
Chicken Love Story

Friday, 5 June 09, 11.52pm at home

Hello diary,
Just dropping by to upload these pictures. *Who took these pics?* Me. Why? Is there something wrong? These chickens are so interesting. Look at their love life!

[A guy is chasing a girl] === [The guy and the girl are finally in love]

[They are having kids] === [The girl is now afraid to lose the guy!]

This is an illustration of a relationship between a guy and a girl, before and after marriage.

Anyway, those chickens are actually for salt & pepper. I bought them in Bangkok last week in the airport. I took pictures of them to show you how cute they are, never had intention to create that stupid chicken-love-story.

Good night, diary!



Antony Pranata said...

huahaha... lucu tenan.

tapi gak kebalik tuh guy ama girl-nya?

perasaan yang kiri itu guy; terus yang kanan itu girl.

AbigaiL said...

Oh iya ya? Kalo pas poto manten tuh, sblom merit tuh guy di sebelah kiri, abis merit guy di sebelah kanan, ato kebalik ya? Aturan chinese itu macam2 hihihi...

Anny Suhalim said...

the chicken story is so true ^^!