn't move my feet so much since at the same time I had to slowly take off my fins. I tried my best with all my swimming styles; frog's style, dog's style, whatever style to keep me floating. I managed to take off my left fin. The right fin was suddenly so tight as the water came in. And.... suddenly.... I'm sleepy now. Bye diary, let me continue this posting tomorrow, ok?
Good morning diary, I am on the bus to office now. Ok, where were we? Oh yea, the fin! Finally I managed to get rid of my right fin and put them back on the boat. I was so scared of swimming far away from the boat, I kept holding the boat while my mask and snorkel were already on my face. I felt like an orange nemo on the land. My hubby dragged me to the water. My legs kept moving, I was panic, I couldn't feel the land, yea that's 3m deep of sea! I was tired, salt-water came into my snorkled-mouth, I thought I would die there like a salted fish. But, I was floating! I wasnt drown! Yea, I was wearing life jacket! Stupid me was wearing life jacket and saved.
The next part is the most beautiful part. I was
Awwww...that is so sweet Fen!! :)
Eh kalo gk bisa berenang tetep bisa snorkling ya? soale daku juga gk bisa berenang, mengapung saja cuman sebentar hihihi ^_^
iyaa fang, bisaaa... pake life jacket, enak bgtt tinggal tengkurep bisa mengapung ke sana ke mari sambil liat ikan, tapi mesti didorong oleh org di seblah ;P
Hebattttt...i envy uuuu...aku juga takut banget Fen kalo berhubungan dengan dasar2 laut gitu...takut kaya di film2 takut ketinggalan, takut ilang, takut hiu ^^! hehehehe ur hubby is so sweett ^^
Hi Abigail: beneran yah mis ngak bisa renang tp pg snorkeling gpp? I also cannot swim sob sob....
@JJ: beneran kok gak perlu bisa renang gpp, asal pake life jacket loh.. kalo gak pake life jacket ya tenggelam lah hehehe..
@Anny: Aku juga takut hiu, takut tiba2 udah kebawa arus sampe jauh ke tengah laut (bahkan ke lain pulau), takut ketabrak kapal lewat, makanya bentar2 ndongak ke permukaan hihihi... tar ajakin si superhuman snorkeling when u have chance.. seruu banget!! ^^
We are planning to visit Phuket in mid-Oct.
Thank you for posting.
I've been looking at some of the posts on this website to get an idea about travel in Phuket for my next vacation.
I think I'll stay here Surin Beach Hotel This hotel is very nice clean and the people are friendly. VERY nice hotel with helpful staff.
And I really love white sand, crystal clear waters at Surin Beach too.
Thank again.
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